What is Good UV Rays for Tanning?
What is Good UV Rays for Tanning?
Whether it’s naturally in the sunlight or inside an artificial tanning bed, many of us regularly get tans, either voluntarily or involuntarily. While getting a tan may seem like a purely aesthetic thing to do, there are actually a variety of great reasons to get a slight tan for both your physical and mental wellbeing. It doesn’t hurt that it also looks great on a wide number of skin tones! The best thing about tanning is that you don’t even have to go out into the sweltering heat to get one, either. Indoor tanning solutions exist, generally involving the careful exposure of your skin to UV light. And don’t stress about needing to visit a professional tanning salon, either — simply look for gyms with tanning included! We hope that this What is Good UV Rays for Tanning post inspires you.

While this might sound scary, regulating and measuring the amount of UV light you’re exposed to, you can get the same benefits of being exposed to sunlight without the risk of sunburn or skin damage. You can also avoid the disappointment of a poorly done or underdone tan, too. Whether you’re looking for a tan to feel a bit more confident in your appearance, or for the other health benefits associated with getting a tan, here are the top five reasons to consider controlled tanning today!
What is Good UV Rays for Tanning?
Better Physical Shape
One of the best reasons to go for a tan is the myriad of health benefits associated with sunlight exposure and tanning. A moderate amount of sunlight is necessary for human beings to survive, and the core component of sunlight, UV light, can also provide many of the same benefits. Exposure to controlled UV light can promote Vitamin D levels in your body, which people naturally create through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D lowers the risks of many forms of cancer and autoimmune diseases while also strengthening your immune system. UV light exposure can also promote healthy bone growth and treat skin conditions, as well.
Pain Relief
Another great reason to get a tan is pain relief. Numerous studies have shown that responsible exposure to UV light can help to relieve stiff or painful muscles, such as those from sports-related injuries, or conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis. In a study published by the National Library of Medicine, researchers found that individuals who had received doses of UV light reported a decrease in perceived pain, measured on the Likert pain scale. UV exposure also promoted greater relaxation in the muscle structure, further contributing to more pronounced healing over time.
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Long Term Health
UV light exposure has also been linked to benefits in long-term health. Vitamin D deficiency is correlated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Individuals who live in places with less sun, such as Northern Europe or North America, are more likely to die of heart disease, particularly during the winter months. Cholesterol can also rise as a result of decreased Vitamin D levels. Regular and controlled UV light exposure can make up for the lack of sunlight during the winter months in these regions.
Additionally, Vitamin D has been shown to play a role in suppressing appetites in people and helping individuals lose weight. By helping you to control how much you eat, exposure to UV light can lead to a lower caloric intake, making weight loss easier. Excess body fat is one of the leading causes of heart disease and can greatly affect your long-term health and general well-being.
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Better Mood
Not only is UV light exposure associated with improved physical health, but getting a tan can improve your mental health as well. Exposure to light increases serotonin levels in the body, increasing the amount of this so-called “happiness hormone” in your system. In turn, it can help with mood regulation and stress control. Experts suspect that a lack of sunlight exposure is one of the primary causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which causes a decrease in mood and worse emotional regulation for many people in the winter months. You can help keep yourself feeling peppy and ready to go by making sure you’re exposed to enough UV light.
Summer Preparation
Finally, getting a controlled tan can help you regulate how you look later in the summer. Sunlight can cause an uneven tan, also known as a farmer’s tan, due to the interference of clothes, or cause certain individuals to burn or turn red. While a mild base tan has been shown to have numerous health benefits, burns have been shown to increase your risk of skin cancer and other complications.
However, by exposing yourself to a controlled amount of UV light and getting a tan beforehand, you can dramatically reduce the tanning of the sun while in natural light. By taking careful measures and limiting your UV exposure, you can help make sure you get your perfect tan — but without any of those unwanted or nasty complications!

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