DIY Succulent Projects
DIY Succulent Projects You know how we love our plants around here. I am still enjoying the custom plant box I had made from this guy on Etsy and I haven't killed a single...
I have always loved crafting and doing crafts. While I do not do them a lot, when I do them, I tend to go all out. I have been crafting since I was a little girl. As the daughter of an art teacher, we were always doing some sort of craft in our home.
After having children, my time for crafts kind of went away. I would still do them occasionally but I just didn’t have the time like I used to have. That was until my kids got a little older.
Once my children started school, I jumped back in and really began to love doing kids crafts. We did all sorts of crafts together. They love doing anything and everything. My kids are avid crafters.
We would use beads and making bead necklaces or bracelets. We would paint picture frames. We made Christmas ornaments where the kids imprinted their handprints. We have made bird houses and all sorts of models. We even made garden stones and tailored them to each kid’s personality.
Factory Direct Craft is really a one-stop shopping website when it comes to craft supplies, home décor, holiday & seasonal, wedding, party items and more. They even have a fabulous sale section.
You can find decorations for any holiday and home décor to fit any taste or budget. Check out their blog for “How To” Videos, craft tutorials and interviews with fellow crafters.
If you are into crafts or décor, you need to check this site out. Happy shopping!
I love to do craft projects. I’ve had so much fun making things over the years, but have not been as “crafty” as I used to be. We are really pressed for space here, but I’m hoping with the nice weather we can do more outdoor crafts this summer.
With summer just around the corner I’m looking for ways to keep my son occupied and he does enjoy doing crafts, so I was planning on searching out some craft ideas for him to do o keep busy. I will definitely check out Factory Direct Craft online
I tend to do more crafts in the winter months- although I am in a much colder climate than you 🙂 Summertime here is time for the outdoors and doing things that include sunshine.