Welcome to Fort City - Divine Lifestyle

Welcome to Fort City

Wayfair Sofa Fort CityWayfair is a company that offers pretty much anything in the category of home care, whether that be furniture, decor, bedding supplies, baby & kids furnitures and supplies or even kitchen dishes and appliances. Wayfair works to give you the best price for your home shopping needs that are high quality products all while being able to provide you with the convenience of shopping online. Wayfair has several brands including Wayfair.com, AllModern, Birch Lane, DwellStudio, and Joss & Main.
Everything you find on Wayfair is high quality, beautiful pieces at extremely affordable prices. A huge selling item on Wayfair.com is their throw blankets. Reviews are constantly ranting and raving about how amazingly soft and comfortable the throws are. Nothing is greater than curling up on the couch wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket watching a good movie and Wayfair.com has got you covered in that department! Not only are these blankets are extremely comfortable and warm, they also have a beautiful appearance so leaving them out on the couch looks like decor versus being messy.

Wayfair Fort City Lori-Bamboo-Throw-C19LUSH DECOR AT WAYFAIR

The Lush Decor at Wayfair is filled with beautiful pieces including draperies, bedding sets, shower curtains, and anything else you could possibly imagine when it comes to high quality, beautiful decor! Wayfair.com provides you with the option of hundreds of various prints, materials, and colors of decor throughout your home. Everything looks like it would be so expensive and people will never guess that you got it at such an affordable price. You get the high quality look and feel without having to break the bank buying your decor.


Wayfair.com also caters to the kids. What child doesn't absolutely love building forts to hang out in while sitting at home in the living room? I know as a child I used to absolutely LOVE making a fort out of chairs and blankets, pretty much anything we could find! So not only can you provide yourself with comfort and warmth from those blankets, but they also make for great fort supplies for your kids, trust me they will have a blast!
They gave us a mission to build a fun fort and share our results with you!


This look, distinguished by two turret-shaped blanket towers, is a palatial play on the blanket fort. Easily constructed by attaching two brooms to two chairs, this fort does not require a sofa, which allows it to be constructed within any room in the house.

When connecting blankets during the construction of this fort, we recommend wrapping a rubber band around the two blanket corners you wish to connect, rather than tying the blanket corners together. Our patent-pending rubber band technique will take up much less area of the blankets than a basic square knot.

Fort City Wayfair 1OUR FORT

We had so much fun building our fort that the kids slept in it that night!
If you are looking for really high quality, absolutely beautiful decor and furniture at an affordable rate, check out Wayfair.


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Sofa Fort City

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43 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. We still like to make forts. They are so much fun to hang out in!

  2. Building forts was so much fun when we did it. What an easy but fun thing to do with kids.

  3. I have not tried purchasing from Wayfair. Thanks for letting me know about it. It does seem like they offer high quality items. I had to smile with the “castles.” Took me back in time when I was a kid making castles using my mother’s bed sheets.

  4. Very cool idea! My kids love making forts!

  5. What fun! I remember making couch forts as a kid. Love that there are actual ‘blueprints’ for them!

  6. Okay, this is WAY Too much fun! I want to build a Fort City. I have such great memories of building forts when I was younger!

  7. Rosey

    We’ve built forts before but we’ve never slept in them. That really is fun!

  8. The King Couch’s Castle looks really fun. The twins will have so much fun with this.

  9. I love Wayfair and Lush Decor. I’ve purchased several products and have more on my wish list. I love your fort and I’m sure my grandson will too.

  10. Love the demo!! I have neer thought about using brooms and clothespins/ My kids are going to think I’m a genius!

  11. I love Wayfair. They seem to always have fun with their company. I love the whole fort idea! Can I make an adult version of it?

  12. Fort building is serious business here. I love the linens you chose for your forts. Fit for a queen!

  13. My teen daughter has completely taken over our family room in the basement and turned it into fort city! Goes to show you never outgrow fort building fun!

  14. Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    Blanket forts are must haves when you have kids, especially in the winter. I love how you gave diagrams that explained how to do the different types of forts!

  15. Cia

    Forget the kids! I need to get back to my fort making days. As adults our forts tend to be the inside of our cars or the bathroom. Either way, we are rarely alone for too long. #CoolestPostIveSeenAllDay

  16. This is so great! I loved making forts as a kid.

  17. One of my fave activities with the kids is fort building. We love watching movies underneath our creation

  18. Oh my gosh I used to have so much fun fort-building! I love these designs. Wayfair is such a cool company.

  19. I never even visit the Wayfair website unless I am in search of something specific because I always get sucked in and have to stop myself from buying absolutely everything. They seriously have an amazing selection!

  20. Pam

    I love making forts like this! It’s so much fun for the kids.

  21. I LOVE making forts with my little nephews. I made this massive one for them last time I was home (in October) and the lil’ fellers were like “this sucks!… we can make a better one” and they made a smaller weirder version! LOL. I was like HOW IS THIS ONE BETTER. Anyway, thought I’d tell my little story lol

  22. I’ve always wanted to shop at Wayfair. They look like they have some really great products.

  23. Carly

    Oh my gosh, I love this! My daughter is just at the age where she’ll have a blast in sofa castles!

  24. Forts are so much fun! My boys will drag out all of the blankets in the house to build something extravagant! I love these ideas and will have to assist with these in their next build!

  25. my husband enjoy shopping at Wayfair. I love their furniture section, so many selections

  26. Ann Bacciaglia

    This is a fantastic fort design. My kids used to love building them when they were younger. We used to put Christmas lights in them.

  27. I love your fort, we built one too and it didn’t come out quite a nice as yours. The idea of using sheets insetead of balnkets is a great one, we will have to try that next time!

  28. Now that is an awesome fort!! My son LOVES making forts!

  29. This is a fantastic princess fort!! I used to love to build forts like this when I was a kid! I also love Wayfair for their great prices and free shipping!!

  30. Their draperies and other stuffs are beautifully designed. I like simple, clean yet elegant styles of furnitures and some home things.

  31. Wayfair sure has some really nice items and very affordable too! The way I see it, we are never too old to build a fort !

  32. I remember when my kids used to do this. I kind of miss it, maybe we an do this again.

  33. These blankets look so comfy and cozy and decorative at the same time. I know my kids would love to make forts out of these blankets!

  34. This sounds perfect for my son and his dad. They always love building forts.

  35. Oh gosh, It looks like there is a science to making a fort! I love it!

  36. The idea of creating a fort city is bringing me down the memory lane! Ohh, time flies so fast. Before my parents are creating forts for me, now I am building one for my kid. 🙂

  37. I love wayfair! I bought my favorite rug from there! We are not into tents yet but i know we will be soon!

  38. Now that is a quality looking fort! We always love making different rooms and using different materials, so fun!

  39. CourtneyLynne

    I just love wayfair! When we first moved into our house two years ago I ordered a ton of random stuff for there site!

  40. OMG I love forts! I had the BEST blankets and couches for forts! I can’t wait to have kids so I can make forts with them, I used to fall asleep in mine when I was younger. It was really the best.

  41. I didn’t know that much about Wayfair! Sounds like a great company!

  42. Ashley M

    I love having throw blankets around the house. It keeps he living areas comfy and cozy.

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