Get Game Time Ready with DiGiorno
The Big Game is coming and rather than stress out every year at the last minute, I am already actively planning my menu for the day along with my husband. We try to put...
Nothing signifies the start of Summer more to me than lazy days hanging out at the pool, barbecues and ice cream. I could do without the hot weather but what I couldn't do without are Nestle Drumsticks. The same goes for my family.
In fact, when we get them, I literally have to get creative and hide them in the freezer or I might walk into the kitchen and see this:
Look at that face! He is clearly enjoying his ice cream.
Sometimes I get there too late and see this:
She knows that she is caught but all of the evidence is gone. She is getting a little sassy about raiding the freezer. What is a mother to do?
Since we are all ice cream lovers, Drumsticks do not last long in our house.
Nestlé Drumstick is the Original Sundae Cone. In 1928, the Parker Brothers took the waffle cone to the next level but adding a chocolate coating to ice cream and covering the top with nuts. One of the brothers’ wives said it looked like a fried chicken leg and thus, the “Drumstick” novelty was born!
We all have our favorites. I personally think the more chocolate, the better. I also have a special love of the vanilla cone with the caramel in it but truthfully I will take a Drumstick any way that I can get it.
The best bet for my family is always the variety pack. There is something for everyone and since I love them all, it is always a win-win for me!And that little bit of chocolate at the bottom of the cone? BONUS! YUM!
Nestlé Drumstick invites fans to “Raise a Cone to Summer” and submit a photo of yourself raising a Drumstick cone (real or virtual) for a chance to win a lifetime supply of Drumstick cones.
Visit between Memorial Day (not live until then) and June 21 to submit a photo of you getting into the summer spirit by raising a cone! Submit your photo today!
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Join Nestlé Drumstick as we countdown to the first day of our favorite season of the year and toast to the first day of summer. How do you celebrate Summer?
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