5 Benefits of Life Long Learning Education Ashworth College

5 Benefits of Life Long Learning

5 Benefits of Life Long Learning

5 Benefits of Life Long Learning

I am someone who really believes in the power of education. By education, I mean learning. I am really of the opinion that there is nothing I can't learn. I love challenging myself. I read constantly and each year I try to teach myself something new. I think that it is this love of learning that keeps my mind sharp. We hope that you enjoy our 5 Benefits of Life Long Learning post. Once I graduated from high school, I got my associates degree in marketing. I then continued to get my Bachelor of Science in Business finishing with an MBA in Marketing & International Business. See? I am definitely a fan of education and I love sharing ways that you can enhance your own education. These 5 Benefits of Life Long Learning share the reasons why education and the pursuit of learning is important.

5 Benefits of Life Long Learning

1. Leads to an enriched and fulfilled life.

I know that I personally feel much more enriched and fulfilled because learning is something of my everyday routine. I use a few different apps to keep my mind sharp and I am constantly looking for ways to learn.

2. Helps us adapt to change.

Learning the reasons behind something make us more amenable to change. Learning can help us adapt. For example, learning a new language can be an exciting way to adapt to our increasingly interconnected world. Enrolling in Speaking Spanish Classes on digital platforms offers a convenient way to start this journey. It allows us to connect with new cultures and communities, fostering a better understanding and appreciation of the diverse world we live in.

3. Makes the world a better place.

I made it my mission a few years to learn more about female entrepreneurs in other countries. I thought that it was important to see how women in other cultures run a business. I was able to connect with other women around the world to form a Facebook group to share business ideas. These women are making the world a better place.

4. Opens up your mind.

One of my favorite experiences about opening up my mind was graduating from a private Baptist college. As a Catholic with required religion classes, I truly opened my mind to learn about religion around the world.

5. Increases confidence as you learn to do it yourself.

I am DIYer which means I almost always have several projects going on around my house. Many of the projects I learn about from watching YouTube and DIY shows on television. I cannot tell you how much I have learned. This knowledge has given me the confidence to create my of my own projects in an effort to hone my own DIY style.

5 Benefits of Life Long LearningAshworth College & Life Long Learning

There are many ways to continue your life long learning. Ashworth College can help! The College was founded 30 years ago, boasts 300,000 alumni worldwide and offers everything from Career Diplomas to Master Degrees.

Ashworth College is committed to providing students with a practical education so they can achieve their education and career goals on their terms. Ashworth focuses on providing effective, flexible and affordable career-focused distance education opportunities. As an accredited member of DEAC (Distance Education Accrediting Commission), Ashworth aims to achieve the highest standards of institutional performance and student results.

AFFORDABLE: Ashworth College offers tuition that is less than five times what is charged by other online institutions. They believe in affordability and that students should be able to meet education goals without the burden of student debt. FLEXIBLE: Ashworth offers over 125 programs in high-demand fields like criminal justice, healthcare, creative services, trade skills, education, business and more. Students choose a path that meets their needs and goals. Ashworth College programs fit into your life and give you the opportunity to work at your own pace. You can still live the life you want, further your education and find balance while learning.

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Ashworth College . The opinions and text are all mine.


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50 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. It’s so important to always be learning. I think the best part is that it keeps the brain firing- which keeps us young!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! I always love learning anything I can!  It makes me a better person and understanding of others! 

  3. Elizabeth Lampman

    I am always looking for ways to learn. I love to take a class to learn a new skill or work on one I have already. I think we should never stop learning.

  4. The Library is a great resource for learning. It is so important to keep your mind challenged by learning new things.

  5. You should NEVER stop learning EVER. Learning is awesome. I make it a point to learn one new thing every day. It can be absolutely anything, as long as it’s something new.

  6. TColeman

    Being able to be open minded when you are learning anything is so important. Opens up so many possibilities!

  7. Amy Desrosiers

    I am all about the life long learning. I like to keep my skills sharpened or whatever might come my way.

  8. Jenna Wood

    This timing couldn’t be better I was just beginning to look into options to extend my education. I really need a flexible program that can be tailored to my schedule and timeline.

  9. Sinisa

    It’s always great to keep learning and keep the brain sharp. I try taking as many online classes as I can especially when they are free.

  10. Brianne

    I couldn’t agree more with this post. I am always looking for new ways to learn! 

  11. Catherine S

    I love to learn new things I find it keeps things interesting. I used YouTube last week when I needed to change the battery in the car.

  12. Thanks for the heads up on this. I think learning for life is key to keeping our brains healthy for the long term.

  13. I love your confidence and trying new things is the key to your success. it is your attitude of not giving up and can do which defines you.

  14. I will tell you, as a parent, I feel life long learning has made me a better one. I feel I have been better prepared with the knowledge I have gained, both from life and from school.

  15. Kelly

    I have taken a few courses over the years, it is always a lot of fun. It is always exciting learning new things and experience new things.

  16. It is always a wonderful thing when one is willing and able to continue to learn! We love libraries so that we can get new books and learn new things by reading! I also love the idea of traveling around to historical sites to learn more too 🙂

  17. Pam

    It is so important to always be learning! You really want to keep your brain sharp and expand your horizons.

  18. I also try to teach myself something new each year. Grandma always said an idle mind is the devil’s playground!

  19. I agree that learning is really important. I love my job as a vet tech where I learn new things every day!

  20. Oh goodness, constant learning! Although, every time I help my son with his homework, I am learning something new, education is so different from when I was a kid!

  21. My husband especially is a big believer in being a life-long learner; he is currently working on learning a second language. So is my dad, who is constantly doing puzzles and looking at DIY videos such as found in the instructables website.
    I also am a believer and have heard that continued learning can ward off various mental illnesses.
    Finally, I cannot believe that Ashworth College has tuition that is up to 5 x less than typical colleges! ….what a great find for those adults looking for continued education!

  22. These are all so true! I love to learn. Everything changes from time to time so, we really have to learn continuously to adapt to these changes.

  23. The confidence aspect is so true. I have always been a learn worm and the confidence it provided me through life is invaluable.

  24. I love this post! We can always be learning something! It keeps us sharp!

  25. I love the part about adapting to change. Learning definitely helps you be prepared in more than one situation.

  26. I don’t think we ever stop learning. And we are never too old not to learn. If we stop learning, we stop growing. Then we get stuck and that’s when life gets dull and uninteresting. We should always be learning.

  27. Annemarie LeBlanc

    Learning is a continuous process. Everyday, something somewhere gets discovered or invented. I am interested in taking short courses like photography. I am happy that there are institutions that offer high quality affordable college education. That is music to the ears of any parent.

  28. Rosie

    I’ve been doing online classes with Lynda.com. Good for you all the education and daily learning!

  29. Our Family World

    Learning is always a continuous process. We must always find ways to improve ourselves either through self study or classroom settings. The only constant thing in the world is change and we must be well equipped with appropriate knowledge to be able to go with that change.

  30. candy

    This is something I feel very strongly about.  Doesn’t matter how old a person is there are so many things to learn and try.  My problem is there is so much I want to learn, feel like there isn’t enough time.

  31. I love number four and five! Learning about other cultures truly does open your mind. I want to teach my kids as much as possible so they grow up with open minds! 

  32. I completely agree with you! This is why I’ve tried to foster a love of learning in my kids. I haven’t been as successful with my youngest, but my third grader loves learning, loves school, loves everything about it. I hope he continues to love it for all of his education and then some. I’ll work on my five year old some more. 😉

  33. Claudia Krusch

    Ashworth College sounds like a great school to continue learning. I think it is important to keep your mind challenged.

  34. It’s nice to keep striving for more, to learn as much as possible. I would love to have the time to attend more programs and classes. Nice to know there are so many opportunities out there.

  35. My husband needs to finish his degree SOON for a promotion he is in line for. I will tell him about Ashworth as an option!

  36. You should never stop learning, no matter what. I love this list of benefits. My favorite benefit of always learning new things is keeping life exciting.

  37. I try and keep learning year round!! I have to for my job but then I do some just for fun too!! 

  38. Adapting to change is tough at times but once you figured out the art of it, it makes life easier. Life long learning is beneficial, just like the things I learn everyday from parenting.

  39. Karlyn Cruz

    It’s really important to keep learning and it will benefit out life and easier.

  40. Victoria Heckstall

    We should never stop learning, especially in our daily lives we learned new thing.

  41. I also believe in the power of education and it never just stops at school. I would add traveling abroad to the list of life long learning. I am in Panama now on a study abroad program and ambassadorship which is cool because I didnt do this when I was in college.

  42. I think learning is amazing and it would be nice to continue your education especially with subjects that you’re interested in. This is the perfect school for people who would like to still live their lives while also getting the education that they’ve been wanting to earn.

  43. Having been out of university for a few years now, I amaze myself at how much I still enjoy learning from my own research! I find it very stimulating.

  44. I learned about the art of learning and how it opens our minds to things when I was in college. I love this blog post!

  45. I’m not in a university or anything but I believe in life learning. Whenever I pick up a new craft of interest I learn all that I can about it. I think we should never stop learning.

  46. Mary Edwards

    this sounds like a great college for this mom. I love the flexibility. And that it costs so much less than other colleges

  47. I’m not a college student, but I have toyed with the idea of going back since I believe in the power of education.  I love to learn!

  48. Gabriel Bregg

    Yes! I’m always trying to learn, even if it isn’t formal. It happens that I’m headed back to school myself this fall.

  49. Continuous learning is the best we can do to grow and I can’t wait to get back to schooling again.

  50. I love learning! I was actually kind of sad when I graduated because I love sitting in lectures and soaking everything in. I hope to go back to school for my masters and doctorate so I can teach!

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