5 Tips for Happy Snacking
I'll will be completely honest with you about this, I happen to like potato chips. I rarely eat them because I try to avoid the calories/fat but when I do eat potato chips, I...
The Girl Scouts have been a part of my life since I can remember. As a Kindergartner, I was a Brownie and my mother was a leader.
As soon as I had my first child, I knew that Scouts would again be a part of our lives. My son was in Kindergarten when he became a Tiger Cub in Boy Scouts. Both of my girls became Daisy Scouts as soon as I formed a troop with a few co-leaders.
Scouting teaches girls so many things and gives them some advantages in life. I know that had I not been a Girl Scout, there are many amazing things that I would have missed out on. Becoming a leader, for me, was a way to make certain that my children get to experience the wonderful world of Girl Scouts.
– Women who were Girl Scouts as girls display positive life outcomes, higher incomes and education levels, and make more money to a greater degree than women who were not Girl Scouts.
– Of Girl Scout alumnae, 38 percent have attained college degrees, compared to 28 percent of non-alumnae.
– Girl Scout alumnae report a significantly higher household income ($51,700) than non-alumnae ($42,200)
You know that feeling when you just can’t wait for tomorrow? When you’re with friends, and you’re talking about all the fun things that could happen? We love that feeling! So let’s do all the cool stuff you imagined – like trying a bunch of new things, making new friends and sharing what makes you smile. We’ll count down to the next day – and the next one, and the next one – together.
The campaign captures the fun of Girl Scouting with the theme “I can’t wait to” and girl-friendly grassroots promotions that will reach every community nationwide. With 3.2 million Girl Scouts and 112 Girl Scout councils across the country, parents, caregivers and volunteers are vital to the organization’s success.
Nationally, Girl Scouting has 3.2 million girl and adult members, 2.3 million girls and 890,000 adult volunteers. In my Brownie Troop, we have 13 members and in my Daisy Troop, we have 16 members. 75% of all girl members are in grades K-5.
Recently my Brownie had the opportunity to pack seeds for needy families in another country. Through GAIN, we packed five packs of seeds into each clear sleeve. Each pack of 5 seeds will yield 50 pounds of produce the first year for that family. The girls learned so much and had a good time working together to get it all done.
Girl Scouts is dedicating the week from September 30 – October 6 to getting the word out to parents and caregivers who want girls to make friends, have new adventures and do great things.
Girl Scouts is filling a vital community need.
Girl Scouting is the place for girls to have fun and try new experiences such as turning ordinary household items into robots, convincing the mayor to install a swing for special needs children in a park, or hiking the Appalachian Trail [experiences you reference can be customized based on your experiences with Girl Scouts].
We’ve launched a new girl and volunteer recruitment campaign that highlights the fun, excitement and anticipation that is part of the Girl Scout experience for elementary school-age girls, their caregivers, and potential volunteers.
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Very interesting statistics. I think letting children have lots of good experiences in childhood help with these statistics too.
I absolutely agree, Tanya! 🙂
I was a brownie for one year, but I only did one year. My oldest son (now 9) was in the cub scouts and all the moms were very active in the pack, but it was too much work in addition to all the other stuff we do, so we gave it up.
I used to be a Girl Scout leader … that was way back when my Daughter was young. I think every girl should be a GS or a Brownie.
This is a group that I’m hoping my youngest will want to join when she’s older. I tried getting my oldest to sign up when she was younger but she wasn’t interested. Thanks for spreading the word about such an awesome group.
I have all boys, now men and was never in scouts myself.
I think it is a great program.
I remember being a ‘Brownie’ as a kid and loved it – I went onto Guides for a while but I don’t think I stayed all the way through – that could have been due to us moving though x
My daughter did it for years and I really like the things they learn and nurture in girls!
My friends were in the Girl Scouts, I was only able to do it for two years in my area growing up. But it was so much fun. I remember the cookies. Those are definitely my favorite as an adult. lol. I watch for the girl scouts every January for those cookies.
I was a Girl Scout from 5th grade on. I earned my silver award and was close to earning my gold award. I loved the Girl Scouts. I am still friends with every girl but one from my troop, though I have lost contact with my leader. She was amazing! This new campaign looks great!
I have so many wonderful memories of being a Girl Scout!!
I’m a Brownie leader myself. I love it. It’s such a great experience!!!
I was a Brownie and a Girl Guide growing up (UK version) and I agree it teaches so much to young girls. I’m looking forward to when my girls are old enough
Thanks for a great post and introducing me to the Girl Scouts.. I’m from Germany and we don’t have anything like it, I’ve heard about Girl Scouts and seen it on TV, so I was a bit baffled when my princess came home from school the other day and asked me to be a Daisy troop Leader.. I had no idea.. So your post came in perfect timing and I think I will see when they have a meeting and may be a leader for my princess…. Thanks for sharing
I love the scouts! It sounds like something my daughter would really love!
I think Girl Scouts are very cool and I was always envious of the kids who were involved. None of my 4 kids seemed to want to join Scouts, although my youngest son is an Air Cadet. These sorts of organizations are so good for kids!
My daughter was a girl scout and loved every minute of it. She started as a brownie and ended up as a senior. She volunteered at camps and enjoyed teaching other girls.
I think the girl scouts is a great organization for encouraging young girls and helping to raise their confidence and self-esteem. If I had a daughter, she would certainly participate in them.
I always loved girls scout and I still by the cookies every year
I’m looking forward to the day my daughter is the right age for Girl Scouts, because I’ll definitely be signing her up! 🙂
I love the girl scouts. I was one when i was a little girl…. I also love their cookies..
I was never in Girl Scouts but I think it is a great program. It appears that their are many benefits to it.
Such a great adventure for the girls to enjoy! There’s so many benefits
I was a Brownie and Girl Scout. 🙂
Oops, sorry I hit enter and it posted instead of going to the next line. I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout. 🙂 Then my two oldest boys were Boy Scouts. I like organizations like that, that take time to nurture the children in positive, hands-on ways!!
How adorable! We also had something like girl scouts back at home (they were called ‘pioneers’ but they were doing pretty much the same thing). Oh the fond memories 🙂
My little one ks only 19 months and I can’t wait for her to start girl scouts! My 4yo is on the waiting list for Beavers!
Awwwwe! Girl scouts in America are cooler! We don’t have that here.
I remember being a girl scout and a brownie when I was little. I loved it. My daughter are not there yet, but maybe someday.
This actually made me feel happy and proud as I was once a girl scout myself, hihi!
I did not know that about the statistics. I was not a brownie when I grew up but my daughter did it one year and decided she didn’t want to continue. I wish she had as I think she would of had a fun time.
I was a Girl Scout, and I was also a troop leader for a while. We <3 Girl Scouts! I love the info you provided, it's great … I had no idea about the stats.
I was a Girl Scout many years ago, good times I say, we were full of energy and ready to change the world. Days were filled with new friends, new activities, responsibilities and team work.
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