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Winter is almost officially here although in some places it really seems like winter has more than arrived. Thankfully here in Georgia, we have been pretty lucky as far as weather goes. However, I know that there are things we need to be doing to get ready for winter. Specifically there are things that we need to be concerned about when it comes to our HVAC system. This Turn Up the Heat – HVAC Seasonal Switch #HouseExperts post has everything that you need to take care of your home.
Because winter weather is right around the corner, you need to make certain that your HVAC system can keep up. The experts at Sears are people that you can trust to repair or replace your home's heating and cooling system just in time for the holidays. No matter what your project, Sears can help you upgrade your home, replace an HVAC unit or check out your furnace or boiler. The Sears House Experts have you covered.
Sears offers a fabulous resource for customers right on their website. Any questions that you might have regarding caring for your HVAC system and pretty much anything for your home can most likely be found in their vast library of information put together by experts.
Quick and Easy Fixes for Home Furnaces
Heating System Models by Sears
Heating and Cooling System Self-Assessment
7 Easy Energy-Saving Tips for Winter
6 Ways to Winterize Your Home
Water Heater Problems and Troubleshooting
Ready to get your own HVAC checked out? Simply call the Sears House Experts today and get this great deal! $40 off HVAC Paid Repair or Paid Maintenance check, offer valid: 11/20/2016 through January 29, 2017.
Learn about other great Sears Home Improvement offers
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This Turn Up the Heat – HVAC Seasonal Switch #HouseExperts post is part of sponsored campaign with Sears Home Services. We are updating our home which was built in 1968. Sears Home Services is our first call for quotes on work needed.
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We just had a new AC and Heating unit installed this summer. These are great resources. Bookmarking this page 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing this. We need to have our HVAC system looked at, so this is perfect timing.
We need a new heating unit! Or at least I think we do. Maybe I should just call Sears Experts and get their opinion on it during a maintenance check.
We had to have a new unit put in last month. I’m thankful for heat. It’s cold here today!
This is great information. I find that because I am in Florida we have the opposite problem. We have to watch for when the AC goes on.
You definitely need to have it looked at before the cold hits. We didn’t do it one year and suffered dearly for a few days until the repair man could come out to fix it!
We definitely need an update to our heating system. This sounds terrific.
I like the money-back options.
And the name / service are tough to beat.
This sounds great. Sears Home Services is always our number option. Thanks for sharing this!
This is a informative post. It is very useful in this season. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
This is a great service to keep in mind especially since we’ve been turing the heat on lately. Something like this is easy to slip from your mind because of the holiday madness, thanks for the reminder.
We don’t often have to worry about heating, but it’s cooling down quickly around here. Time to make sure we’re up to snuff to keep everyone warm this winter.
We thankfully rent at the moment so when we have an issue it’s taken care of pretty quickly but it will soon be up to us! This is great!
We had a new furnac e put in last winter. Ours went completely out. I am in the Midwest so know all about cold winters. I do not think they have this service here. I shop at Sears quite a bit, and they havent been advertising it
I love Sears and all their options. I’ve already updated mine!
My brother is on top of this. I am so bad with remembering these things with the holidays going on. Sears has everything we need for the heating season and so much more.
Our daughter needs a new heating unit too. I need to call the Sears experts and see what they recommend.
Thank you for these resources. We need to get our heating system checked out.
Good thing you wrote this because it reminded me to book a HVAC servicing! I couldn’t believe the difference getting it cleaned made last time.
The possibility of our heating or cooling system going down is extremely scary. Routine care and maintenance is definitely a good idea.
These are great tips!
We just moved into a house and learning how to maintain things was challenging. The HVAC was a part of it!
This are great tips! I think we need a new HVAC unit. Thanks for sharing this!
Nice timing! We really need this kind of system in my house. Well i will share this to my family. I hope they would like it.
I always get my furnace maintained before Winter. A little bit of maintenance can save you a bunch of headaches later.
The one thing that I hate is a heat pump that isn’t ready for the winter. Here in NC, it takes a bit for it to get cold, but when it does, it seems like it is sudden and it stays with us for a while. It pays to have a heat pump that is ready for the winter.
The $40 off is a good deal. ’tis the season to get maintenance done. It’s about to really get cold now!
Thank you so much for sharing this. We have the absolute worst heating system in our apartment. I bet it’s because all the units need maintenance!
Pingback: How to Prevent Your Furnace From Breaking Down During Winter