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Vegan Lemon Ricotta Waffles

Vegan Lemon Ricotta Waffles

Vegan Lemon Ricotta Waffles For a few months, my 17 year old has been living a vegan lifestyle as much as he can in a house of meat eaters. He has completely changed the...

Double Chocolate Turtle Cookies Recipe

Double Chocolate Turtle Cookies Recipe

Double Chocolate Turtle Cookies Recipe If you are searching for caramel pecan turtle cookies recipe, turtle cookie recipe best, what is in a chocolate turtle, turtle candy cookies, chocolate caramel nut cookies or even...

Easy DIY Galaxy Slime Recipe

Easy DIY Galaxy Slime Recipe You ever have one of those days where the weather is awful and the kids are going crazy with boredom? Why not make some DIY slime! This Galaxy Slime...

Caramel Pretzel Crunch Brownies

Caramel Pretzel Crunch Brownies

Caramel Pretzel Crunch Brownies Brownies are one of my favorite desserts. I love chocolate and these brownies are so amazing when they are fresh out of oven still a little warm. The chocolate is...