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White Lasagna Recipe

White Lasagna Recipe

White Lasagna Recipe I love lasagne. There are so many different kinds that I bet most people never even realize. This past summer, I had lasagna with Bechamel which turned in to be one...

Easy Mediterranean Style Tabouli Recipe

Easy Mediterranean Tabouli Recipe

Easy Mediterranean Tabouli Recipe Tabouli Salad is a Mediterranean staple that is the equivalent of our American Chef salad because it comes with every meal. Fortunately a Tabouli salad is easy to make and...

Dyson DC59 Available at Best Buy

The Dyson DC59 Animal is a high performance cordless vacuum with a newly designed digital motor. It is small, compact, and lightweight. It comes equipped with attachments that make it a versatile and powerful...

Easy Fudge Recipes

Easy Fudge Recipes

Easy Fudge Recipes My husband loves fudge and anything chocolate. I mean he really loves it. I really love chocolate as well. Every time we travel, we inadvertently end up somewhere that has fudge...

Valentine’s Day Sale at Belk

Valentine’s Day Sale at Belk

If you read my last post about Belk, then you know that I curated a gift guide for everyone for Valentine's Day. I discussed a lot about my motivations for shopping at Belk and...