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Want to go to Miami with Me and P&G?

Want to go to Miami with Me and P&G?

****UPDATE**** Congrats to Des aka @StressFreeBaby from BottlestoBritches.com – Des was chosen from all of the contest entries as the winner. She and a guest will be going to Miami this Thursday to attend...

RedEnvelope Glam Gifts

RedEnvelope Glam Gifts

RedEnvelope makes Valentine’s Day a cinch. Once you’ve picked out the perfect gift, choose delivery dates (including day-of shipping), select gift wrap, add a personalized card, and you’re set. No more trips to the...



Ester-C just launched a contest to pay tribute to the unsung heroes in our lives – our moms. Do you know a mom who can juggle the house, the kids, scheduling, work and so...

Birds Eye Virtuous Veggies

Birds Eye Virtuous Veggies

Did you know The National Fruit and Vegetable Alliance recently gave America a failing grade for its fruit and vegetable consumption? And only 6% of Americans get the recommended daily servings of vegetables. Proclaiming...