For those affectionately nicknamed “Konverts” who have faithfully adapted her methods, Marie Kondo (author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing) really is a life-changing influence. “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” has become enormously popular, and her tips from the show and “The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” and “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” can help even the messiest, least-organized people find joy once again in their homes. Here are some of her top tips for getting and staying organized:
1. Make a mess.
It may seem counterintuitive at first, but Kondo recommends making a mess before cleaning it. She asks Konverts to empty their wardrobes of every ounce of clothing and tossing them into one big pile on the floor. From there, the clothes can be sorted through and organized, but nothing will go back in the wardrobe without careful consideration.
2. Keep items that spark joy.
If an item doesn’t bring joy, it is time to let it go. If an item doesn’t spark joy, say “thank you” to it for enriching your life at one point, then toss it with no regret.
3. Work in order.
One of the foundations of the Konmari method is a specific order for tidying up and decluttering. Start with clothes, then move on to books, documents, other miscellaneous items and finally mementos.
4. Store clothes side-by-side.
Most people stack their drawers with socks, shirts and pants one on top of the other. The Konmari method instead recommends storing your clothing side-by-side, a method that better utilizes spaces and ensures articles of clothing aren’t forgotten about at the bottom of a pile. The method of folding recommended by Marie Kondo definitely saves room.
5. Practice gratitude.
Kondo’s methods aren’t just for getting rid of clutter; they are also for fostering a positive, grateful mindset. Before discarding any item, she thanks it for being something needed at some point in time.
6. Work together.
Everyone in a household should participate in the cleaning and organization process. Folding clothes together, for example, is an effective way for every household member to take ownership of the process and reduce stress by carrying part of the tidying up burden.
7. Don’t get discouraged.
Staying committed to the steps can be difficult and overwhelming at times, but Kondo (also authored Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up) stresses the importance of staying the course and making time to tidy every day.
8. Corral items.
Small items can quickly become disorganized in spaces like kitchen and bathroom drawers. Keep items together by corralling them in boxes within the drawers.
9. Keep items visible.
Clear boxes are preferred over solid ones because the items inside can be easily seen instead of forgotten. Being able to see what is stored in a box may prevent buying duplicate items in the future.
10. Give everything a home.
According to the Konmari technique, every item in a home should have a place of its own. This makes cleaning and organizing simple and practically mindless.
11. Utilize storage space wisely.
Everyday dishes should be in easy-to-reach spaces in the kitchen, but seasonal items or rarely-used cooking appliances may be stowed away in the back of cupboards or in higher cabinets. If something is used often, it should be in a place where it can be easily accessed.
12. Keep sentimental items that bring joy.
Find a permanent home for sentimental possessions instead of just shoving them into a box where they will be forgotten. If something is worth saving, it is worth having a special place in the home.
13. Respect belongings.
Kondo may sound silly when talking about the feelings clothes have, but she believes that personifying items makes it easier to respect them. If an item brings joy and is worth keeping, it should be respected, not scuffed, stained or wrinkled. Hang it in your closet with pride.
14. Ditch paperwork.
One tenant of the Konmari technique is sorting paperwork into two piles: one to deal with and one to save. Birth certificates and other vital documents are for saving, and recent bills are for dealing with as soon as possible.
15. Separate memories and mementos.
Memories will always be there, even if the mementos associated with them disappear. To Kondo, the memory is the most important part, and holding on to those should not be dependent on keeping scraps of paper, souvenirs or boxes full of possessions.
Konmari Sparking Joy Printable Checklist

Are you ready to start your Marie Kondo project? Getting rid of what doesn't spark joy? Then you need our checklist. Get our free printable Konmari Checklist right now! We hope that you are inspired by this Marie Kondo's Top 15 Tips for Decluttering Getting Organized and Sparking Joy with FREE Printable Checklist #MarieKondo #doesitbringyoujoy #TidyingUp #KonMari #KonMariMethod #Netflix post. Happy organizing!
I like her tip #1 make a mess. That is exactly how I clean up my wardrobe, other then I toss all of my clothes on my bed. Thanks for sharing these declutter tips, which shows how important to stay cleaned and organized.
Marie Kondo is a true genuis! This is a great list for decluttering and staying organized!!
I really love these tips! I need to replace our cardboard boxes with see-through bins for easier storage. The printable is a great idea.
I have heard a lot of positive reviews about this method of organizing. I think utilizing them and using this printable will do wonders for decluttering.
I love Marie Kondo and her teachings. I need to start organising my stuff soon.
I got hooked watching her show. This article is a whole other level. I love the checklist!
i def need need her to her to come to my house and help me. i have so much stuff it’s crazy.
Love these tips. Especially the encouragement to make a mess as you go and to practice gratitude. So much magic! Thanks for sharing ♡
I have loved Marie since I first read her book years ago. I try to practice this method of decluttering before every PCS so that everything that goes with us to a new space is something that brings us joy and good energy. It’s been nice not moving with a bunch of junk all over the world.
We could do with some decluttering and these are some great tips! Rolling into drawers is our favourite!
I think “Don’t get discouraged” is the one people are neglecting to give. People needto be reminded that that the Kon Mari method isn’t easy just because everyone’s doing it. Thank you for sharing this! <3
So nice to have a checklist! After watching the show I now fold my clothes like she does!
LOVE Marie Kondo! In the next few weeks, I will be doing this with our home. I can’t wait!
These are some great tips on de-cluttering! I want to try some of these out in our home. Thanks for sharing.
these are really great tips , i love the fact tat you also included a vey handy check list as well
what an article full of information, this is really helpful, i got a lot of ideas, thanks for sharing :))
Some fabulous tips here which I know I am gonna follow and implement myself especially storing clothes side by side as I do forget items such as socks which ends up at the back of the cupboard.
I like keeping things minimal and tidy. I am still not fully into Mary Kondo game but she does have a point
This is right up my ally, I love a neat and tidy place. But when we are living I find myself smiling at the mess we can make.
I just did some decluttering in my house. I so agree that you have to make a mess to clean it all up.
I love to keep things organized. One of my top item when it comes to organization is Giving It a Home. If there’s no home, then it shouldn’t be stored or kept.
Great tips, I have been trying to go through each room and completely declutter everything now that the kids are back in school.
I still need to organize some stuff at home especially in my room. I find all these tips helpful!
This is going to be so helpful for when I start going through my closet for winter. I really have to keep number 10 in mind.
This printable is very helpful! I love to declutter but clutter does add up fast around this house!
Yes! I totally agree that everything deserves a home. I need to reorganize our pantry this weekend and will definitely be looking to Kondo’s tips.
This is really helpful as we recently moved and I’m unpacking now. I love the Make A Mess idea as that is how I best organize! Thanks for the tips.
This is a great list! Love the checklist- its super gelpful.
I really love to stay organized myself. I don’t like it when things are messy. I really love all these tips.
This are great tips. I have been working on really decluttering my home. I am just tired of all the “stuff” Evey week to try to work on it. I am liking the results. I only keep stuff that makes me happy and I use.It is getting easier to find things too!
Decluttering is a joy of living! I love doing it frequently. Truly transforms the days ahead.
These are all incredible tips to try. I find it difficult to organize and declutter. Must be of my busy schedule and workload.
These are really awesome tips! I will definitely keep these in mind!
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