7 Tips to Get Kids Reading

I am an avid reader and I always have been. I started reading at the age of 3 and haven't stopped since. I just knew as a mother that each one of my children would love reading and would absolutely enjoy reading as much as I do. (DID NOT HAPPEN!!!)
Imagine my surprise when getting my youngest to read was a challenge. When I say challenge, I mean that I literally have to run around the house and catch her to get her to read a book sometimes. This is frustrating and as a result, I am constantly in search of books that will encourage her to read.
We just got one of the Personalized Storybook from Personal Creations and my daughter absolutely loves it!

The enchanting “My Very Own Fairy Tale” transports little girls into a magical garden where flower and berry fairies crown her as their princess. A wonderful way to show her how unique and special she is, this beautifully illustrated book is perfect for new baby girls through age 12.
These books are amazing. They are top quality and the designs are beautiful! The cover is thick and well illustrated. The pages are thick and glossy which makes them very easy for little hands to turn without fear of ripping paper. These qualities are something that I look for when it comes to books. I don't mind spending money but the quality has got to be there.
Just look:
Books like these are ones that make memories and really foster a love of reading. My daughter gets excited every single time she sees her name. She points it out and smiles. Looking at her face in the picture above, you can tell that she likes the book a lot. My husband even commented on how much she was enjoying the book because he keeps finding it in her bed every morning along with a flashlight so she keep reading after lights out. This is definitely a time I don't mind a little rule breaking when the end result is that she is reading.
Her name is placed throughout the book plus they go through each letter in the book spelling out her name as well. This is a book that will go in her memory box and will be something that she can share with her own children one day.
As a mother who has struggled with this with all three of my children, I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert of getting kids to read. I have done it now with three children and here are some things that have worked for us:
1. Take turns.
Every night when we read to our daughter, we take turns. She reads a few pages and then we read a few pages. Other nights, I read the entire time or my daughter reads the entire time. This changes things up and keeps my daughter reading.
2. Find their reading currency.
For my son, it was buying him the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series. He has every single book and has read them multiple times but buying the series sparked his love of reading. Now we buy him all series type books.
For my daughter, it was the Personalized Storybook above. She loves seeing her name over and over in the book plus she reads it several times a day.
3. Work on retention.
It is great if your child is reading but make certain that they are retaining what they read. Can they tell you about the story that was just read? My middle child loved the Madeline series. What made it special for her was that we bought the book that had the entire series in it.
We talked about the story every night and then when we read the next night, we asked her to tell us where we were at in the story so far. As she recapped, we noticed that she was becoming more and more engaged in the story because she wanted to know what happened.
With this child, retention was key to getting her to keep reading. As she got invested in the story, we began to read more and more each night.
4. Set the example.
My husband and I are both readers so our children see us reading. We talk about books with them and these conversations further foster a love of reading.
5. Offer incentives.
I love that the school offers incentives for reading. Each year, all three kids get a ticket to Six Flags by reading a certain amount of hours.
We also offer incentives to our kids. For each series of books they read, once they are finished, we will buy them another series plus one fun book. Fun books could be a sticker and/or princess book for my daughters or a book of super gross facts for my son. Giving them fun books mean that they have goals to reach and I like that.
6. Set a summer schedule.
They call this summer brain drain when kids forget about school and around here, we work hard to make certain that doesn't happen. My kids have a certain amount of hours to read each week. My son reads all at once while my daughters to choose read a little each day.
Setting this schedule and making the kids stick to it means that they get to discover a lot of new books during the summer.
7. Never give up.
I have felt like giving up many times with my youngest child and that is natural. But I haven't given up, I have just had to get creative. She takes a summer reading class and gets incentives but she knows that she is going to read because I have told her.
I will not give up until all three of my children LOVE reading.
Now you can get your child their own Personalized Storybook and they really work! I am thrilled to be able to offer my readers 20% off of your purchase.
Just use “DivineMom” and the discount will be added. Go shop now!

I am a Personal Creations brand ambassador. I am compensated for my time and choose products to review. All words are my own.