Take Charge! Tweet Up from Cox - Divine Lifestyle

Take Charge! Tweet Up from Cox

Part of being parent is making choices when it comes to my kids and television programming. There are a lot of things my kids would love to watch but there are many things that I do not let them watch.

In fact, tonight my son asked me, “When will I be allowed to see a Rated R movie?” I looked at him and joked, “Never.” But then I thought better of it and asked why he wanted to see an R rated movie. I also asked if he had a particular movie in mind.

He told me that some boys at camp were talking about seeing Gladiator. He told me that he was planning to find it on Netflix that evening and watch it to see what they were talking about. That movie is something that made me cringe several times while watching and I cannot even begin to imagine my 9 year old watching it. That is just scary.

It was also a wakeup call to me to check to see what kind of parental controls we had on our Netflix account. I honestly had no idea but I know that I didn’t want him watching the movie or anything like it.

I had to explain to him that Gladiator is not appropriate for him. I also explained that I didn’t feel it was appropriate for those other kids either but I am not their mother or parent so I don’t have a say in what they do but I do have a say in what he does.


The social media event is a one hour “Tweet up” taking place on June 28th  from 6-7pm EST in DC with John Walsh.

Participants:  Child advocate John Walsh, educators, additional children’s advocates, Mom bloggers and non-profits (Boys & Girls Club) in the DC area, Blogger Leticia Barr (Twitter: @TechSavvyMama) as well as national exposure/support from LT Moms.

This Town-Hall Twitter event will be moderated by Miles Obrien—(CNN).


It can be incredibly tough to keep up with all this technology. But as all parents know, our kids learn from us — and not just from what we say, but more importantly from what we do. Even if we’re a bit clueless about our kids’ online and cell phone lives, we can still help them learn to use technology wisely.

The bottom line? Good, safe online and cell phone behavior begins at home. Here’s what you can do:

1. Model good behavior. If we’re on our Blackberries or iPhones at dinner, why will our kids listen to us when we tell them to turn theirs off?

2. Pay attention. Know where your kids are going online — and what they’re doing there.

3. Impart our values. Cheating, lying, being cruel – that’s just not OK. Right and wrong extends to online and mobile life.

4. Establish limits. Phone time, video download time, destinations. There really is a right time and place for everything.

5. Encourage balance. Get kids involved in offline activities, especially activities that don’t require or allow cell service.

6. Explain what’s at stake. Remind your kids that what they do today can be abused by someone tomorrow.

*Courtesy of the Cox Take Charge! Website


Time to Take Charge  The Take Charge! web site (www.cox.com/takecharge) is a central repository of helpful information. For example, almost 60 percent of parents surveyed indicated that parental controls on cable boxes are the most valuable monitoring tool for TV, so the site features step-by-step instructions on activating those controls. Additional online tools include tips for responsible Internet, TV, and telephone use; a family media usage contract; a resource list to help identify good educational programming; links to valuable web sites; ongoing features on protecting families; and games, quizzes, and other fun offerings that educate children about safe usage practices.


Now, you have the chance to win $50 towards your monthly cable bill to help you use the important tools, toward digital equipment for you or your kids, etc. Share with me your best tip for child safety on the internet and/or on responsible TV viewing. Leave your comment below as your first, mandatory entry. Comment must be relevant and make sense. If you cut and paste another entry on this blog, your entry will not count.



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Giveaway ends 07/22/12 at 11:59 PM EST. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.


Disclosure: I am a compensated participant in this campaign.


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  1. deanna hanson

    my best safety tip for child safety on the internet is not letting them use it.

  2. Mami2jcn

    My 9 year old son is only allowed on the Internet if he’s being supervised by us. He has begged us for a Facebook account and we will not allow it. I think the minimum age for Facebook is 15, but I know some moms who let their very young kids have Facebook accounts and just lie about their age when they sign up. We definitely won’t allow that.

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  22. debbie jackson

    keep computer is a family area, not kids bedrooms debbie jackson,
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  23. debbie jackson

    emailsub debbie jackson,
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

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  26. Samantha C.

    For responsible tv viewing for our toddlers, we permit shows at nighttime when they are getting ready for bed. Never do we replace tv with time spent outside!

  27. debbie jackson

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  38. Stephanie

    i use the computer with them!

  39. Stephanie

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  61. Teh Doll

    We only allow educational tv during the week and we only have netflix so it monitors everything that the kids watch.


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  64. Elena

    My tip is to set up the parental control on your child’s computer and monitor how much time your child spends online

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  82. Jessie C.

    In addition to parental control, hubby and I (at least one of us) are always with kids while they’re using computers and watching tv.

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  110. Wanda McHenry

    Parental controls on the TV are essential! I don’t have a child so I’m not sure about what child safety features are available on the internet.

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  169. LAMusing

    Besides using parental TV locks, limit television time to when you are nearby – that way you can pop in periodically and make sure what they are watching.

  170. LAMusing

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  171. Norma

    My daughter is grown now, but if she were still a child today I would greatly limit her internet time (and of course use parental controls). Kids need time playing in the “real” world, physical exercise, and interacting face to face with others. I know kids that rarely see their friends in person and have most of their relationships via email/tweet/texting. Sad.

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  193. Stacey B

    The main thing I would say to maintain safety is to ensure parental controls are set, and a good password is used !!

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  212. Amanda Hoffman

    for internet i would have the files you dont want the kid to see on password protected same with tv

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  218. Michelle S.

    I think the most important thing is to be involved and know what your kids are doing.

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  237. I haven’t had to deal with this issue yet since my 4.5 year old doesn’t spend much, if any, time online. I know I will be doing some major research on this topic once she is online.

  238. busyworkingmama follows you on twitter

  239. Oops – on the previous 4 comments I meant to say I entered the Bounce giveaway!! Sorry about that!

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  245. steph

    my tip is to always be there yourself and pre-screen what they’re doing!

  246. Alicia Zirjacks

    I monitor all electronic usage with my kids. In my opinion, not enough parents monitor their activity especially when it comes to social networking sites.

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  252. Cynthia R

    block channels, look up history on the net, put computer in a central location

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  272. Cynthia R

    #3 entered brave’s merida giveaway

  273. Cynthia R

    #4 entered brave’s merida giveaway

  274. Cynthia R

    #5 entered brave’s merida giveaway

  275. Cynthia R

    #1 entered coca cola NASCAR giveaway

  276. Cynthia R

    #2 entered coca cola NASCAR giveaway

  277. Cynthia R

    #3 entered coca cola NASCAR giveaway

  278. Cynthia R

    #4 entered coca cola NASCAR giveaway

  279. Cynthia R

    #5 entered coca cola NASCAR giveaway

  280. lala r

    the kids have 2 hour internet allowance and i constantly remind them of online safety.
    amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

  281. lala r

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    amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

  282. lala r

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    amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

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    pinterest follower
    amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

  284. lala r

    pinterest follower
    amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

  285. Wanda McHenry

    K+ in Social Media (Wanda McHenry)

  286. Wanda McHenry

    K+ in Social Media (Wanda McHenry)

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    K+ in Blogging (Wanda McHenry)

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    K+ in Blogging (Wanda McHenry)

  289. Wanda McHenry

    K+ in Moms (Wanda McHenry)

  290. Wanda McHenry

    K+ in Moms (Wanda McHenry)

  291. Tracy Robertson

    I think that the computer should be in a shared part of the house, like the living room and not in the childs room. I think there also needs to be tons of parent to child communication on internet safety tips. Thanks!

  292. Deanna

    Supervise kids when they are on the computer by having the computer in a main room like the living room.

  293. Deanna

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  302. Deanna

    #5 – I entered your BOOST Kid Essentials Real Families. Real Stories. 1 Case + $50 Visa Gift Card giveaway.

  303. Deanna

    #1 – I entered your Brave’s Merida Gem Styling Doll and Brave Castle & Forest Play Set giveaway.

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  305. Deanna

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  306. Deanna

    #4 – I entered your Brave’s Merida Gem Styling Doll and Brave Castle & Forest Play Set giveaway.

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  314. Deanna

    I’m following @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter (@giveaway_mommy).

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  316. Wanda McHenry

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  317. Wanda McHenry

    Entered BOOST Kid Essentials Real Families. Real Stories. 1 Case G!veaway + $50 Visa Gift Card

  318. Wanda McHenry

    Entered BOOST Kid Essentials Real Families. Real Stories. 1 Case G!veaway + $50 Visa Gift Card

  319. Wanda McHenry

    Entered BOOST Kid Essentials Real Families. Real Stories. 1 Case G!veaway + $50 Visa Gift Card

  320. Stephanie

    left a comment on Target Big Honkin’ Summer

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    #2 left a comment on Target Big Honkin’ Summer

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  328. Elena

    commented on Target Big Honkin’ Summer


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    commented on Target Big Honkin’ Summer


  330. Elena

    I gave you +K in Moms 7/18 @ElenaIstomina


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