Wordless Wednesdays – My Tiger Cub
The second that I saw him I burst out into tears (I am even in tears while posting this). It didn't help that it was in carpool. I was totally, unabashedly crying. I think...
Last week my family went on a cruise. I was sitting on the verandah relaxing while everyone else was out doing some sort of activity when I saw this rainbow.
I also caught it on video:
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The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers,
Not Your Momblog, High Impact Mom, Colorado Moms, Resourceful Mom
Rajean Blomquist, BrainFoggles, Zensible Mama & Rachel Ferrucci
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so beautiful 🙂
What a magically wonderful photo. Thanks for sharing it!
Beautiful rainbow!!!!
I just LOVE rainbows! We captured one just last week. 🙂 This one is perfect!!
Great rainbow – well captured!
Beautiful! Hope you all had a nice time.
That is a beautiful rainbow!
Wonderful rainbow! Hope you had fun on the cruise!
Perfect shot!
what a pretty sight!
Nice catch girlie!! Beauty is every where! People just need to open their eyes and see it. I love that you went on a cruise! Someday I want to go on a cruise to Alaska! Miss you and hope to see you soon!
So beautiful! I love going on cruises!
Thanks for the reminder that our family needs a vacation like this where we can see the ocean and a rainbow!
That is so neat looking! Like it’s dipping into the water. I wonder if there’s a sunken pot of gold under there. 😉
Oh that’s the prettiest rainbow ever! Love how bright it is, thanks for sharing 🙂
How pretty! I love rainbows.
That is amazing!! I love how you were able to catch the whole thing : )
I love rainbows!
This is an especially awesome capture!
What a lovely shot! Nature at its best. 🙂
Absolutely beautiful!
I LOVE rainbows, especially double rainbows.
What a beautiful photo and the video is awesome, you can even see a double rainbow.
Thanks for sharing…
I also need a vacation!
Great photo
Wow, what a gorgeous site to see
Oh – how pretty over the water!
So pretty! Love that rainbow!
That’s absolutely gorgeous!
SO pretty! I haven’t seen a good rainbow in a LONG time!
Rainbows are magical no matter where you find them. But I want to know how that Leprechan is breathing under water.
Beautiful shot! So jealous, you went on a cruise. My favorite type of vacations!
Pretty! Where did you take a cruise to? I would love to go on another, they are so fun!
Oh how beautiful!! I just LOVE rainbows <3
Nice picture!
Oh I want to go on a cruise right now! That sounds delightful!
That is such an amazing pic of the rainbow! Incredible!
Love it! I always seem to see rainbows as I am driving so I can’t catch a picture!
what a wonderul picture and i am sure you took many more