FROZEN II Printables Recipes Activity Sheets and Games
FROZEN II Printables Recipes Activity Sheets and Games This is the week that we have all been waiting for or at least in this house and for Walt Disney Animation Studios Frozen...
He came into our house just a few short weeks ago. Majestic is a Red-Eared Slider. My son is already in love.
Did you know turtles can live 40-50 years? Yeah I didn't either.
I told my son that it was very likely that his grandchildren would be enjoying this turtle as well.
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What a cool turtle!
He is really cool! My son is so excited!
what a cute little guy! I hope he’s around for years to come!
Me too! I am sure that he will be around a while. 🙂
how precious. lovely lines and textures.
Thanks! He is a nice looking turtle.
So fun! I just keep thinking of the turtle in Finding Nemo being 150 years old 😛 I’m so happy for you and your family that you have a new little member that will be sticking around for quite a while!
Thanks TerriAnn! We are really thrilled to have him!
Turtles are the best! So sweet. Had no idea they lived to be so old…good to know, won’t leave the child traumatized like some fish that pass in a few weeks…
He really is a great pet. Thanks for visiting Bella!
Awww, I had a red ear slider when I was in high school. I loved him!
Oh that is so cool. I had never even heard of them before but he is great pet!
He is cute! I had a pair like him as a child… they did not last very long. 🙁
Well we are hoping that he is with us a long time! Finger crossed!
Turtles are so cool! I remember my brother having a couple when we were younger.
I wasn’t sure how I would feel but my kids love him and he is a pretty cool pet!
love it!
40-50 years..ACK!
Ha ha! I know. If my son gets tired, I could go into a nursing home with a pet turtle. 😉
What a handsome fellow he is!
Thanks Liz. We are thrilled to have him!
He is very pretty!
Thanks! I think so too!
We had a pet turtle once. Neat photos.
Thanks Amber!
Tutles are cool.
Thanks Maryann!
How neat! And I didn’t know they live that long, pretty awesome!
He is a really cool turtle. Thanks for stopping by Billie!
I cannot believe how perfect his stripes are on his face. Crazy! and no I had no idea turtles could live that long!
He is such a cute turtle. Very symmetrical looking. 🙂
Love the turtle! They are so fun to have. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for visiting Danielle!
My granddaughter wants one of those so bad, but the cheapest one I found in my neighborhood is like fifty bucks! OUCH!
He’s so cute!
Wow – that’s a long time! Talk about commitment! I wonder if you can send the turtle to college with your kiddo 🙂
That’s cute! I think they grow their entire life also. Do you know how big he will get?
I’ve had one of those before. He didn’t make it.
Ohhh I just saw your Moe’s button. I LOVE Moe’s!
Hi there Majestic! 😉
50 years is a looong time! Wow!
What a gorgeous turtle!!
Majestic is a great name for the little guy. How bizarre that he will probably be around to play with your great-grandchildren!
Love it!! What a cool pet. Are they pretty low maintenance? I bet our boys would love that – and I could tolerate it much better than a lizard or snake! 🙂
Best turtle name – ever!
What a great pet! (I am so not getting one though so can my kids come visit to play with yours? =P)
Awesome! We have two turtles at our house. The girls love them.
He’s adorable! My daughter would LOVE him too!
What a handsome turtle!
I love turtles…we have two ourselves and yep they can live for many many years. 🙂
Thanks for the linky.
Ooh, I just love turtles, he’s really cute and looks like he has some personality! How fun!
I love the patterns on the turtles head and neck, very cool!
That’s a LOOOONG time for a pet to live, I had not idea they could live that long. Looks like a fun new pet!
What an adorable little turtle!!
Ahhh! That is a long time! lol
How cool! I never knew turtle lived that long!
That is a gorgeous turtle!
He’s awesome! I think a turtle would be a great pet.
I so want to get a turtle for my little guy when he’s older. I didn’t know they lived so long.
Turtles are supposed to be great pets! Just make sure you wash your hands after handling him 🙂
I would love to get a desert tortise for my backyard – they’re so cute (and also live a long time, ha ha)
He’s cute. I think I could handle a turtle as a pet. Are they messy to clean up after?
How awesome! he is adorable! I would never have thought about getting a turtle as a pet. and wow they live that long? I didn’t realize that either. Good luck with the new pet/family member, hope your enjoying him. : )