Wordless Wednesday - Luxury Mobile Office - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday – Luxury Mobile Office

I had the pleasure of working poolside for a few days last week. I really love that my work allows me to work pretty much anywhere with an Internet connection. What a fabulous mobile office, right?

In case I needed a nap:

A place to have some lunch or a drink or both:

For more great Wordless Wednesday places to link up, check out Dear Crissy , Life with Lisa and Rachel Ferrucci.

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92 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. oooohhhhh……so nice!! Very nice….I am dreaming of working from there!

  2. Cecily R

    I want to work THERE! Sigh. Actually, I’d just take the nap (and at this point, I’d take it just about anywhere). Great pics!

  3. Best office decor ever!!! LOL A little distracting though

  4. That looks great right about now, very nice!

  5. Kelly

    Wow! That big bed made my head spin. Gorgeous remote office (and sure beats my remote office aka the bed).

  6. I would love to work from a location like that. Someday!

  7. Oh wow! That is sooo beautiful!! And great pics. I totally would have been in that pool!!!

  8. Now that’s my kind of office! Looks fantastic πŸ™‚

  9. Looks like a tough day at the office to me! πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the linky!

  10. FOR REAL? I am sooo jealous! It’s freezing here. I feel a chill coming in through the walls and have chills sitting here fully clothed! Lucky you.

  11. sarah

    so pretty. where did you get away to?

  12. working from THERE? that doesn’t even come close to actually being in the boring working mode… wow!! good for you πŸ™‚

  13. I love the blues. They are so intense and stunning. Thanks for sharing!

  14. That sounds and looks so great! How can I get there??!

  15. I want to know how come I am not allowed to have the laptop on the top tier of my cat tree!

  16. That looks lovely a place

    Happy WW! thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  17. Lauren @ Hobo Mama & NPN

    That is absolutely fabulous! Sign me up.

    Visiting from Hobo Mama and Natural Parents Network!

  18. What a wonderful paradise to be chilling while working. Where is that?

  19. Dominique @Dominique's Desk

    That’s a really cool office… getting to relax and enjoy while at work.that’s the best !!

  20. Jenn Collins @ Monkey Butt Junction

    Yeah, I just died of envy. Great photos!

  21. Heather D

    Can I join you next time?

  22. I don’t think I would get any work done there! πŸ™‚

  23. Awesome office! I want to work there, but I’d probably get a little distracted πŸ™‚ Have a great Wednesday!

  24. I could easily work from there! πŸ˜‰ LOL.

    Happy WW! Thanks for the linky!

  25. Next time can I ride in your suitcase? LOL Looks like paradise to me! Happy WW! πŸ™‚

  26. Carrie

    OMG, So jealous!!!

    I want your job πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for linking up!

  27. I work from home and I like bragging about my ability to work in pajamas, but you just totally one-upped me. I am so jealous–it looks BEAUTIFUL! πŸ˜€

  28. Lisa from Life with Lisa

    You’ve been doing great work with your camera! PS I am moving my office to your location!

  29. OK. Where is this, and how can I get a job there πŸ˜‰

  30. this is all kinds of unfair. we still have snow on the ground! pretty pics though!!!!!11

  31. I’d be a lot more productive in that environment πŸ˜‰

  32. The Kikay Girl

    I am loving this. I so love summer!

  33. I think I’d definitely get a lot of work done there!

  34. Deborah

    Oh, that would be my favorite place to work!

  35. Very nice. I dont think i’d be able to get any work done lol

    My WW is at http://livingatthewhiteheadszoo.blogspot.com/

  36. How beautiful. I wouldn’t mind working there!

  37. Susan Evans

    I’m totally jealous!

  38. Yeah, that’s quite an office! I write that from my dark office that doesn’t even have any windows. πŸ˜‰ Consider me jealous.

  39. Have to admit I’m just slightly jealous! My perch in Texas isn’t nearly as pretty. πŸ˜€

  40. Michelle

    Wow…I would not mind doing some work there, but I am not sure if I would get my work done!

  41. I am another jealous one. How can you get any work done? can I sneak away in your pocket?


    Love it! Looks like you had a wonderful time poolside

  43. Now that is truly a dream job (and mobile office)! πŸ™‚

  44. Now that looks quite delightful.

  45. Thanks for linking up to my Wordless Wednesday linky. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week. I know I am ready for the weekend.

  46. Yeah…you were really roughing it, weren’t you?

  47. Ugh it is still snowing where I live. Im so totally jealous of you hahah

  48. Debra P

    Oooh, heavenly. That type of environment makes work seem so much less like work. Completely gorgeous!

  49. ellen

    Pretty pretty ! I would settle for nice weather at this point- but that ‘office’ leaves me breathless!

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