Spring cleaning is something that I dread every year. I know that we have to do it but often times, we end up putting it off later and later in lieu of some other activity.
The best thing that we can do in my house is to fully plan out our spring cleaning and to make certain that all family members have specific chores plus timeframes in order to get everything done.
This time our goal is one mini-cleaning session each weekend so that things don’t build up where we need these massive spring cleans. We are trying to be smarter about our time and that also means picking better products. is a staple in our household cleaners cabinet. You know, under the sink?
About Pledge® Multi Surface Antibacterial Everyday Cleaner
Pledge® Multi Surface Antibacterial Everyday Cleaner is the all-purpose multi surface cleaner and disinfectant that kills bacteria† and 99.9% of germs†† along with providing a really nice clean.
Pledge® Multi Surface Antibacterial† Everyday Cleaner* kills 99.9% of germs, including the flu virus.†† This multi surface household cleaner is specifically designed to clean, dust and disinfect, while leaving the finish alone.
Where can you use Pledge® Multi Surface Antibacterial Everyday Cleaner?
Our thoughts on Pledge®
This product (and really pretty much any Pledge® product) has got to be one of my top cleaning products of all time. I literally can use it everywhere. Pledge® is a brand I trust and one that I always keep in my house.
It makes my stainless steel refrigerator look really good. My wood kitchen table shines like never before. I found this product to be very versatile and it works well.
Simply put, Pledge® Multi Surface Antibacterial† Everyday Cleaner* is staple in our home because it works right the first time. There is no going back from the clean you get from each bottle.
If you like this Pledge® spray, I highly encourage you to check out the wipes as well. They are great for those times you need to quickly clean something (i.e. last minute guests dropping by).
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Pledge is great! We have all hardwood flooring (natural wood from 1920’s when the house was built) as well as a LOT of beautiful wood trim, baseboards, etcs. Pledge keeps it all clean and looking elegant.
I always see this product in the cleaning isle and heard good things about it! Now that I see how well it makes wood surfaces look, I’m so picking up a bottle this weekend!
I need to pick up some pledge. I’m trying to keep the house really clean as we keep fighting sicknesses lately. I think it’s just that time of year where we are prone to illness because of changes in weather.
I remember helping clean with Pledge when I was little! It’s a great product that has worked and standed the test of time and only become better. It’s a staple in our house.
I usually prefer good ol’ vinegar and water cleaning solution, but I was sold when I tried this! I like that you can use it on everything. It is very convenient for quick clean up.
Stacie Connerty is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to https://divinelifestyle.com
I have always loved Pledge. I didn’t realize they made a multi surface Pledge now! I have to go get myself some!
My mom loved using Pledge while we were growing up. I love that this one also disinfects. I will add this to my cleaning supply list.
I love using pledge, and now that they made a multi-surface I’m going to love it even more.
Pledge is great! We have all hardwood flooring (natural wood from 1920’s when the house was built) as well as a LOT of beautiful wood trim, baseboards, etcs. Pledge keeps it all clean and looking elegant.
I always see this product in the cleaning isle and heard good things about it! Now that I see how well it makes wood surfaces look, I’m so picking up a bottle this weekend!
I love using Pledge products. They work great for my home. They make things so much cleaner and shiny!
I need to pick up some Pledge. I did not know it could clean so many surfaces.
We use pledge a lot. I love the smell!
I need to pick up some pledge. I’m trying to keep the house really clean as we keep fighting sicknesses lately. I think it’s just that time of year where we are prone to illness because of changes in weather.
I love pledge products. I need to pick some up when I am at the grocery store later this afternoon. I need to dust.
I didn’t realize that Pledge makes an antibacterial cleaner now! This is a great way to make spring cleaning easier.
I remember helping clean with Pledge when I was little! It’s a great product that has worked and standed the test of time and only become better. It’s a staple in our house.
I usually prefer good ol’ vinegar and water cleaning solution, but I was sold when I tried this! I like that you can use it on everything. It is very convenient for quick clean up.