Time to Go RVing
Time to Go RVing
We are avid travelers. Avid. I am always planning our next trip. For years, I have wanted to go out of the country when we traveled. I have seen a lot of the United States and have always wanted to explore more of Europe. Lately my husband has been mentioning that he wants to see more of the US and he wants to do it in an RV. It's Time to Go RVing!
At first, I wasn't too sure about this but these 4 Must-Know Facts About RVs really explains more about RVing. I always thought that it would be small and enclosed. However, I did a little research and learned that many RVs are larger than hotel rooms but offer more amenities. RVs are definitely larger than a cruise ship room and cruising is one of our favorite vacations. I began to warm up to the idea of renting an RV. In fact, my family once rented a camper when I was a kid and we had an amazing time!
Then my husband declared the second part of his RV plan. That plan is to rent an RV for an entire summer. One entire summer to travel in the Western part of the United States. There are so many things on his bucket list that he wants to see with the kids:
What really excites me about RV traveling is that there is so much less hassle. We have two small dogs that have been part of our family for less than a year. We want to travel with them and it is not always easy with pets. However, with RV travel, you bring everything with you. Even your pets. There are no flights or hotels to book. No luggage limits. You can bring whatever you need! A kitchen on board means that meals are easy to make.
Why should you go RVing?
Honestly there are just so many reasons why you should go RVing but I am going to try to get them all in here.
RVing allows constant adventure.
There's no set schedule, exploration of places along the way is possible. If you want to stay two days at the World's Largest Ball of Yarn or spend the night at California Sea Glass Beach so you can get up in the morning and do it all over again, that's your choice and when you go RVing, you have the freedom to easily make these adjustments to your trip.
Children feel comfortable in the RV.
My kids especially feel comfortable in an RV because they can bring their own pillows and blankets which makes it much homier during the trip. We also can bring all of our favorite games like UNO, Jenga, playing cards, Spot It and more. Plus they can all take naps during the day if needed. I know that I do!
An RV is a true home on the road.
RVs have built-in bathrooms, which avoids the need for rest stops, and allows for staying clean while traveling. When you go RVing, you bring the kitchen with you, which means there are always (healthy) snacks around. Stop at a farmer’s market and eat local or try something new. This is also a huge bonus if you’ve got picky eaters or kids with food allergies. Being in the RV means home away from home, so during travel the family can play games and watch TV to keep the kids happy and busy along the way. It means that travel can be relaxing and convenient. It can also be a great way for the family to unplug and enjoy the entertainment nature has to offer.
Bring those furry friends.
We love traveling with our pets and in fact, we plan most of our vacation around traveling with our pets. Not only do we save money by not having a dog sitter, we also get to spend time with our dogs and they love being included.

RVs are an affordable way for the family to travel and it's just like traveling with your home because you can take anything that can fit. No airline tickets, baggage fees, hotel bills or restaurant meals, just you, your family and pets with the RV on the open road. Happy travels!
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Where would your RV take you?
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I would go to Virginia first on my RV trip. Make it a long stop on the way to Florida. What a beautiful way to travel. Have fun and be safe.
Would LOVE to go RVing. That is one thing I have never done in life yet. I think it would die such fun, esepcially with all my kids. They would just absolutely love it!
While i’m not sure I would ever want to own one, renting an RV for a vacation sounds like such fun, and yes, our dog would want to go, too! Can’t wait to see pictures from all that vacation this summer.
It’s a dream of mine to eventually rent an RV and drive around the country. I’ve done two cross country trips but both were when I was younger. I’d love to do that with my kiddos as well, just so they can experience all that this country has to offer.
I keep telling my Hubs I want to buy an RV. He has never been in one so he thinks they are these little cramped spaces. Little does he know….
I wish we have an RV because we love to go on road trips especially during summer time! I will be checking this sweepstakes out, who knows, I might get lucky and win.
I have always wanted to go RVing! These pictures are making me want to try it out even more. I am not a typical type of camper, I hate sleeping on the ground and being near bugs. An Rv is the only way I could enjoy a trip with my family. When I get old and retire I think I may live in one and travel.
When I was a teenager we took an RV trip across the country. It was a vacation that I will never forget!
Before we moved to California, RVs were sort of elusive to us. But everyone here has one. I would love to go RVing to the Grand Canyon or to one of the other great National Parks that are close by.
I would love to go on an RV trip to Alaska. My grandparents use to do that and they always had a fantastic time.
Thanks, I just entered.
We’ve never gone RV’ing as a family but I think it would be awesome! I’d definitely do a road trip if I could gather enough of my family.
I have always wanted to rent a RV and travel. That would be amazing if we could rent one for the summer and go to all those places! I tend to get car sick though, so I worry I won’t enjoy the experience 🙁
I have never had an RV trip before, it sounds and looks super fun; I’d love to try it!
I’ve always wanted to go RVing. It always looked like so much fun!
I would love to take an RV trip with my family one day too! The RVs look really fancy! Are there designated places to park, or do you have to find a parking space big enough on the street to park?
We have been discussing taking an RV trip over the summer and will definitely be making this happen within the next few years. Your destination ideas are all wonderful and near our area of the country!
This is a great sweepstakes. I have a ton of great memories from our RV trips when i was a kid. I would love to go to British Columbia in a RV.
This looks like so much fun!!! I remember renting a camper when I was little to go to Florida…I have such great memories! I’m not sure I would ever buy one of these but renting one would definitely be fun!
I have always wanted to go RVing but have never been. My husband and I were talking about traveling out West this Summer and an RV would be the perfect way to go. Those are some beautiful vehicles, I’d love to take a closer look at them.
I would love to take a vacation in an RV. My kids would have so much fun with it. They love going inside of RV’s. I’m hoping some day we’ll be able to get one or rent one and take the girls on a vacation with one.
omg! I would love to go on an TV trip! Believe it or not, I love the outdoors, and even enjoy all aspects of camping, except the whole sleeping in a tent part!! I need to go RV’ing! Best of both worlds camping that way 😉
This post makes me think of the movie RV with Robin Williams. I miss him!!
I have never taken an RV on a road trip before, but it is definitely something I want to do. My family just leave their RVs at the beach and pay to have them taken out of storage when we visit LOL
I have never gone RVing- I should though. Looks like a fun way to spend a few weeks in the summer
We rented an RV when I was a kid, and it was one of my favorite vacations. I would love to recreate it with my kids.
Some of the photos of RVs you have on here are gorgeous! I have never really considered driving across country in an RV, but it is an interesting idea!
I would love to take the kids to the Grand Canyon one day. Just need them to be a little older
I have not been in a RV since i was a kid. I remember going on great trips in the RV with my family. I should look into renting one this summer.
I would love to have an RV to take vacations! I would go to the Grand Canyon!
I have always wanted to go on a cross country RV trip. I think it is a fun way to bond with the family while having such an adventure.
It’s my dream to get a vintage trailer, fix it up, and travel around with my kiddos! These RV’s look awesome!
RV’s aren’t a thing here in Ireland, well not big, fancy ones anyway like the ones in your pictures. I hope your husband gets his RV holiday and can tick off those spots on the bucket list.
Too funny, yesterday I was talking with my husband about RV! We love road trip. The problem is our little sedan sometimes can be so jammed packed with stuff and it is hard to stay seated in a tiny crammed seat for a loooong time. RV seems to be a great option when road tripping.
My husband and I are in the market for an RV. I would love to just let go and let the RV lead the way all around the world! Amazing.
When I was younger I used to love taking out my grandmothers little travel trailer and driving across the state with it. It was some of my best memories. I am forever hopeful that someday I will own my own little tear drop and join a travel club.
I have never been RVing but I bet it would be awesome, no hotels or flights to book and like you said you can bring as little or as much as you want.
I like to go RV’ing. This looks like an awesome sweepstakes. Thanks so much for sharing.
We used to travel via RV with my grandparents when I was a kid. I thought it was awesome then, I bet I’d like it now too.
I like the idea of RVing but not sure I could do it. Love the idea of seeing sites like that but not sure I could live in one for a week or two although I see how beautiful some of these RV’s look.
My husband and I have already decided that once we both retire we will be getting an RV of our own. It’s such a nice way to travel and go on trips with, absolutely love it.
I wonder how my family would do in an RV. It would be tons of fun to have a relaxed schedule and just go with the flow!
I’d like to take my kiddo on a road trip out west to California in an RV. I’ve never experienced it but would love to share those memories with family.
I’ve always wanted an RV. I don’t even know where I’d go. I’d probably just go. Spur of the moment impromenu no cares no worries!
We had a pop up for a couple of years that we liked, I always looked down on campers who used…campers but with little kids, it can be great.
We have been talking about going RV’ing with our friends. I’m looking forward to it. I think it will be so much fun.
We are from the Yukon and I would like to see Banff again. This time going Rving. We do most of our camping in the Yukon and Alaska, love it.
That would be an awesome vacation you guys will have! Traveling via RV looks so comfortable for everyone because it’s spacious and it does not limit you where to go! Geez! how I wish I get to experience traveling that way too!
I have always wanted to go Rving, and I would definitely want to travel to the grand canyon in an RV. Those huge RV’s would be so fun to travel in! That way you could bring the whole family and have so many fun camp outs! Love this post and your husbands bucket list.
I’d love to take the family to see Mt. Rushmore! What a great way to travel with your family!
I love going on road trips! I’ve always wanted to have an RV of my own, so I can go on trips with family and friends. Something about it just feels so nostalgic.
I would absolutely LOVE to go on an RV trip! My cousin and her husband just bought one…..and are planning a huge trip this summer…..I’m so jealous!
My plan is to someday have an RV, I want to go to Florida with the kids in 2-3 years and driving an RV down would ROCK. Also, when I retire I wanted to try to do a road trip in an RV all over the USA.
I always dream about RVing. It’s one thing that I haven’t done in my entire life but I would love to do so anytime soon! Your post makes me wanna do it as soon as possible.
I like the points you make about “why” go RVing. I tried it once with my family and hated it! My husband felt like he was driving a semi truck and I felt claustrophic. After the first night in the RV, we checked into a hotel. Its not for everyone, but after reading this article maybe I will give it another try.
That is kind of what I was expecting too. It really makes a huge difference in the kind of vehicle you rent. Some are really over the top nice. I also planned well and packed strategically including iPads, books for all of us, board games, UNO and two decks of cards. These are staples in our family and since we had more time together, we really enjoyed ourselves.
I’m dying to do this with my family! We keep talking about doing cross country maybe next summer!
My husband and I have been dreaming about getting an RV and driving our kids around the country. We can’t wait to make it happen.
I haven’t been Rving since I was a kid and miss it. I would love to go with my family.
We are going camping this weekend and I can’t wait! We don’t have an RV, but we do have a pop up! I love exploring this country of ours and RVing is the best way to do this!
It is on my bucket list to rent an RV and go on an adventure. I would love to get one with the pop outs. It would be a great way to travel.
Doing an RV trip is on my bucket list … I think it would be so fun to trek across the States!
This really sounds like so much fun!! My husband and I have been discussing spending the money we normally do on a condo and beach trip to buy a RV. Since I homeschool, this could be so much fun!
This looks SO fun!! I would love to try this with my family!
We travel so much, so many road trips! The RV trip is on our list for sure!
Just what I was looking for! Thanks a ton!!!
RVing is a great way to travel. You get to spend more time in different places and everything costs less so you can travel more!
This looks like such an amazing experience. What FUN! I would love to give this a try with my family.
My husband and I have been talking a lot about going RV-ing. It’s just something we’d love to do!
RVing is so much fun! There’s nothing like road tripping IN A HOUSE! WOOT!
When I was a teenager, we took a cross country RV trip. I haven’t been since but I was considering it.
I’ve never traveled in an RV with kids. It’s really important to make them feel comfortable and to allow them to bring toys as well. It’s going to keep them occupied throughout the trip.
Great post! So true it’s all about having freedom. We have been dying to take an RV trip
I would love to go RVing with the whole family! It’s good to just hit the road and enjoy the places that we’re going to and what they have to offer. I think the kids are going to love it as well!
This is something that I have always wanted to do. I want to rent an RV and take a road trip from Florida to Vegas and back.
My neighbors got an RV a few summers ago and they have been tearing up the roads ever since. It’s really making us consider renting one to see how much we’d enjoy it too.
Our famulyRV trips were my favorites as a kid. I need to Go RVing with my own family and make some memories!
It has been my dream to own an RV. I guess it is too late to get one now, but I can always rent! 🙂 Your trip looks like it will be a really exciting one. Those places you listed are fantastic.
That would be one awesome experience for the whole family. I haven’t done this kind of vacation and I think I should. Let me talk with the husband and see what he says. Maybe we can plan for it for next summer.
When I was younger I had family from NYC who would come down to GA to visit in their RV. I thought it was so cool, I have yet to travel in an RV I would love to.
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