Name.Kitchen offers not coms for everyone

What’s in a Name? Name.Kitchen Knows

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Name.Kitchen.


What's in a Name? Name.Kitchen Knows

My name is Stacie and I am pretty attached to that name. My parents put a lot of thought into, had many, many conversations about it and Stacie is what they named me. I think it fits me well. That is the thing with naming pretty much anything. Fit is just as important as the name itself.

Entrepreneur Magazine states, “Naming a business is a lot like laying the cornerstone of a building. Once it's in place, the entire foundation and structure is aligned to that original stone. If it's off, even just a bit, the rest of the building is off, and the misalignment becomes amplified.”

This is true when it comes to naming. As a small business owner myself, I thought for a long time about what to name this blog. I wanted it to resonate with people while still reflecting me. Divine Lifestyle is about living the good life and living the best life. I love the name of this blog and I think that I accomplished exactly what I set out to do.

Forbes says, “A company name and its brand should last the test of time. Consumers like consistency in companies, brands, and products…Consumers crave information about how a company started, progressed, and what the company is doing today to make consumers even happier by purchasing more of its products. Teaching consumers why the company chose a particular color or name will go a long way to selling merchandise.”


When it comes to domain availability, many of us have been increasingly frustrated by the lack of names available or having to add all sorts of hyphens, other characters or create a really long name. That doesn't have to happen anymore.

Name.Kitchen is an online hub that celebrates the art and science of naming. There is an amazing new world of choice in naming on the Internet. There are now hundreds of new “not-com” choices available today – everything from .COFFEE to .PIZZA to .LIFE, that allow you to create a memorable and meaningful domain name. In late 2013,  hundreds of new domain endings — words to the right of that second dot — became available for use when crafting the URL for your website. How amazing is that?

As these Donuts’ not-com names choices are new, the very best names are still available to be registered and since we know that the better names are more memorable names, all you need to do is choose a great name for your business or project. Name.Kitchen can help you out with tips, advice and inspiration to help you jump-start the name brainstorm. Discover these tools, tips and more at


Find inspiration from Name.Kitchen’s “I am.___” video series showcasing businesses leveraging naming creativity + innovation at

Ready to get cooking with Name.Kitchen? Claim your name here

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Name.Kitchen.

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