Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter Gardening Plants
DIY + Crafts

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

Is anyone else as obsessed with succulents as I am? I've planted so many over the past few months I'm still trying to find the perfect spot to put them all on display. I just can't get enough though, and they are so easy to plant. It's the perfect way to use an item you would otherwise discard and find a new use for it. We hope that you love this Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter.

I'm not sure what this pot was before … maybe it had a candle inside, or maybe it had a fake plant that I transitioned into a different pot to fit a certain space. I do that sometimes. I couldn't bare to throw it away though once empty, so it has sat in my pile of ‘someday I'll find a use for this' pile, which has somehow taken over my office. The texture reminded me of a pineapple though, so I whipped out a can of spray paint, and popped a succulent inside.

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

This craft will only take about 10-minutes, but you'll need to add on drying time too.

What you need:

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

The only reason I suggest above that you can use gold paint, is that's clearly what I ended up using. That was not my intention when I started this project though. I had a can of fun yellow paint, painted the first coast on the planter, when the nozzle got clogged, wouldn't unclog, and being incredibly lazy, decided not to drive to the craft store for more, but grab a can of gold shimmer paint that I already had on hand to finish the job. Sometimes you just have to improvize.

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

Once you have the main planter painted and dried, you can leave it just like it is, or paint a few lines on it to give it a little character.

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

Pop a succulent inside that looks a little like the top of a pineapple.

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

And you have a fun new summer plant to display.

Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

We hope that this Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter inspired you!

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Easy DIY Pineapple Succulent Planter

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20 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Pingback: DIY Succulent Projects Gardening Plants Greenery Craft

  2. Succulents are such a cool plant! I love this DIY pineapple planter! Looks easy to make, and is cost effective.

  3. Amy

    This is such a cute idea! I love the way it turned out! Succulents are the best plants!

  4. Succulents are SO much fun! I love all the different types, and this planter is absolutely adorable! So easy to make, too!

  5. Sherry

    What a great way to reuse a pot or candle holder. I never know what to do with them. And I don’t think I would kill a succulent. I don’t exactly have a green thumb.

  6. krystal

    This is the sweetest thing I’ve seen all day! I have a pineapple obsession – this would be so easy for me to recreate!

  7. Love the idea! It looks sooo cool! Such an awesome and easy DIY! 

  8. I have just heard of succuent plants. I am not really that familiar but this is a really cute planter.

  9. I love the look of this project! I love to keep an aloe plant around and this makes it look really special.

  10. Okay, I’m kind of in love with this! I’ve been wanting to pick up some succulents for my home office, and the pineapple planter just makes them that much cuter! Thanks for the great idea!


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