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Did you know that it’s pretty simple to LOVE veggies? For more than 80 years V8 has celebrated the goodness of vegetables and fruits and they want the world to know and join their mission. I love V8. I have been a drinker of V8 for years and I even have the rest of my family drinking it as well.
When I was asked to partner with V8 I was thrilled because it is something that is a part of our every day rituals. We drink V8 in the morning and in the afternoon. In fact, I like to heat it up in the afternoon.
The V8 brand's commitment to innovation has led to the development of many new products that meet consumers' changing taste and lifestyle needs.Their mission is to continue making it more enjoyable for people to get the vegetables they need. Over the last 75 years, the product lineup has grown to include more than 44 varieties, from twists on the traditional “red juice” such as Low Sodium V8 and Spicy Hot V8, to unique fruit and vegetable juice blends.
In fact, Campbell found many consumers wanted a convenient way to get more vegetables in their diet but preferred a”sweeter” taste, so its product innovation team worked to create a solution. In 2006, Campbell introduced V8 V-Fusion® juice — which delivers vegetable nutrition that tastes like fruit and offers a full serving (half cup)of fruit and a full serving (half cup) of vegetables in every 8-ounce glass.
V8 is on a mission to get the world to step up and celebrate veggies. They are inviting consumers to join the community on Facebook for one month of daily challenges, dares and surprises all while kicking consumers’ love for veggies up a notch. Throughout the campaign, V8 will be sharing recipes and fun facts. Participating is a great way to eat your veggies and have a little fun in the process.
The V8 VegOut! Challenge is aiming to celebrate vegetables and engage consumers to share their passion for veggie and the brand in a fun and social way. A few ways of doing this is by accepting one of the VegOut! Veggie Challenges and Dares, developing original content –like a recipe, video, photo, and I encourage you to do the same.
We are very excited to participate in the V8 VegOut and in fact, are planning to go raw with our veggies throughout the month of November. That is the best part about the V8 VegOut. You choose how to participate in your Veggie Missions. The Veggie Dares are a lightweight, fun veggie-themed activity that can be easily completed by almost anyone. The Veggie Challenges offer a more involved veggie-themed activity that takes a bit more effort than a regular Dare.
Veggie Dare: Farmer’s Market
Find some beautiful veggies at your local Farmer’s Market or grocery store and show us your favorites with #V8VegOut
Veggie Dare: Veggie Photo bombs
Psssst. Find a way to sneak veggies into a group photo. Extra points if it’s someone else’s! Check out our V8 Veg Out! team showing some V8 love and tag yours with #V8VegOut
Veggie Dare: Kiss V8
Take a picture of you kissing your favorite kind of V8100% Juice. Check out our V8 Veg Out! team showing us some V8 love and tag yours with #V8VegOut
Veggie Dare: Try A New Vegetable
Yeah, you heard us. Live a little! Go out and try a vegetable you’ve never tried before and show us with #V8VegOut.
Veggie Dare: Invite A Friend
Know a friend who needs more veggies in their live? Give them a bottle of V8 and invite them to join Veg Out! #V8VegOut
Veggie Challenge: Raw Veggies
Think you can go a day without eating cooked vegetables? Show us and only eat raw. #V8VegOut
Veggie Challenge: Create Your Own Dare
Ok, time to get creative. Make up your own Veggie Mission and send it to us with #V8VegOut. Who knows, you may be featured on our page!
Visit the V8 Website
Join the V8 VegOut Challenge
Check out V8 on Instagram
Tweet with V8 on Twitter
My youngest won’t touch vegetables, so I always have him drink V8. It’s better than nothing, right?
This is a great challenge! We could stand to eat more veggies, for sure.
This is a good way to get the kids veggies in that don’t like them.
What a fun challenge. Bombing photos with veggies could be fun!
What a great challenge! I remember I CRAVED V8 all the time during my last pregnancy. If we didn’t have it stocked, I was not a happy camper!
I use V8 in a lot of recipes actually. I’ve never had it from a glass. Is that crazy?
I’d do the veggie dare and invite a friend to do it with me. The raw one sounds good but I don’t think I could do that all day.
This challenge is such a great idea.Using social media to get people participating is the way to go!
My daughter’s best friend (who is basically like a spare daughter to me) just loves V8! It’s always on her grocery list.
This really sounds like a challenge to me. I’m just trying this one for detox.
This is a great challenge. I should really eat more veggies. The veggie photo bomb could be fun.
My kids love some vegetables, so now I’m wondering if they’d drink V8 and if I should try it. They rarely get juice, so it would be a treat to them and a healthy one!
I love veggies, but have never used V8 much. I should give it a try, especially in recipes.
I think I have the only kids who LOVE veggies! I’ve never tried V8. I’m not even sure why.
Fun challenge to get more veggies. It totally counts if I use it to make a bloody mary cocktail, right?
I don’t know if I could do raw veggies all month. I like some of them raw but not ALL the time.
We always have V8 in the house. The challenge sounds fun. 🙂
I’m excited to see a great vegi push campaign from V-8. I love their drink. I get the low sodium kind.
Sounds like a great challenge! Everyone should enjoy more veggies
This is a great challenge. I already do one of these. We have a great farmers market that we love.
I love V8 Juice! You can make a lot of great recipes with it as well.
That cup of juice looks delicious. I need to find more ways to sneak in veggies. This is a great way!
I need more veggies in my life! Both my girls love V8 Juice. I like the Veggie Photo bomb dare!
I am not a V8 drinker, I wish I was!But I DO however like the V8 splash, which is still better than nothing right!?
Yummy! I love V8. I wish I could get my hubby to drink it!
I’ve never tried V8.. I’m afraid to! LOL I need to be a big girl and just try it.. LOL
I usually go for fresh veggie juices that I make myself. This looks like a great way to get your daily serving of veggies
Really whats not to love about V8? I have loved this since I was a little girl. Such a great taste and its so healthy for you.
We love V8 at our house. I am definitely going to check out the CHALLENGE.