Wordless Wednesday – Windshield Rider
This little guy rode on my windshield today for over 30 minutes right at eye level. Creeped me out and fascinated me at the same time. I finally had to pull over and take...
(or – thoh – DAHN – truh – pre – noor) n:
A child who wants to knock out all of his own teeth in the interest of a hefty payday from the Tooth Fairy.
Taken from the hilarious, must read from Eric Ruhalter: The Kid Dictionary.
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It’s funny how that always happens.
I know Amber. It sure is. Cannot believe it all happened at once!!
You remind me I need to grab a few gold coins the next time I go to the bank! It’s only a matter of time until Gavin’s start falling out!
Yeah after this happened with my son, we made a pact to always keep cash on hand for just this sort of thing!
She and Daly must be having a contest…she’s lost 3 in 5 days. She has one more that’s loose. Go figure!
That is too funny!! I swear I see her wiggling other teeth now but she denies it!
Wow! Wonder what the going rate for teeth is these days. I received a whopping 25 cents per tooth back in the day 🙂
We give $5 per tooth but yeah…it was 25 cents back in the day for me too!
Wow! That’s a lot of missing teeth.
It sure is Julie!
My nine year old did 3 in one week a couple of years ago, she nearly drained my tooth fairy fund with those bad boys!
Yeah it is kiling us. We were not quite prepared for so many at once!
She is cute!
Thanks Verena!
Wow, that is like having to learn to talk all over again. lol
It sure is. She keeps lisping and then catching herself!! 🙂
That’s a lot of money I mean teeth!
Yes. To both!! 🙂
LOL!! She’s sooo cute!
Thanks Veronica!
Haha, love it! I hope the tooth fairy delivered!
She sure did!! And then she took out a loan. 😉
This is too funny! She has a competitive spirit. Now that can’t be a bad thing.
Xo – gabby
Not at all Gabby. She is serious about this tooth thing!
haha. Grace keeps asking when she will loose her teeth. I think she is ready for payday. LOL
Yeah once my daughter figured out the payday, she started calculating.
She must be RICH ;). My daughter lost one last week. I can’t imagine 4.
She is rich!! She is now trying to decide how to spend all of her money.
At one point my kids tried making fake teeth to trick the tooth fairy into stopping by more often! Your daughter is so cute with her missing teeth.
Now that is really funny!
What the heck? Are you serious?! The tooth fairy pays way above inflation rates now; kids are lucky! I got a freakin’ dime when I was little.
I know Liz!! I used to get a quarter. Now it is a serious business!! 🙂
Wow that’s a whole lot of teeth! My boys are just growing their teeth. Losing them sounds so far away but before I blink it will be here.
This kind of came up all of a sudden. I am still not ready for her to grow up.
I hear you – my son’s teeth are falling out like crazy! He just lost another one yesterday biting a corn dog stick at school; I’m going to need to refinance my house at this rate!
Ha. Me too!!
rolling in the cash, I’m sure!!
She really is rolling in the cash!
Sounds like she got more than robbing a bank! LOL
She did very well this week!
but she sure is cute!
my kid gets a small lego set and a dollar coin.
Thanks Marianna! I am afraid that we set the bar too high with my son and now it is too much!!
That’s quite impressive! I wish that I had been that clever as a child. That little toothless(ish) grin is so adorable!
Thanks Autumn!
How old? My son has only lost 2 total.
She just turned 7, Maryann.
There was a Southpark episode where the Tooth fairy was big business. It was crazy.
Have a great Wednesday!
This does not surprise me at all. It really is a big business.
My daughter’s teeth all seemed to fall out at once too, lol. She looks happy about it!
She is just thrilled and already planning for more teeth to fall out!
My son once asked his teacher if she would pull his front teeth out because everyone else was losing their teeth but him. The only issue was his front teeth weren’t even loose!!
OMG that is soooo funny. I could totally picture my child doing that!
So cute!
Thanks Tina!
Clever girl with an adorable smile!
My son, who is turning 13 next month, saved *all* his baby teeth because ‘I want to save the tooth fairy having to look for quarters, she can write me a check instead’ 😉
That is just great. Smart boy you have!
Ouch! LOL! This keeps up, she’ll be able to buy her first car! 🙂 Happy WW!
I think that must be what she is saving up for!
Prettiest smiling eyes I ever saw and a very happy smile.
Thank you!! She is definitely very happy!
That’s one smart cookie! Expensive for mom but very smart..lol
She really is a smart kid!
Oh wow, four teeth! The tooth fairy is going to go broke ;P
She already has! HA!
Isabella did that too! LOVE the word for it though lol
Yeah Kas I read through this book and was crying laughing about all the kid definitions. It is like they were inside my house!
Thanks Henrietta!
What is the going rate on teeth? She is adorable and I used to do the same thing! LOL
It is $5 now Carolyn and I can barely say that without gasping!
Thanks for linking up! Happy w/w!
Thanks Carolyn!
giggle, isn’t that always the way!Hugs, Happy WW. I hope you’ll join us at the Thursday Favorite Things blog Hop Linky Party tomorrow.
Definitely Katherine!
Haha-too funny! I have some of my patients tell me that their moms give them 5 dollars per tooth- crazy
Oh man I am embarrassed to admit that we also give $5 per tooth. We make them save half of it.
In that case, your daughter’s going to be raking the cash while you run out of it 😛
She sure is TerriAnn!!!
That is awesome!
What’s the going rate for a tooth in your house?
I’m holding steady at $1.00!!! lol
We give $5 per tooth. I remember asking when my son lost his first tooth because I had no point of reference and the majority said $5 so that is what we went with.
haha hope the tooth fairy was ready!!!
Just barely. We almost had to roll quarters!! 😉
wow, that is a lot of teeth!
It really is Anne. And she has another loose one.
LMAO she didn’t really knock them out herself did she?
No she didn’t but it was fun teasing her about it!
Hahaha thank you for giving me a NAME for this – Taylor totally did it with her second tooth – apparently the Tooth Fairy overpaid her a bit on the first one so she thought she would snatch another one out LOL
I know! I love the name and yes my kid is apparently a businesswoman first, kid second. 😉
I’m so glad you sounded that out for me at the bottom because I sounded like an idiot trying to say it on my own!
I had to sound it out several times before I could say it well! 🙂
Thank you for linking up with me for Wordless{ish} Wednesday! I could never knock my own teeth out as a kid. I would let them dangle and twist them around and gross everyone out, but if someone came at me like they were going to pull the tooth out, I would FLIP OUT!
She didn’t really pull them out. At least I don’t think so but she is pretty resourceful.
WOW that’s a lot of teeth!
I know!! She is trying to bankrupt us!! 😉
Stacie – Thank you so much for quoting The Kid Dictionary. If you want a real indepth look inside the book, please take a look at this:
Would love to hear what you think…
Thanks again,
Thanks Eric! We absolutely loved the book. My 9 year old son even finds it funny!
Hahahaha! The unfortunate thing is that kids will knock out/try to force their teeth out for a payday. I suppose as long as they’re not their adult teeth… 😉 I remember when I tried to force my teeth out for the tooth fairy. :-O