Hasbro Family Game Night
Hasbro Family Game Night We love playing games in our household. We have lots of board games and card games that we play regularly. We are constantly searching for games that we can play...
I am borderline ridiculous a nickname freak when it comes to my family. I have nicknames for everybody and many times each person has numerous nicknames. Some embarrassing. Some appropriate. Almost always silly but most of them are pretty catchy.
This has worked well for me when I forget people's names because I can accurately describe them: Glasses guy with furry back, etc. 😉 One day, my husband and I tried to write down all of the nicknames that we had for everyone. When coming up with the list, we realized that I had no nicknames. I was Stacie, Mommy, Mama but not much else.
This greatly disturbed my 4 year old daughter, Annabella a.k.a. Bella Boo, Boosky, Bella Wella, Chiquetita, Diva, Princess, Smartypants, Sassypants, Fancypants…I am sure that you get it.
She immediately said, “We will call you Miss Mommy.” Ok I thought, not bad. Then she said, “You could be Divine Miss Mommy.” My husband a.k.a King Daddy, Senor Bambini (don't ask), JasCon, Rock Star (of the Guitar Hero and Band in a Box kind) and I looked at each other.
Where the heck had a 4 year old heard the word divine? I also like Bette Midler so I am kind of digging it. Then she came up with Queen Mommy. I am not feeling that one so much but Annabella likes it so we added it to the list as well. Although if I had to come up with my own nicknames, they would be something like:
Detector of unidentified substances or stains (I challenge anyone)
Fierce wiper of snot
Picker of boogies
Great explorer of the pacifier abyss
Finder of lost, random toy parts
Unplugger of TP and toy filled toilets
List Maker (this is an OCD thing gone wrong-I have lists for everything)
We are a family of six. My husband, Jason and I have three children, Huntly age 5 (almost 6)- Baby H, Geegs & GeeGee (hard G-he made this noise a lot as a baby), G shock, Baby Bear; Annabella, age 4 (not even close to 5 but she sure likes to tell people she is) & Laurel, age 1 (almost 2) – Rufie (not the drug, Annabella named her this in utero), RueRue, The Ruester, Princess Poops-a-lotta, Scrappy. My mother also lives with us. Oh yeah and Buckley the dog.
I spend every moment of every day trying to be worthy of the pedestal that my family places me on. I'll admit it, I always wanted to be worshipped. But wanting to be worshipped and being worshipped are two completely different things. Wouldn't it be nice to live up to my name? 🙂 I am so not worthy of the total adoration of my family but I absolutely love it. I am humbled by it. Truly!
We have alot of nicknames too.. but for me, my only one was one my Mom gave me, and no one uses anymore- “Shortie” (long before being a shortie was cool )
I have alot of nicknames for hubby, but he doesnt have alot for me that I know of.
I love reading this older stuff about you & your family- you wear alot of hats!
Oh, so this is how you (and your blog) got its name! So cool! I love nicknames. My friends and I have so many nicknames and they are really endearing. I think it shows caring and love. Sometimes they are just initials if it’s a really long description lol. I love all your nicknames for your family!