We are a Digital Joneses Family! What’s Your Security IQ?
My family recently became a Digital Joneses family. As a digital family, we are most definitely the most connected family on the block.
Our children amaze us on almost a daily basis with their love and extreme proficiency on anything technical. I am borderline jealous sometimes at how easy technical things come to them.
To help families around the world, Trend Micro has developed a year-long study with prominent bloggers and their families from all over the world to complete monthly technology challenges to help improve and examine the struggles each family experiences with modern technology. Each challenge will identify and address one facet of digital security that is affecting living in a modern digitally-connected household.
In the U.S., Trend Micro has selected seven bloggers with families from various regions around the country to participate in the year-long study. Each family will provide insights on how each monthly challenge affected their day-to-day life.
The Digital Joneses (US) study is examining the issues affecting individual members of a modern, digitally-connected household. With this study, Internet security provider Trend Micro is aiming to educate the families on how to maintain a digitally enabled life and still enjoy what the Internet has to offer, all while keeping a household safe from online threats.
Internet safety is something that is important to me. I had problems last year with someone repeatedly violating my email account and after learning how to track their actions, I became fascinated by the digital footprint that we all leave behind no matter where we go. As a result, I have become pretty well versed in digital security.
However, I still have a lot to learn because the first Digital Joneses challenge asked:

Are you (digitally) smarter than a fifth grader?
I am probably a little digitally smarter than a fifth grader although with today's fifth graders, you never know. We are definitely raising digital kids!
This was a digital security IQ test where I scored 11 out of 16 and my husband scored 12 out of 16. My husband and I both rated as Security Students. I missed a few questions that I was not positive about and a few others I just had no clue.
There is a lot that we both can learn and we are really looking forward to our entire family participating in this program during the next year.
Find out your Security IQ by taking the quiz here.

Find out what we thought of the the security software from Trend Micro here – Digital Joneses: Trend Micro's Titanium Maximum Security Software
Disclosure: The Digital Joneses Study will include gadgets for myself and my family. Although we have been provided with these products to help evaluate the challenges within the study, the opinions, thoughts and statements expressed on this blog remains our own and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Trend Micro.
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