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Who do you rely on?

Who do you rely on?

I have so many great childhood memories and the majority of them include my father. He was a wonderful father and  really had a lot to do with the person I am today. Growing...

literary tour paris

Literary Tours in Paris, France

Literary Tours in Paris, France There are so many reasons to do some travel in Paris, anyone that loves love, loves art, culture, food and then there are the book lovers. For many, Paris...

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How to Build Confidence in Kids

How to Build Confidence in Kids Being confident and feeling confident all of the time are not necessarily things that come easy for everyone. I know that I haven't always been a confident person...

Fabulous Fall Tablescapes

Fabulous Fall Tablescapes

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love coming up with new ideas to make my tables absolutely beautiful every time we sit down at them. I love decor and decorating. One Kings...

natural wonders of usa

7 Natural Wonders of the United States

Discovering America's Natural Marvels 7 Spectacular Wonders to Explore The natural world is teeming with wonders and breathtaking sights, encouraging us to seize every opportunity to explore them. In the United States alone, countless...