Sun Safety Tips for Kids for the Summer Season
Stay Active, Stay Safe: Sun Safety Tips for Kids on the Go Photo Credit: Stacie Connerty This post is sponsored by Capri Sun; the official drink of the Connerty kids and the perfect way...
An interview with Dr. Jeffrey I. Dolgan, Senior Psychologist at The Children’s Hospital, Denver. Dr. Dolgan shares tips for easing kids through the holiday without any major meltdowns.
The holidays mean different things at different ages. Three or 4-year-olds don’t get the Christian meaning of Christmas, but they do get Santa Claus. They understand that they’re going to get some presents. It’s a time of imagination.
Santa Claus is the giver of all good things. This is especially true if children have been to the mall and met Santa Claus and told him what they want.
Kids are precise about what they want. It’s not a video game, it’s this particular video game. It’s not an action figure, it’s this action figure. They expect these precise things, especially if they wrote it down or visited Santa Claus. Children come to expect that all kids should have these toys, especially if the ads instruct them to, “Tell Mom and Dad” or “Make sure to mention this to Santa Claus.”
The idea is that it’s not about getting, it’s about giving. Families can plan to volunteer at a shelter – or whatever it might be – to open up kids’ eyes to the fact that there are needy people. Parents can say: “This has been a tough year and many boys and girls have mommies and daddies who lost their jobs or are having a hard time staying in their houses. We can help Santa by doing some things that he would do because he’s having a very hard time providing all the food and clothes.”
If families are struggling financially, parents can also talk about “Santa dollars.” They can explain that Santa has just so many dollars to spread across many families, so he has to do different things this year, like giving food and clothing instead of toys. Everybody’s not going to get exactly what they want and it’s important not to be apologetic about it.
Yes. These are the building blocks of personality. Dealing with disappointment means both managing expectations and identifying feelings. Unless you master disappointment or an upsetting event early, it will be much more difficult to deal with it later on. Children who grow up without any disappointment become entitled and narcissistic. And that’s very hard to treat. Those who are truly entitled think everything comes their way and nothing goes the other. They think they’re the center of the universe. When someone thinks that way, who can they share with?
Kids should use their words instead of “behaving out” what they feel. In our groups here at Children’s, we use a five-step-process called the Assertiveness Formula of Good Communication to help kids – even little kids – express their feelings. We say something like, “When ____ happened, I felt ____ because ____. I would like ____ and in return Mom and Dad get _____.” This teaches children the importance of compromise and thoughtfulness and the idea of alternatives.
It’s an opportunity to know some myths; it’s an opportunity to work towards a belief system; it’s an opportunity to reconnect outside of school. Doing something together is very, very important. If parents reflect on the best part of the holidays, they can replicate that. And they remember the worst part of the holidays and learn not to bring that back either.
I think it’s good to have a symbol and to believe. This is the beginning of a belief system, which we all need so we have something to hang on to later on. For little kids, it’s something to look forward to. If they disbelieve, they can become negative and they lose a kind of charm.
I think it’s appropriate to believe in something about Santa Claus forever. There’s a lot of charm about this.
The holidays are a break from school, which we know is very structured. So when kids are home, parents should think through a day-by-day schedule. A child may beg Mom to go somewhere that day and Mom can respond by saying, “Not today, we planned that for Friday.” Map it all out and make a calendar. The other thing is to involve kids in the family lore and traditions. This keeps them busy and keeps the family heritage alive.
The holidays are a time of family and togetherness and inviting in. If things have not been particularly wonderful then it’s amplified around holiday time. There could be a strange relationship with the kids’ grandparents, for example, and they pick up on that. Parents have to be careful about who they invite in and for how long.
It’s very hard because the primary concerns are about safety and security for their kids so that should come first, not a sense of obligation. Parents need to anticipate the behavior of their guests.
If there are two partners, then they should talk it over. The house is sacrosanct and you get to decide who comes in and out. If there’s someone who wants to come but you don’t want her there, then do something else with her.
One that I always talk to parents about is the difference between “act” and “person.” The song lyrics say, “He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good…” A lot of parents talk about a “bad” child. They’re making a big mistake. They’re not talking about behavior. Good people can do bad things and bad people can do good things. I like that lyric because it’s about behavior.
For more questions about the holidays or child psychology, please visit
This was an interesting article, I remember countless Christmas holidays not getting what I wanted and feeling sad, while watching others get everything they wanted. I guess as a parent, its good to know when to draw the line and teach values, especially when it comes to giving. Thanks for sharing.
This is a great article, I wish i had read it earlier, but in any case, I learned from it, and definitely benefited. My daughter not only faces “disappointment” at christmas but also on her bday…so thanks for sharing this post with us.
Great article!
So much these days make the holidays so commercialized.
It starts right after Halloween, almost eclipsing Thanksgiving with store displays, ads and peer pressure.
I am not talking about not getting a nice pair of shoes or perhaps one toy, it is now more like not having a cellphone at 10 (or younger) , and IPad an IPod (an ‘i’ something) Parents are literally pushed into giving these types of expensive gadgets or their child wont fit in.
I volunteer at a food bank, and one day a young Mom came in & her son was talking on a cellphone… I asked if he could put it down a sec while I helped his Mom.. the Mom replied “it isnt on, it doesnt even work, he pretends it works so he fits in with the other kids” I found that sad that he had to even pretend to make calls- he was only about 10 or 11.
Let them enjoy being children.
I think this is a great article. It’s so true that children who grow up without disappointment become entitled adults. It’s also true that those who have the least are often the ones who collect money for other children they see who are hurting or sick or hungry. It’s true that those in India with the smallest huts welcome everyone in with a smile and offer whatever they have while some very rich people here do nothing.
There are ways to celebrate with gifts that don’t cost a fortune. It’s the love that I remember most from my childhood.
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