6 Basic Rules of Tidying Up from the Konmari Method by Marie Kondo

Streamlining Your Life with the Konmari Method
Anyone who is into home improvement and organizing has likely heard of the best-selling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo (author of . The home organization juggernaut has inspired millions of “Konverts” to declutter and go minimalist, only hanging onto stuff it if can bring joy into their lives. Clever storage tricks and simplified organization processes make the system sustainable for the long term. We hope that you love this 6 Basic Rules of Tidying Up from the Konmari Method by Marie Kondo with FREE Printable Checklist #MarieKondo #doesitbringyoujoy #TidyingUp #KonMari #KonMariMethod #Netflix post.
Marie Kondo’s method – often called the KonMari method – consists of 6 steps to declutter your life. The method goes beyond just cleaning and getting organized to a deeper level that asks the question: what is a person’s ideal lifestyle and does this object help achieve it? If the answer is yes, then find a place for it. if the answer is no, then let it go.
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This deceptively simple strategy of Marie Kondo (also authored Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up) is based on the Japanese art of decluttering your home and organizing. It’s gone viral with multiple best-selling books including “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and “Spark Joy”, and a binge-able Netflix series, “Tidying up with Marie Kondo”

6 Basic Rules of Tidying Up from the Konmari Method by Marie Kondo
Getting started with KonMari is as simple as applying its 6 basic principles:
1. Commit To Tidying Up Completely
The first step is to make a commitment to oneself to follow through on the process. Going in with the confidence that the entire process will be completed from start to finish will eliminate the need for willpower. Make a promise to yourself, you’ll be empowered to follow through. It can also help to think of the method as a gift given to oneself. A gift of an organized home can benefit mind, body, and heart.
2. Envision Your Ideal Home And Lifestyle
Visualization is a powerful tool, and it’s the first step in the KonMari Method. Imagine the ideal home and lifestyle. Imaging what it would look and feel like living in those ideal conditions. Having a clear vision will not only guide the process, but it will also keep everything on track when things get difficult.
3. Finish Discarding First – Let Go with Gratitude
Many people fall into the trap of putting unused or unnecessary things out of sight and out of mind. In reality, this just adds to clutter and decreases the amount of space available to organize and store the things that are important. KonMari also argues that holding onto these things keeps a person tethered to their past and unable to move forward into their ideal future. Go through them thoughtfully and acknowledge the items with gratitude before discarding them. The symbolic gesture honors the past while making room for the future.

4. Tidy By Category (Not By Location)
The idea behind this step is not to organize room by room. Instead, collect every item in your house that falls within a specific category (such as clothing or paperwork), and then sorting through them in one pass. This enables a person to see everything in their life and home within a certain category and really evaluate whether the volume of items matches the importance of that category in their ideal life.
5. Follow The Right Order
The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing prescribes a specific order to follow when sorting through one’s belongings. The order is:
Clothing (with Marie Kondo's
method of folding)
2. Books
3. Paperwork
4. Komono (miscellaneous items)
5. Sentimentals Using the “Tidy By Category” approach, collect every item that falls within a specific grouping throughout the entire home. Then, move onto step #6.
6. Only Keep Items That Spark Joy
For each item ask the question, “does this spark joy?” If the
clothing is hanging in your closet then it must bring joy. When tidying up with Marie Kondo, the emphasis is on discovering which items to keep as opposed to which items to discard. Just ask this simple question, the most important and enjoyable items will reveal themselves and the rest will be easily dismissed by just asking this simple question. Joy is unique to each individual person. Joy could mean a sentimental connection, a soft and cozy feeling, a sense of peace and security, or a beautiful appearance.
Marie Kondo's Konmari Method has inspired millions to declutter and simplify their lives, offering effective strategies for ongoing organization. Discover more about this transformative lifestyle approach!
Konmari Sparking Joy Printable Checklist

Why Tidying Up is so Important
There are many reasons why tidying up your house is important, Here are a few:
- It can help you feel more relaxed and less stressed. When your home is cluttered, it can be difficult to relax and unwind. The mess can be overwhelming and can make it hard to focus on anything else. Taking the time to tidy up your home can help you create a more peaceful and relaxing environment.
- It can help you be more productive. When your home is cluttered, it can be difficult to find what you need. This can lead to frustration and wasted time. Taking the time to tidy up your home can help you find what you need quickly and easily, so you can be more productive.
- It can help you save money. When your home is cluttered, it can be easy to lose track of things. This can lead to you buying things you already have, or to you forgetting about things that you need. Taking the time to tidy up your home can help you keep track of your belongings, so you can save money by not buying things you already have or by not forgetting about things you need.
- It can help you improve your health. Clutter can be a breeding ground for dust, dirt, and germs. This can lead to allergies, asthma, and other health problems. Taking the time to tidy up your home can help you create a healthier environment for yourself and your family.
- It can help you improve your relationships. When your home is cluttered, it can be difficult to have guests over. This can lead to social isolation and can strain your relationships. Taking the time to tidy up your home can help you create a more inviting and comfortable environment for guests, so you can enjoy spending time with the people you care about.
Tidying up your house may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Just start by decluttering one small area at a time. As you declutter, you'll start to feel more relaxed and productive. You'll also start to see the benefits of a tidy home, both for yourself and for your family.
Are you ready to start your Marie Kondo project? Getting rid of what doesn't spark joy? Then you need our checklist. Get our free printable Konmari Checklist right now! 6 Basic Rules of Tidying Up from the Konmari Method by Marie Kondo
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