Exergen Temporal Scanner Review
The day that the Exergen Temporal Scanner arrived in the mail, my husband opened it without even asking me because he know how I am about my freakin' packages. There has not been a day since...
Approximately 200,000 children are born each year with a vision deficit, such as amblyopia(commonly referred to as “lazy eye”), making it one of the most common pediatric health issues in the United States.
However, according to Barry Goldman, MDof Children’s Health Center(Gurnee, IL) and Dov Shapiro, MD, of Associated Pediatric Partners(Northbrook, Aurora and Buffalo Grove, IL), the majority of these vision problems are not always obvious to parents.
“Children are very adaptable and learn to cope with decreased vision in early life,”says Dr. Goldman. “Until a child can fully respond verbally to the letters on a standard eye chart, it is often difficult, even for doctors, to determine if there is a vision issue present.”
While conditions like amblyopia may often go unnoticed in young children, the following signs may indicate that your child has a vision issue present:
oBlinks or rubs his eyes a lot
oDoes not make steady eye contact or his eyes wander
oEyes look crossed or one seems to be going the wrong way
oHolds things very close to his eyes when looking at them
oShuts or covers up one eye when trying to see something
oSquints or frowns while looking at objects
oExtra clumsy: bumping into things or falling more than other children
oDevelopmental lag: it is estimated that 75% of learning in youngchildren is via sight
To be sure, a new, child-friendly test is providing parents with objective information about the development and function of their children’s vision system.
Using Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) technology, the Enfant™Pediatric VEP Vision Testing System provides pediatricians with a unique diagnostic tool to assess patients as young as six months of age. Treatment of a vision deficit is most successful when it is detected early.
The Enfant™ objectively detects issues earlier than traditional vision tests because it works by using VEP and proprietary software to evaluate the child’s entire vision system (from the eye to the brain) without the need for the patient to respond verbally. The test utilizes a flat panel screen that features fun, child-friendly characters and graphics accompanied by music.
The test can be completed in five to seven minutes, during a standard well check-up, and is reimbursable by most insurance carriers.
For more information or to find a pediatrician with the Enfant Pediatric VEP Vision Testing System in your area, visit www.enfantvision.com
We discovered my son has this condition just last summer. I had taken him in for his Kindergarten physical but they didn’t think anything of him saying that he was having a hard time seeing the objects. Fortunately I decided to take him to see the eye doctor who was able to diagnosis and correctly treat the issue. I wrote about it just last week on my blog. You can read about it here: http://pkphotography.us/2009/07/potd-what-is-lazy-eye/