Self Care for Busy Moms
Health + Wellness

Self Care for Busy Moms

Self Care for Busy Moms

As a busy working mom, it's super easy to put your needs on the back burner to take care of your family and work-related things. That is even more true, now that many moms have decided to work from home due to the Covid-19 virus and the subsequent lockdowns. After finding home office essentials, and getting down a schedule that will help you strike a semblance of a work/life balance, you might feel that there aren't enough hours left in the day to take care of yourself. We hope that this Self Care for Busy Moms post inspires you. 

Self Care for Busy Moms

That's where you would be wrong. It's extremely important to take care of yourself or you won't be able to take care of your family or your home-based business. Here are a few tips to help you do just that. 

Self Care for Busy Moms

Wash Up Daily

While you may hop in the shower for a quick five minutes daily, there's more to washing up than that. You need to make sure that you're taking care of your skin as well during those daily wash-ups. From using the proper facial cleanser to using a toner that matches your skin type, you don't have to go all out on skincare, but you do need to do more than just splash water on your face in the shower. After seeing these City Beauty reviews you can easily establish a daily routine that will help you to get the best skin ever. 

Take Care of Your Hair

You may not have to wash and style your hair daily, according to the type of hair you have. It's important to take care of your hair just as you do your skin. It's super easy to just toss it under a cap or throw it up in a ponytail, especially when you work from home, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, you do want to wash it regularly and make sure to style it so that you feel better about yourself. Everyone's hair is different, so find the simplest styles and products that work for your hair type and use them regularly. 

How to Relax and Enjoy ‘Me Time'

Wear Clothes You Feel Good in

As someone who works from home, you've likely heard that you should make the effort to get dressed every day, even if you're not going anywhere. Science has shown that people who get dressed every day tend to be more productive and feel better about themselves. Make sure to choose clothing that not only makes you feel comfortable but also makes you feel good about yourself at the same time. Jogging pants and sweatshirts have their place, but not every single day. 

Self Care Basket for Mom

Be Consistent With Your Sleep Routine

Trying to keep up with everything as a mom who works from home can be exhausting, especially if you're not getting enough sleep at night. This doesn't mean falling into bed at a different time each night and then waking up super early.  You need to get enough sleep every night and be consistent with your sleep routine. This is one of the hardest things to do as a working mom, but it can be done with some effort. Getting your kids to sleep on time can also help you get into a sleep routine that'll be beneficial to the entire family. 

Go to bed at a reasonable time and get up early for the best results. You'll be more productive and feel a whole lot better throughout the day when you do. Make sure that you draw the line between work and family or you can end up being burnt out before you even get started in the mornings. You won’t be good at home or at work if you do that. Following these tips will help you take care of yourself and your family better as well.

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