Small Talk Six – 6 Costumes
Ok this is a fun one. I haven't participated in a while because I really haven't had the time. But I couldn't resist jumping in for the fun this weekend. The topic is...
So I like to play games on my phone. They are something that is the perfect, quick escape and I get to challenge myself a little. A few months ago I started playing this game that my daughter loves. I opened her game The Secret Society® – Hidden Mystery Free Mobile Game App and just started playing.
You see I am sort of the seeker of lost things in my house. My kids never put anything back in the same place and are constantly having to look for things. Shoes. Backpacks. Clothes. Accessories. Games. LOTS OF THINGS.
When I started playing The Secret Society a funny thing happened. All of my Mother-Seeker of Lost Things training really paid off. I am rockstar at this game. I can seriously find anything. I know have a new favorite game and I have to say that it is so much cooler finding things like wine or a magic lamp than a rogue shoe or sock.
This game is really easy to pick up and put down when you have to. I especially like that the entire game is free with absolutely no pressure to buy things in-app. If you are a parent, then you know how tough it can be when your kid buys things in app without you knowing (we had $855 in iTunes charges one year because of this – they credited us). It can be tough to figure which apps have the ability to buy things and which do not. The Secret Society makes it easy.
I especially like that the hidden object games get increasingly difficult. This makes me work a little harder to find the missing things in the time that I have. Plus I feel like I am giving my brain a workout. This increasing difficulty also results in a high retention rate for users. They are continuously adding new content every 4-6 weeks so that means I never get tried because the pictures and puzzles are changing.
My favorite part is that I often team up with two of my kids to play this game. We have such a fun time trying to find all of the objects. I really enjoy playing with them as much as I like playing on my own. We definitely bond over games.
The only thing that I don't like is that the game is somewhat small on my phone but if you have super serious ninja lost thing finding skills like I do then you'll do fine. Even if you don't you still do fine.
I was already part of the mysterious order of seekers. The Secret Society just made it official!
I’m having a lot of fun with this!
That sounds like a FUN game! I totally want to go download it.
This is right up my alley. i love puzzle games like this
I’ve always loved finding hidden objects. This game sounds like loads of fun!
I have a friend who would love this. She loves hidden object games!
Oh lord, don’t show me these! I get really sucked into these hidden object games! I love any kind of puzzle games!
Would you believe I have never played a hidden mystery game? I am not much of a game person unless its crosswords or puzzles.
I have actually DL’ed this before and could not figure it out. I need to try it again.
This sounds like a fun game that I can play on my phone while I work. I like the fact that it is free.
This looks like a fun game! If I wasn’t kicking it with the itty bitty screen of a 4s I would totally download this game!
I love this game and so do my kids. none of us can stop playing it!
I use to play a game similar to this on the computer. This one looks like a ton of fun! I’ll have to check it out.
I have not heard of this game before. It is the type of game i love to play. I will have to download it and try it out.
This game is a blast. My phone is probably the hardest thing to find when I lose it. Usually I have it on silent so it doesn’t help me figure out where it is haha.
This game is so much fun! Anything my son sets down is the hardest thing to find for some reason!
This game is so much fun! For some reason, anything my son sets down is the hardest thing to find! He has a knack for losing things.
Oh my gosh, I love games like this! Well…there goes all my free time LOL!
That sounds like a fun app that would entertain my kiddos. This would be perfect for waiting at the doctors office!
totally addicting game and kid’s friendly too!
Never heard of this game before, but I’ve been searching for a new game to play.
My girls grandma loves to play games like this with them on the computer. I am going to have to show this to them to see how well they like it. I bet they will like it a lot!
I’ve never heard of this one! I think I would like it though!
Looks like my kind of game. I love games that make you think
Looks like a fun game! I am not a big fan of games, but this one seems like one I could get into
This looks and sounds like a really fun app! My kids would love this!
Me and my niece LOVE games like this! We always make a competition out of it! We will be adding this one to our list!
Looks like a really fun and entertaining game! I need to see if I can download it!
This looks like a really fun game. I am sure Isa would love it – she loves mysteries.
I like the no pressure to buy thing too! I hate when ads pop up and mess w/my gaming. 😉
I don’t really play mobile games, but my husband sure does! I will have to tell him about this app!
This looks like a cool game. My favorite at the moment is Candy Crush, and I think it’s safe to say that I’m addicted.
That looks like a cool game. The hubby does app games and would like this.
I’m always looking for cool app games, too! Thakns for the Secret Society information. We’ll check it out.
Looks like a fun game. The hardest things I ever have to find usually involves my kids. Mostly because they’re having meltdowns and stressing me out about whatever it is they’ve lost. LOL! Searching under pressure, for sure!
This looks like a fun game. I love mystery games. They are a lot of fun!
HIdden objective games are soo addictive… runs off to check this one out. Don’t expect to hear from me for a few days, lol!
This looks like a fun game! I need a new game to play and this looks perfect!
Looks like a fun game. I’m always down for something to occupy me and keep my mind fresh.
Looks like a fun game. I should check it out.
This is such a fun game. We enjoy it as a family and I’m really excited that I can play it on my Kindle as well as my cell.
My kids and I totally play this game too! We love hidden mystery games!
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