Wordless Wednesday – Flagler Beach
We came down to the beach to get away for a few days. Although we are staying at a resort with a busy beach, our family actually prefers the laid back Flagler Beach a...
I like the ocean. I never really got to know the ocean until I moved to Hawaii after my sophomore year in high school. I hadn't really been to the ocean much until then. Suddenly, because our quarters were not ready (my dad had been transferred to Hawaii through the Army) we were living on Waikiki beach for over three months at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Dude!
That was and will probably always be one of the best summers of my life. It was amazing. I had just gotten my first car (a hot little Fiat convertible with a race clutch), had a cool job where someone got me the best fake id known to man and I lived ON THE FREAKIN' BEACH PEOPLE!! Life was good. I am still friends with many of the people that I met that summer.
It was like the movies. We all hung out together during the day, went out together at night and always also had bonfires on the beach. It was the stereotypical beach party movie scene almost every night. Don't get me wrong, we didn't stay out all night partying but we had fun.
This was the summer that I took up surfing. Once I got the hang of it, I was hooked. My hair was getting blonder by the day and I was finally tan. For a fair skinned woman, this is great. Of course I regret it now
because that is what I am supposed to say but I loved being tan back then. Maybe I will post a picture of my surfer guy boyfriend. One look at him and you will think that you ran into Jeff Spicoli (albeit a blond Jeff Spicoli) from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Although he just looked dumb because he went on to become a marine biologist (yes he loved the ocean that much). Man I sure loved that zinc oxide sunscreen on the nose! 🙂
For me, this summer and the memories from it is one of the things that I love about the ocean. Every time I think of the ocean, this is one of the first things that come to mind.
Another reason that I love the ocean is because of the summer from two years ago. I took my kids to the beach for the first time. Or at least the first time that they remember. We played. We froliced. We just had a great time as a family. We even made sand angels and sand castles. I loved the wonder that my children had of the ocean. They were in awe of it and could not get enough. I have still have shells that bought we found on the beach displayed in my living room. Below is a picture I took that day of my daughter.
The last reason that I love the ocean is because of the feeling of it. Whenever I go to a beach, I feel a little happier and a little more carefree. Kind of like all of the other stuff in my life is on hold for a few days. I love what my perception of that lazy beach lifestyle is.
Now the not so good.
As I have gotten a little older, I have also become a little more paranoid. Paranoid about what I may be stepping on while walking or swimming in the ocean. I envision things like animals that sting, glass, hypodermic needles, etc. See what I mean? Paranoid. It is just an irrational fear but one that I cannot get over.
Another thing that I hate about the ocean is how little value people have for it. I cannot remember the last time I did not see some kind of trash floating in the ocean or washed up on the shore. It pisses me off. It is not a garbage can but I always have to be on the lookout for garbage anyway.
Finally what I hate about the ocean is that I fear it. Not a completely unhealthy fear but I won't run out and surf anymore like I used to. I used to fear nothing in my teens and twenties but I think that having children has really caused me to think more about the dangers of everything.
Just stopping by to say hi from MomDot. I live in Cali and love the ocean. I have lived in Cali a total of 7 years and have never gone for a swim. I have the same fears that you do. Maybe if I could see the bottom it might help. I could see what I am stepping on and see all the great whites coming to bite me:)
Funny, I just did a post today on Honolulu. We decided to take our first family vacation there yesterday. If you had a spare moment I would love it if you could drop in and leave a comment on Honolulu. Im sooooo excited about this trip.
I think we all wish we were you as teens:)
I live 10 minutes from the ocean now and absolutely love it for the same reasons you do. But, I enjoy the beach more than the ocean. I’m scared of the water because I am paranoid the fish are going to try to nibble on my toes. Yet, I am still determined to learn how to surf one of these days.
I don’t think we worried about it back then, because it just wasn’t as dangerous with the trash as it is today. I am just amazed at how much junk people litter with not only in the water here, but along the side of the road. Really, how hard is it to just dump it in one of the 5 million trash cans at stores or at home?
When were you in Hawaii? What high school did you go to? I’m from Hawaii and will be returning next month!
I totally agree with you on your comments about loving and hating the ocean. Esp. the lack of respect some people have. I remember swimming laps at Ala Moana and seeing a HAIRBALL float by. It’s not right!
I went to Moanalua High School and graduated in 1989. We lived on the Aliamanu Crater. Where did you live?
Whoa. I was just down the road. Radford High School and grad in 1988! I lived on Hickam! Did you work while in high school?
Jeff Spicoli now that’s a name I haven’t heard in ages. Funny how when we age there are so much more things we think about now ..life was great when we were young and carefree
I have always dreamed about living by the ocean… we are in the MidWest- so far away. Whenever we take a road trip we always go to either the east coast or down to the gulf. Its is so beautiful. I think if I lived by the ocean I would never get anything done- I would get brown & be like a piece of leather (and not care)