Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge
Reading is a huge part of my life. HUGE. I have been reading since the age of three and have not stopped since. Or when I do stop it is only to write something....
Did you know that 84% of rear-facing-only infant car seats are misused or installed incorrectly? *Source Chicco
As a new mother, one of the things that I was constantly worried about was “Am I doing everything right?” Of course I wasn’t. However, I did worry about whether or not my carseats were properly installed. When my first child was born, everyone in the family wanted to help out. My husband and truly appreciated it.
This meant that carseats were moved around a lot and it took me a little while to get the hang of installing them properly every time. I had to practice and then I had to show everyone else in the family. Now Chicco can help you out with those questions. 5 Common Infant Car Seat Questions
Chicco (pronounced Kee-Ko) has long been recognized for offering superior baby products. I have several Chicco items that have lasted through three children and still have life left in them. As a soon-to-be mom and then as a mother, I chose Chicco products because the name symbolizes quality to me. Shopping at Chicco means that I can discover everything Chicco. From children’s clothing and shoes to toys and of course, their vast selection of car seats, playards, highchairs and more.
Chicco shared the infographic below because like the great products they make, they also want to educate their customers and to help them be better parents. The number one question that people had, of course, is my exact question as a new parent, “Is my carseat installed correctly?”
The graphic answers other importance questions like what to look for when buying a carseat, weight & height limits, LATCH vs. seatbelt and more.
Finally I want to leave with you this statistic from the infographic below because I truly cannot stress enough the importance of having your carseats are installed correctly. 5 Common Infant Car Seat Questions
“When installed correctly into a vehicle, child safety seats reduce injury to infants by 71%.”
Graphic courtesy of
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Thank you Chicco Shop for sponsoring this post. While this was a sponsored opportunity from Chicco Shop, all content and opinions expressed here are my own.
This is such a great resource for any new parent. Car seats are only safe if they’re installed properly.
So many things to keep in mind, but very important things to keep your baby safe.
It’s so important to be educated about car seat safety! You can never be too safe when it comes to your child.
This is great information! It is going to help a ton of new parents out there.
Have I been saying Chicco wrong this whole time!?! I had no idea! I do use the pinch test, even today when I put my four year old into his 5 point harness. It’s a great tool to check belt tightness.
I think this is great to know. Seats have really changed over the years
I had no idea babies outgrew with height quicker than weight. Now that I think about it, I can see that though.
I feel like car seat rules are constantly changing. It’s good for parents with kids still in car seats to be aware of the changes. This is some great info!
What a good deed to put the information out there about the importance of installing car seats properly. The statistics about saving infants in case of a crash are amazing. I’ll definitely recommend Chicco to anyone in the market for an infant or toddler car seat.
I remember not knowing a thing about car seats before kids. We went and had ours checked out by our local police to make sure it was installed properly. I always liked the 5 point harness. It really kept them secure in there.
The nerves and anxiety about infant car seats are REAL.
I remember when I took the seat to the fire department to check that we’d installed it correctly.
This is so interesting. I have a friend that is expecting and i will be sure to share this with her.
Love this! When my son was little I had so many questions. Love Costco products.
This is an interesting article.
I am sure it will be very helpful to many parents!
Such a great guide for new parents! Thanks for sharing.
Great infographic! I heard Chico Baby is one of the best brands for car seats!
So many tragedies can be averted by being sure a car seat is properly installed, great share!
Always remember and bear in mind the rules of safe driving, especially if you have your baby with you while driving. Much better if you have a baby car seat installed in your car and always check f the car seat is installed properly.
A great resource for parents who owns a car and has a baby travelling with them. When it’s time to travel on going on a vacation, always make sure that baby car seat are poperly installed.