A Busy Sports Family
A BUSY SPORTS FAMILY I grew up with sports. My sister and I played pretty much anything including softball, soccer, volleyball, basketball and more. I even ran track. My dad coached us for years...
5 Ways to Make Certain Your Kids Stay Cool and You Don't Embarrass Yourself in the Process
Back to school is one of the most stressful times of year for my family. There is so much to do. Tons of things to buy like school supplies, clothes, etc. Lists to make. Lists to check off. Most importantly, you need to know How to NOT Embarrass Your Kids in Carpool.
We drive carpool every year and I have come up with a few ways to not stress my kids out when I pick them up. In turn, this reduces my own stress. We have also partnered with Fruit of the Loom on this post to share their fabulous Bonus Pack and the Fruit of the Loom Bonus Bonus Pack Contest. All information is below.
Fruit of the Loom has everything that your child could possibly need for a great foundation under their favorite school clothes. Stock up with socks, underwear, undershirts, tanks and more.
This is probably the cardinal rule not to break. Although I have broken it many times, I am pretty certain now that I have learned my lesson. There is nothing worse than walking into the school because we are two minutes late and having to sign in your kids. Well…the only thing worse is making that walk of shame in your pajamas without shoes. That happened to uh…someone I know.
Once you see your child or if you are trying to get their attention, DO NOT use your horn to do so. Kids at one point reach the age when they are trying to be cool and they may not clue you in on when exactly that is. I honked at my son one day because I thought I was being kind of funny but when he pretended not to know me, I realized that maybe the horn is not such a good idea. Plus it scares the snot out of the cars in front of you.
See above. No hanging out the window and acknowledging your kids. Wait until the door is closed and only smother with kisses if you have tinted windows. My daughter once walked the other way when I was waving wildly out the window. In fact, she told me to calm down.
Most of us do not listen to the same music as our children. I happen to but I try to never blast the music when picking them up because I have distinct memories of my mother blasting some golden oldies while picking me up from a school dance in my childhood. I might have been scarred for life.
No excessive waving? I’m cracking up! I may have already blown the music part though. I’m nearly positive I played mine too loud when they were in school. lol
Ha ha! Posts like these are the kind that make me sad that I homeschool and don’t have such opportunities! I’ll have to come up with other ways to embarrass my kids, I guess. Your horn honking comment got me laughing!
I’ve made a few of these mistakes. I have had my daughter tell me to turn down my music before we even reached the school. Thankfully my son still likes to give me a kiss when I drop him off.
I love this post. It sure did make me chuckle. I have done the honking. How else am I supposed to get their attention?
What a great conversation to have, kids can get so embarrassed easily but when a parent goes up and beyond and embarrasses them it can stink for the kids and parents. Great article!
This post is so funny! My parents were a fan of excessive waving when I was a kid.
I am sure I have embarrassed them a time or two. lol. I will definitely keep these tips in mind! I always forget about the music being not their ‘thing’. lol
I am pretty sure I have embarrassed my kids before at carpool! These are great tips to avoid doing so.
According to this list I embarrass my kids almost daily, especially with the pajamas and excessive waving. I have this this where I wave while yelling “I’m over here!” even when they’re right in front of me. My two youngest have come to accept this behavior, my oldest will not.
Ahhhh….. I seriously think its too late for me. My 39 year old son tells stories of me and the suburban “barreling down the road with rocking to the oldies blaring on the radio as I screeched to a halt in front of the high school while kids were jumping out of the way”. Oh! And he never leaves out that I wore huge sunglasses that made me look like a bug. Ha!! But they always always kissed me hello and good-bye. It was a good example for all their classmates.
HA! This is great! I am usually the mom wearing her PJs in the morning!
Love this post! Thank you for sharing such great tips! I am guilty with excessive waving but now I know I should not do that again.
This was a funny look at a serious topic. Children are easily embarrassed and often when they shouldn’t be. These tips are quite helpful.
I did a few of these when my kids were teenagers. This is a great contest. I will have to take my photo to enter.
My kids love it when I play the music loud for now. I know one day soon it will be embarrassing for them. These are great tips.
This fruit of the look pack seems right up my alley. I am needing some new “pretty things”. Embarrassing my kids? I think that was my full time job.
Hilarious! I am SO the embarrassing mom, I know it! I need to be better as my kids get older, ha!
I have to say, I luck out that I do not have to worry about this. My mother in law volunteers to play school chauffeur and I gladly accept.
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