Wordless Wednesday – Ode to 3 Musketeers with LINKY
I cannot even make up stuff like this.
My six year old daughter was tasked with writing an essay about something important to her. So I am pretty sure she did what any six year old would do, she chose to write about 3 Musketeers because…well…uh…they are important to her.

What she wrote:
The important thing about 3 Muskereers is that it is sweet deicious chocolate. Chocolate is soo yummy. That it is good and smooth. Win you dit the chocolate it is soo good.
The important thing about 3 Musketeers is that it is sweet delicious chocolate. Chocolate is soo yummy. That it is good and smooth. Win you bite the chocolate it is soo good.
She got an ‘S' on the assignment which is like an ‘A' in first grade.
So take that 3 Musketeers. My kid loves you!
EDITED TO ADD: A special thanks to my dad who brought my daughter a bag of 3 Muskteers after her play this weekend. She told me later, “He knows me so well!”
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I’m a chocolate lover so I totally agree with you Annabella! A+++
Totally cracks me up! My daughter would have written a similar story for sure. We love chocolate. lol
That was a great chocolate lovers story.
LOL I love it!! She did a great job!
She’s a girl after my own heart. Speaking of chocolate…
Love it! That, my friend, is worth framing. lol. Happy WW!
I love reading little kids stuff
Lol, that’s great!-)
The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom
Oh Mine, this is soo funny! My daughter wrote an essay about her Mommy last year. According to her, my favourite thing to do is work!
I have to agree, I love Three Musketeers too.
Not my favorite candy, but definitely worth an essay. She did a great job. Well done!
Well, clearly we don’t have that brand down in South Africa… Scary to think she’s that passionate about chocolate at this age. I hate to think what she’ll be like at age 33…
so cute 🙂
That is so sweet and chocolate is definitely a subject I can relate to 🙂 LOL
That is awesome!
That is so “sweet”! Pun intended!
That’s just so darn cute! I’m with her chocolate is so yummy!
Hope you have a happy WW 🙂
Very Cute! I totally agree with her!
This is so awesome.
This is too cute!! Too bad you didn’t make it to the 3 Muskateers party… she would have had all the candy she could eat!!!!!! LOL
Totally a keeper!!
hahahaha that is awesome. I completely agree with her Chocolate is soo yummy
A gal after my own heart! I know dark chocolate is better for me but I love the milk chocolate! Snickers bars are my fav!
LOL! That is awesome!!
I LOVE it!
I love it! You must hold onto that to show her when she’s older.
I can get behind her support of chocolate. I really can. So cute!
Omigosh. I can’t really live without the 3 musketeers either 🙂 Sweetness!
Cute!! Thanks for the translation..I couldn’t figure what in the world “dit” meant!
HA! That is hilarious! She rocks just like her mama! I misssssss you!
LOL – That’s neat!
Haha!! That is too cute! She knows her 3 Musketeers!
That is so cute!!!
Happy WW!
Totally adorable and like all females she knows her chocolate! LOL
I totally agree with her! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good!
she is doing great for her age!
Hope she keeps loving to write and read!
Having such a blast chking out all these new Wordless Wednesday pix.
Hope u will chk ours out too at twinswithtots.blogspot.com/2011/10/wordle…
That is definitely too cute for words.
Too cute! Love it!
A girl after my own heart!!!!!!!
Awww… super cute and great writing for October of First Grade (I used to teach 1st)!!! I am a new follower from WW.
3 Cheers for 3 Musketeers!! Yummy! And really love what she said about her grandpa. . . “He knows me so well”! Priceless!!!
I love it!
Lol, cute! I think 3 Musketeers are sooooo yummy too!
I love when they do little stuff like that! So sweet and definitely a keep sake.
That is too stinking cute! In 20 years you can tell her all about how her very first essay was about 3 Musketeers! LOL
That’s too cute! I just co-hosted a 3Musketeers event and the kids loved all of the free candy.
That is too freaking funny! I love it. Hey what is more important than chocolate?