Wordless Wednesday – The Hairbow Queen
My four year old daughter dresses herself everyday and flat out refuses any help. This is how we went to breakfast over the weekend. I am sure that you can imagine how many people...
My son and his BFF decided to silently scream. Not sure why…
Too funny – easier on the ears than the real thing!
What a cute picture!!
Thanks for visiting my blog from the UBP…I am enjoying yours as well!
Sounds like the best kind of scream! Boys can be so silly.
Boys will be boys – cute!
Ahhhh, the silent scream. So much better than the ‘screaming like a girl’ version. Cute pic!
My girls always did the silent scream when they got hurt and you knew the real thing was coming any second 🙂
Hee Hee better tell those boys to shut their mouths or else they’re gonna catch flies!
Have a great day. Found you through SITS.
Thank you for dropping in to my blog for an after-party visit! This page is very interesting…esp. all the ads along the sides. Looks like there are some new spaces for me to investigate, like Official Typ-A Mom Editor, and Mom Fuse, etc. I’ll do that in the wee hours–now I have to go make bread for my daughter. She’s been insisting, “Mom, can you go make bread for me?” She just wants a piece of toast, but it sounds so domestic of me to “make her bread,” so I’m gonna go with that…
Thanks again.
Hey, thanks for stopping by my site! Great picture, looks like lunch was yummy 🙂
Hi! Nice picture! Stopping by from MBC & SiTS! Have a good one!
I didn’t know you were on the panel, too! Did you get any of the coupons they offered? I had no idea they were for FREE Spray ‘n Wash! I’m going to play coupon fairy at the grocery. (And to answer your previous question, no, my husband’s friend did not wish to talk to my butt.)
But the silent scream is great. Gets the same feeling without all the noise! Looks like they were watching a horror film lol. I remember when I worked in a restaurant some of my co-workers used to go into the walk-in cooler and scream to get out their frustrations! No one could hear them 🙂