Capri Sun and Our Family + Uses for Capri Sun Pouches
Post by Jason Connerty My kids love juice. Heck, who am I kidding; I love juice too! The problem that I struggle with is what is in the juice. Artificial colors? Artificial flavors?...
I found this old post on MySpace from 2006 that I made and I thought that I would share it here:
Today has been a rough day. Hunt (almost three) is acting like a maniac, running around, dumping stuff on the ground and then trampling it.
Yesterday he even tortured his sister in the most pre-meditated way that a sibling can even do it to another sibling. She was walking around the living room in her walker which does confine her to just a few areas of the house. My sister in law left a cup in the living room which Huntly takes as a sign that he has been given a new toy. I am working at the computer and the next thing that I hear is a splash followed by an ear piercing screech.
That's right, my son filled a cup with ice cold water from the water cooler and then walked across two rooms to dump it on his adoring and very unsuspecting sister. She was devastated. She cried for a half hour in between giving him the evil eye.
So today after his usual maniacal morning, we sit down to eat lunch where he decides to see how far he can sail his plate across the table. Nothing falls but it is just generally a little stressful. There is crap all over the place; he is playing with his food and I am evaulating my skills as a mother as well as this whole parenting thing in general.
Lunch is finished and it is naptime. YAY! Naptime for everyone. I try to wipe everything down when what really needs to be done is a full hosedown but I am freakin' tired. I am then laying next to Huntly trying to get him to go to sleep when I realize that he still smells like lunch. I cannot figure out where and convinced that I must now check orifices.
All of a sudden, a grubby, sticky hand reaches over, grabs my face and my beautiful boys sighs, “My mama. I lub you my mama. It's ok. C'mere.” Then he pulls me close with those chubby little fingers and hugs me to his chest as he pats my head.
This is what makes it all worthwhile.
It has been a rough day. Hunt is acting like a maniac, running around, dumping stuff on the ground and then trampling it.
Yesterday he even tortured his sister in the most pre-meditated way that a sibling can even do it to another sibling. She was walking around the living room in her walker which does confine her to just a few areas of the house. My sister in law left a cup in the living room which Huntly takes as a sign that he has been given a new toy. I am working at the computer and the next thing that I hear is a splash followed by an ear piercing screech.
That's right, my son filled a cup with ice cold water from the water cooler and then walked across two rooms to dump it on his adoring and very unsuspecting sister. She was devastated. She cried for a half hour in between giving him the evil eye.
So today after his usual maniacal morning, we sit down to eat lunch where he decides to see how far he can sail his plate across the table. Nothing falls but it is just generally a little stressful. There is crap all over the place; he is playing with his food and I am evaulating my skills as a mother as well as this whole parenting thing in general.
Lunch is finished and it is naptime. YAY! Naptime for everyone. I try to wipe everything down when what really needs to be done is a full hosedown but I am freakin' tired. I am then laying next to Huntly trying to get him to go to sleep when I realize that he still smells like lunch. I cannot figure out where and convinced that I must now check orifices.
All of a sudden, a grubby, sticky hand reaches over, grabs my face and my beautiful boys sighs, “My mama. I lub you my mama. It's ok. C'mere.” Then he pulls me close with those chubby little fingers and hugs me to his chest as he pats my head.
This is what makes it all worthwhile.
**SIGH**It has been a rough day. Hunt is acting like a maniac, running around, dumping stuff on the ground and then trampling it.
Yesterday he even tortured his sister in the most pre-meditated way that a sibling can even do it to another sibling. She was walking around the living room in her walker which does confine her to just a few areas of the house. My sister in law left a cup in the living room which Huntly takes as a sign that he has been given a new toy. I am working at the computer and the next thing that I hear is a splash followed by an ear piercing screech.
That's right, my son filled a cup with ice cold water from the water cooler and then walked across two rooms to dump it on his adoring and very unsuspecting sister. She was devastated. She cried for a half hour in between giving him the evil eye.
So today after his usual maniacal morning, we sit down to eat lunch where he decides to see how far he can sail his plate across the table. Nothing falls but it is just generally a little stressful. There is crap all over the place; he is playing with his food and I am evaulating my skills as a mother as well as this whole parenting thing in general.
Lunch is finished and it is naptime. YAY! Naptime for everyone. I try to wipe everything down when what really needs to be done is a full hosedown but I am freakin' tired. I am then laying next to Huntly trying to get him to go to sleep when I realize that he still smells like lunch. I cannot figure out where and convinced that I must now check orifices.
All of a sudden, a grubby, sticky hand reaches over, grabs my face and my beautiful boys sighs, “My mama. I lub you my mama. It's ok. C'mere.” Then he pulls me close with those chubby little fingers and hugs me to his chest as he pats my head.
This is what makes it all worthwhile.
So true, that is what it is all about and what makes it all worthwhile!!! {{HUGS}}
They can melt our heart with just a smile, it erases all the messes and the stresses 🙂