Support Children's Healthcare of Atlanta in the Miracle Marathon - Divine Lifestyle
Health + Wellness

Support Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta in the Miracle Marathon


Miracle Marathon LogoI’m thrilled to share that I’m serving as a lead blogger for this fall’s Miracle Marathon, specifically in support of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta in! Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raise funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America. When a donation is given it stays in the community, helping local kids. How great is that?


The Miracle Marathon is a 27-day virtual fundraising campaign in which participants run/walk (or achieve forward motion of any kind!) one mile per day at their leisure. The first 26 days are completed at your own pace—wherever and whenever you want. On Day 27, the final 1.2 miles will be started as a group at 2:27 pm EST.

Get it? It’s a marathon, plus a mile, for the kids! And it’s perfect for those of us who like the idea of completing a marathon but would rather not complete all the miles at once!

Please join me and register to support my team supporting Children's Healthcare of Atlanta or another Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Tell your friends too! Laurel in Hospital 1


See that picture above? That is my daughter, Laurel who was born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot. She had open heart surgery at just four months old. My world stopped for almost five months as we nursed our daughter through and following the surgery.

The people at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta helped us get through one of the most trying times in our lives. We spent three weeks with our daughter in the hospital and they were amazing. The nurses reminded me to leave the room and that our child was ok. They took care of our entire family along with our little girl.

I try to give back to Children's whenever I can and that is why I am excited to be a part of The Miracle Marathon!

Miracle Marathon


 Now you can participate and register as a Miracle Maker (includes fun swag) with the code MiracleStacie to sign up to get 10% off of your registration.. Join my team or you can choose to have your donation benefit any of the 170 network hospitals in US/Canada.


Visit my fundraising page at Miracle Marathon to support me and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

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This post was made possible through the support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. All opinions are my own.

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