Happy 7th Birthday my Beautiful Annabella! - Divine Lifestyle
Family & Parenting

Happy 7th Birthday my Beautiful Annabella!

I cannot believe that you are seven today. It seems like yesterday when we used to laugh about your ever present pouty face.

Who knew then that one of your best features would be your smile?

Who knew that you had enough personality to fill a room? Or even an entire building?

You are an amazing child. Curious. Smart. Wonderful to be around.

You are a kind and compassionate younger sister. You are a knowledgeable and fabulous older sister.

Our lives are infinitely better because you are in them. We are lucky to have you!

Happy Birthday, my amazing daughter!


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5 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. gina

    Annabella is very pretty!! Happy Birthday!

  2. Jason

    Happy Birthday Big Girl!!!!

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter. She’s a cutie ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Karen R

    Happy Birthday Annabella!

  5. Nats

    She has such an angelic face, when she get’s older she will be breaking men’s hearts. The face painting looks really well done is this one of your many talents you have learnt.

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