7 Tips for Getting Kids to Eat Healthy Food
As a parent, getting my kids to eat healthy food is something that I struggle with on a daily basis. I am pretty lucky for the most part in that my kids LOVE fruits....
We posted recently about Weight Watchers and the exciting new changes that they have made to their program for 2016. New this year to Weight Watchers is the blending of your lifestyle and eating habits to create something tailored for each person.
Being fit and healthy is more of a lifestyle anyway. A diet seems to be something that has a beginning and an end whereas a healthy lifestyle is something that will always be with you.
Weight Watchers feels the same way and that is why they have introduced their new program, Beyond the Scale. Here are a few ways that they made changes to their program. Check out our first post to learn more.
Beyond the Scale is personalized and tailored exactly to your lifestyle. Take the personal assessment to get customized daily and weekly SmartPoints Targets. Set an activity goal to reach for plus find articles and advice designed to help you feel good.
No need to make a New Year's resolution around dieting. Weight Watchers is taking a more holistic approach to healthier eating, fitness, and emotional wellbeing.
The fitness approach is designed to fit our busy lifestyle no matter where we are in our fitness journey. The new FitBreak app offers ways to turn your downtime into fit time.
Check out FitFeed on the app where they have these great videos that are easy to watch and provide the perfect exercise for your one minute Fitbreak.
Weight Watchers has got a New SmartPoints™ plan to make healthy eating simple. Try planning a meal using SmartPoints friendly recipes found in their recipe book.
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This post was created as part of a relationship in which I was sponsored by Weight Watchers to share my experiences. Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own. Their new program Beyond the Scale, a holistic approach with more ways than ever for you to personalize your program, define your success and guide you on your road to healthier living. #WWsponsored
I know a few people on this program and they really like it. It works very well for them.
When I’m on my phone at my desk I like to do lateral leg lifts. The longer I’m on the phone the longer I do them.
This sounds like a great program. I need to look into it. I want to get into shape before my cruise at the end of June.
I am not apart of Weight Watchers, but I would love to learn about the nutrition they do. I am starting to gain weight and I am having a hard time loosing it.
I hadn’t heard of this program before. It sounds like a great option for those that try to be active.
I might need to try this program as I’ve had success with weight watchers in the past. I’ll check out the app and see if I think it could help me.
I will check this out for my husband. He strggles on keeping his weight down.
I’m really starting to hear a lot about this program. I’m all about eating healthy foods in the right portions in moving more. That’s the secret to weight loss!
I know some people who try this program. I guess I should also consider being part of this.
I think with Oprah having purchased a share of Weight Watchers and doing commercials for them they’ll enjoy a renewed success. They’ve had such a successful program for decades.
What a neat concept, I love that there are so many programs and options out there to encourage us to be healthier and get more active!
Weight Watchers has been around for ages and I really appreciate how they adapt to social changes and trends. I love the idea of taking short fitness breaks throughout the day!
Weight Watchers seems like such a great diet program. I love that you don’t have to give up the things you really like.
I need to learn to take more fit breaks, I am a lazy bum on my days off work!! LOL!!
This is a great idea for people who cannot squeeze in a regular exercise routine. The key is to keep moving! I usually do stretches when I am working in the kitchen, preparing a meal for my family.
Sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time makes my muscle stiff especially around the neck area so I do the stretch every time I feel like it. 🙂
I really need some help with my food intake this year. I have created terrible eating habits over the years and need to get back on track! Thanks for the information
I read somewhere that 1 minute bursts help you lose weight fast. I will download Fitbreak.
I love that WW comes out with a new program every year. Seems this year they are really trying to find ways to simplify exercise so that more people will get up and give it a try.
I really love what Weight Watchers is doing this year, expanding beyond food. FitBreak sounds like a great program
Wow! I love the new incentives that come out every year to encourage healthier living. This is awesome for anyone who is looking to shed a few pounds in the new year!
I’ve heard quite a bit about this program. I think it sounds really great and if it works…. even better! I should really check it out myself!
Interesting. I’ve been contemplating a more structured regimen that may not interfere with my work time. Thanks for sharing this… might prove to be something I can begin with and easily keep before I get a trainer later down the road.
My beat friend uses this, she said she loves it!