Wet Ones
We love Wet Ones in this house. We use them all of the time. My husband and I both carry them in our cars at all times. They have so many uses and are...
Journaling can keep you grounded and focused. There’s no denying that you live a busy life. Work, family, volunteer commitments, and more keep us running from the moment we wake up until we finally allow ourselves to fall into bed, exhausted. If you are lucky, you will drift off into a heavy sleep that leaves you feeling at least somewhat refreshed in the morning. However, for many busy people, sleep does not come immediately; their mind is busy going over to-do lists, replaying the events of the day, and worrying about what’s to come tomorrow. That's where journaling comes in. Journaling can help keep you organized, quiet the voices in your head, and help you plan for the future. We hope that you love this Journaling Your Way to Crushing Goals and Finding Inner Peace post.
I had a friend who went through the most horrific year I could imagine. Two of her children were diagnosed with chronic illnesses, and a third had to have emergency surgery. Her mother died. She felt like her life was falling apart. She was diagnosed with PTSD after watching her son have a seizure and need CPR in her hallway. I watched her stand brave and resolute, but I could tell by looking at her that she was not sleeping well. I mean who could, right? In the space of just twelve months, everything about her changed. She was a vastly different person because of the experiences she had gone through.
I finally asked her how she managed to cope. I know that if it were me, I would be angry, afraid, and worried all the time. She told me that she had started journaling. What had begun as a New Year’s resolution had become a lifeline for inner peace after her kids got sick. In her journal, she was able to record all of her anger, sadness, and fears. She could express her emotions without feeling like she was dumping on anyone, or at a time that suited her, rather than when her friends could find time to listen to her. She was able to be strong when she had no other choice by being mad or afraid or concerned when she needed to. While she did start visiting a therapist, and there was no substitute for lengthy phone calls with her best friend, that journal kept her sane on days when she had no other outlet. Instead of replaying each moment of the day when she was trying to sleep, she wrote everything down before bed, making it easier for her to let those emotions go and fall asleep easier.
Not only can a journal give you the tools to express emotions, but it can give you a way to organize your life. You can use a journal as a living, breathing to do list. Using a bullet-journal style, you can arrange lists such as books you want to read, recipes you want to try, or even just a list of phone calls you need to make next week. Keeping a journal with you allows you to record your thoughts right away, rather than hoping you remember when you get home or to your desk. Fortunately, bullet journaling is pretty trendy right now, so it is easy to find a journal that fits in a purse or backpack.
In much the same way, a journal can help you prepare for an event that may be troubling you. I am a planner. If I have to have an important conversation or even just talk to someone about a topic that is new to me, I tend to play all the possible scenarios out in my head hours or days before the conversation. Using a journal to organize those thoughts gives me a place to record relevant points, which helps to guarantee that I do not miss something that I need to include. It is an excellent way for me to list concerns for parent-teacher conferences, or make notes about what did or didn’t work for a recipe or crafting project.
Some people have differing journals for different needs. I prefer to work out of one journal; it is just easier for me to keep track of. I create different sections in my journal using cute paper clips I find on Etsy. Because my journal is just for me, I use different colors to personalize it just the way I want. It is very much representative of who I am, and I love to open it every day.
Journaling can be cathartic, useful, and something that keeps you focused on a goal. There are many uses for journals, and each of them helps you to take control of your life. We hope that you are inspired by our Journaling Your Way to Crushing Goals and Finding Inner Peace post. Happy journaling!
Check out some of our top picks for journals:
Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration
Soar Journal
Journal: Marble + Gold Notebook
Leather Writing Journal Notebook
Watercolor Collection “Be Still” Hardcover Wirebound Journal
Journaling has become a key part of both my business and personal life. Journaling keeps me on track, on task, and it lets me get out my frustrations.
Oh my goodness, your poor friend! I think journaling is such a great tool to manage anxiety and fear, as well as to feel some sense of organization and control.
I like the points you make that journaling can help keep one organized and help plan for the future. Those are some great picks for people who want to buy a journal.
Writing or journaling for me is like therapy. I keeps my sanity! There are times when I just feel so frustrated with what’s going on in life that the only way I can relieve myself of stress is to sit down and write. Sometimes it is just a few sentences but the way journaling takes the burden off of my chest is just great. I also have entries that express gratitude, or happy thoughts. My journal is my life in one year documented on a little notebook I keep with me always.
I am all for journaling. I think it’s a great way to keep track of goals and progress.
I actually have to write in my journal more often and really think it’s a great way for self-expression and relief. It’s definitely a fantastic form of therapy.
It’s such a lovely idea. I love writing my thoughts and feelings for the day because it’s like a release for me. My stress is also relieved when I write. Journaling is definitely the way to go if you want to find inner peace!
I think this is a very good way to let go of your emotions and just jot down whatever it is that’s bothering your for the day. It’s a release of sorts, like therapy. Definitely something that I would recommend as well.
Writing in a journal really is a great way to keep your focus. Something about actually seeing them, keeps me a bit more accountable.
Journaling is a wonderful way to keep all of your thoughts, emotions, and goals in check. Like your friend, I had a rough year after my father died and a friend suggested I start journaling as well. It really helped me keep my focus and handle my grief a lot better.
Writing stuff down really helps me to get things down. Lists are my invaluable tools.
Before I was a blogger I was a journaler. I still am one and I will always be one!
I tend not to keep up when I journal and I guess that it is ok to write when I need to and put it down for a few weeks at a time. I use a journal sometimes to keep track of work I am doing and keep organized. It is generally a tool for many needs and purposes.
I have never kept a journal that my not be a bad idea. I do look back and wonder what I was thinking in the past about certain things. When it comes to my blog I definitely think it could help teach me how to better my blog for the future.
I’ve heard journaling is amazing for kids too. I know I can often express myself better when I take the time to think it and write it out before talking with someone.
Journaling is how I began my blog. I was on mat.leave with three kids.and a husband that worked a ton. I was looking for a way to share my fears and struggles as a mom with a newborn. I never imagined it would grow to what it is now
I’ve been trying to think of ways to release stress and to also express myself. Of course, I am lucky that I am a blogger so I am constantly writing however, journaling can be a lot more therapeutic. I’ll have to get on that – it could help me lots.
I remember keeping a journal when I was in teens and it really did help me out a lot. I haven’t picked up a journal since but it really does seem like something I should do again. If only I could look back and see what I was writing! I am sure I still have them around somewhere.
Excellent post and it is all so true! Journaling sure can help with so many things from easing the mind, stress, getting thoughts “out there” instead of keeping them internal to stew over. Very healing indeed!
Journaling can be therapeutic in so many different mental health areas. For me, it helps put things in perspective and avoid a lot of stress and anxiety.
Wow your friend had a hard year. I think its really important to journal. I’ve done that worked through my problems that way and came out a better person on the other side. It’s also great to keep a gratitude journal. Write down things you are grateful for each day, even if the day hasn’t started off so good, it can end better when you have a good perspective.
I have found that journaling can help me in many areas of my life. Especially concerning self-help! Would totally help with setting and reaching goals, too!
Oh my goodness, I can’t believe everything your friend went through in just one year! I do think journaling can be a powerful tool and it’s also so awesome to see how far you have come when you look back on your words someday.
There is just something so affirming about writing thoughts down. I need to get back into this habit myself.
Years ago my therapist told me to start journaling as a way to deal with stress and anxiety. I think it is a great way to release feelings and also record how you are feeling at a certain moment in time.
Journaling has always been a great release for me. I started when I was a teenager and like to look back at what my thoughts were back then.
I have tried so many times to start a journal and I always give up. I really need to make the effort.
I have a friend who receives a journal from her mother each new year for this purpose. I love the idea and enjoy my journalism.
I really haven’t tried journaling but it does look like it might work for me. I’ll have to give this a try. Anything to crush goals!
Journaling is so freeing. I don’t journal as much as I would like to but it definitely helps to get those thoughts on paper and out of your mind.
I have been keeping journals since I could write. Not only does it help me get things out, put them into perspective, but it also allows me to have a record of my life, I love it.
I love the idea of journaling. It is one thing that I haven’t done but probably should do. I suffer from chronic health problems and the idea of writing down my feelings sounds like a great idea.
I have been wanting to get into journaling more! Its so therapeutic for me.
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