Wordless Wednesdays – My Tiger Cub
The second that I saw him I burst out into tears (I am even in tears while posting this). It didn't help that it was in carpool. I was totally, unabashedly crying. I think...
After spending a few nights at The Raleigh Hotel in fabulous South Beach in Miami, Florida, I just had to try the Octopus Salad. $10 at lunch and $16 at dinner.
So would you try it?
For more great Wordless Wednesday places to link up, check out Dear Crissyย and Rachel Ferucci.
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That looks delicious!
It was!
Very interesting salad. I want to come back to your blog to see how it tasted, on Thursday of course…
It was pretty good. Definitely different!!
OMG that looks so delicious! I would eat that in a heartbeat, but I’m weird like that.
You just gotta make him sing the them to Chorus Line like we did. Oh and do the kickline!!
now I’m truly jealous.
I would have to say maybe. I love calamari, so I would prob give it a try. Sure looks pretty with the lovely colors.
What was your verdict? Did you like it?
I liked it. It was different but good!!
I had octopus once, at a Greek restaurant. I thought it was funny how the little suction cups kept sticking to the inside of my cheek. It wasn’t bad.
I don’t know… maybe if I didn’t pay for it, lol. It sure is pretty to look at though! ๐
I know! Isn’t it beautiful? Every time we walked through the pool area, I couldn’t stop staring at this salad.
NO WAY!!!!
Yeah I know. This is definitely freaking some people out!
No way! I am a southern meat & potatoes kind of girl. That thing freaks me out!
Yeah I can completely understand. I cannot wait for my dad to see this!!! He is the exact same way.
I would probably be ok trying the “legs” but I don’t think I could eat the whole thing. You are braver than I. LOL
I only made it to the legs. I couldn’t really try the rest.
NO WAY! Haha, Yuck!
UH, no thank you! My husband would love it!
My husband loves to try stuff like this too!
lIt’s actually scary to look at!
That is funny. I think that it looks kind of surreal but not scary at all.
Absolutely not *GAG*
But it made for a pretty colorful picture!
It was wonderful!
NOPE! I have eaten octopus made in several different ways, but not in a way that looks like THAT.
I have had octopus before too but never quite like this!
I don’t think I would have!! I KNOW I wouldn’t have!
It did take me a day to work up to even trying the salad!
Ewwwww!!!! NOOOOO way!!! I don’t even like seafood.
Its creepy looking!
Ha Ha! I think that the colors are beautiful!
Aww, sad ๐
Don’t be sad. I am proud to be at the top of the food chain.
There’s no way, not even if I was starving…just looks too creepy. ๐
It is so funny how widely the opinions vary. Some people think that it is beautiful and others find it creepy.
It’s definitely beautiful! I don’t know how I’d feel about that much octopus. I’ve only ever had it in small chunks.
I did not eat the entire thing. Just some of the legs. ๐ There was way too much!
Octopus Salad..haven’t tasted that before. How was it? Yummy?
It was wonderful! Very tender.
You are a braver woman than I. Actually, I just may try it…
Give it a shot! It was fun to try something new and expand my horizons!!
Absolutely I would try it! I linked up and am a new follower. I also have a linky today for Wordless Wednesday for my 3 year old Miss E enjoying Chocolate Molten Cake.
Thanks Katie! I linked up. ๐
I like eating calamari so I might like octopus. But, not sure could do it.
You would probably like it then. It tasted very similar to calamari to me.
Looks yummy.
It definitely was!
I would definitely try it ๐
Happy WW!
It was fun to try something like this!
I don’t do sea food. but I’d eat that lettuce and such under it ๐
The salad part was really good too!
I would but I don’t know about my human.
Yeah you would probably devour it, wouldn’t you?
I would try it! We had canned octopus before so I know what it tastes like lol… although I’m not sure I would pass up a good “other” salad lol
Now that I have tried it, I would probably try another type of salad next time!
WOW I’d have to say a big NO WAY, personally I dont like the looks of it or the textures of that kind of seafood, I think it should of stayed in the water and not be put on a plate, sorry I just freak out at stuff like that, I do know people eat some strange things in this world after having been to China, it is an eye opener thats for sure, and I know my husband would eat it and not think twice about it, as long as he doesnt start requesting that I make it at home, LOL, Glad to hear you liked it, I guess its always a good thing to be adventurous and try new things, but for me, I like usual meat & potatoes, (regular meat that is, beef, chicken, pork) no weird stuff for me-
thanks for the picture ๐
Yeah I have seen some seriously strange stuff from China. This was tame comparatively speaking!
Oh Lord. I’m in the no way crowd. If someone set that in front of me, I’d jump.
At least they sliced the head off…(or was that consumed before the picture?)
I swear, girl, I have seen fish wash up to shore that looked more appealing than that.
It looks like they caught it afire. Octo-Crisp!
Nah I don’t think I could eat the head. At least not without singing that fish heads song from the 80’s! ๐
I would run far away!
But it’s many legs will probably chase you!
OMG absolutely not! I don’t eat any seafood and that is the stuff of nightmares for me!
I know. I didn’t eat seafood for the longest time. Now I love it!
Not a chance. ๐ You are braver than I am. I will admit that it’s a pretty salad….
It is pretty. That is why I ordered it. I also kind of wanted to try it but I was afraid I would chicken out. I didn’t though!
Oh hell to the yeah I’d eat that…………it looks yummy!
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Have a great day.
Thanks Jen! Glad to see you here!
Probably. A little. But shhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone!
I would totally try it, and probably like it. Heck, I think my 3 year old would try it ๐
I think that my 7 year old son would probably try it. He likes calamari and they taste similar.
Oh my word! You ate that? EEKS! I couldn’t do it!
I did eat it! I loved it!!
Oh, my gosh, Stacie! I am all for trying exotic foods, but I don’t know that I could do THAT! Did you cut it with a knife? I’m scared!
I did cut it with a knife. It is a little tough but tastes like calamari!
I grew up eating squid (calamari) but I’ve never had octopus and I don’t think I’ll try it.
I am thinking at Blogher that I will have to get the eight legs of some octopus wrapped around you! ๐
Hmmm…I’m not so sure I would be as adventurous!
Yeah I know. I wouldn’t have tried anything like this 10 years ago. Now I find it kind of fun!!
Can’t say it would be my first choice, but I would try it!
Yeah I really just had to try it because it looked so interesting!!
ew ew ew i’m so not that adventurous.
Awwww you could have joined in the chorus line with me then instead of eating it! ๐
I’m sure I would. I’ve eaten it many ways, including sushi and it was yummy! Guess I’m just an adventurous eater. My readers went a bit nuts at a similar post last year: http://www.babylovingmama.com/2010/07/wordless-wednesday-my-30th-birthday.html
Guess everyone just isn’t as “open” as we are!
Yeah I know! I am really surprised at how strongly some people feel about my eating choices!!!
Absolutely NOT! ๐ But my mom would love it.
Not sure that I could get my mom to try it.
You would have to put a gun to my head before I tasted that. EWW
Really? I thought that you would have liked this!!!
OMG no, no way could I try that. It scaring me. ๐
Awww sorry. I shoulda put a ninja mask on him or something. ๐
He is scaring lots of people!!
Sure! It looks great and I’ve had octopus before so no surprises really.
Thanks for stopping by!!
You are much braver than I! While it’s beautiful to look at, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to eat it, no matter how adventurous I was feeling! ๐
WW: Paleontologist Heaven at Paleopalooza
I really ordered it at first just to take a picture and then I just had to try it!
Oh my, it does LOOK gorgeous, I’m not sure I could it that octopus looking like that though, maybe if it wasn’t so alive looking ๐
(I’m sorry I accidentally put in my giveaway linky url instead of my WW post url in your linky, please delete it! thanks!)
I know. I just love the picture. It looks amazing and so foreign to me!
7 months ago I would have in a heart beat! Now I don’t eat anything from the sea that doesn’t have scales and fins LOL
Yeah I totally understand!
Too scary for me!
I am following, hope you can stop by for a visit!
Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed…well worth it, but…OUCH!
I know. It is a little scary looking!!
I’d definitely try it, but not if I was with my daughter, she’d freak, LOL!
Did you like it?
My youngest child would have definitely freaked out!
Your a braver man than I Gunga Dinn
Yeah I had to try it once!
OMG that is so disgusting LOL There is NO WAY I would try that!
Ha ha! I think that it looks really cool!
Wow! I can’t stop starting at that photo!
I know! It is kind of mesmerizing, isn’t it?
It looks interesting but I think I would have a hard time eating it. Maybe chicken?? Hope it was a great salad. ๐
I closed my eyes and thought of chicken. Just kidding!
It did taste like Calamari to me.
Umm, I’m kind of a foodie but I’m going to have to pull a line from the kids and say, “Can I be full now?”
My kids still cannot believe that I ate it.
You are brave Stacie!! I vote NO WAY . . .
Thanks for the linky! Come by and link up to mine too . . . check out the Cool Canines! Gina’s Wordless Wednesday
Have a wonderful Wednesday . . . Gina
I have traveled a lot and tried some really strange stuff but this definitely ranks up there!
Yikes! Being a vegetarian, I’d say no, I probably wouldn’t try it. But I’ll bet it is better than it looks!
It was kind of scary at first but I liked it once I tried it!
OMG! Ewwwww! I could never eat that! lol Was it good?
It was good. Tasted just like Calamari to me.
*Shivers* Oh, you are so much braver than I am! There is absolutely no way I could ever eat something like that. I admire anyone who is willing to try it, though. And the photo itself is really gorgeous. That octopus truly just leaped out at me. Which added to the shivers. LOL
You know, that was the thing. I really just wanted to try it!
Wow, that is gorgeous! Not sure if I could actually get myself to eat it, though!
New Follower!
It was really cool looking. I just had to take a picture!
Oh my – I think I would try it, though I’m not sure I would enjoy it.
I wasn’t too sure at first but it was definitely worth trying!
This definitely wouldn’t be my 1st choice but if I can eat calamari, I should be able to eat this too (right?).
Yes! It tasted just like Calamari!! Really.
I love octopus sushi – that looks delicious!
It really was good. I was a little freaked out at first when they put it down in front of me but it tasted great.
was it deep fried or boiled? makes a colorful dish, but I tried it once, yuck, too rubbery!
It was grilled!
I’m sorry, but I am not anywhere near that brave! ๐ But it does look really cool.
Visiting from Hobo Mama and Natural Parents Network!
Wow you are so brave! I’m really into seafood and I’m not good at trying new things. Looks interesting though!
Was it good?
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Wow! You are brave! I don’t think I could eat that…..:)
I love the colors, but I don’t think I’d ever bring myself to try it!
I’m willing to try a lot of things, but that is NOT one of them. So, what was your opinion? Did you like it?
Umm in a word NO – and I consider myself to be quite adventurous with food but that…just scares me! LOL
Looks frighting, yet beautiful. I’m a vegetarian, so I wouldn’t eat it, but I remember how tasty octopus could be : )
I don’t think I could even look at my plate, let alone eat it. Something about that as a salad garnish ewww lol
No way! ๐
No, definitely would NOT try it. I’m scared to even touch shrimp!
It is sort of pretty in a freaky artist way. Would I try it? Probably not. I tried that calimarie (sure that spelled wrong) and the octopus seemed way to chewy. Was it tender at all?
I am the WRONG person to ask that. LOL! Our kids are always wanting to try new things but I grew up a meat and potatoes girl. I like trying some new things…very….very…slowly. baby steps. it took me til early 20s to try broccoli! That thing looks way too science fictiony to me! (Im a weenie and would probably stare or faint if something like this was placed in front of me!)
First of all, that is an absolutely gorgeous photo. Loving the colors and composition. Brave of you to try, yes!
When I was visiting Greece, we had octopodi (octopus) and ouzo. It was quite common there and actually very good! I went out with a Greek friend in his boat to see how they catch octopus at night. They either bang them on the rocks or turn them inside out. Very disturbing!
No way…never gonna happen. ๐ I am not a seafood person in the first place but there is just no way, lol. It does make a pretty picture though. ๐