Lysol Laundry Sanitizer: The Ultimate Solution For Clean Laundry
Lysol Laundry Sanitizer Review We had these towels in our that I can remember laying on as a kid. My sister and I would lay on these two towels (they were always in our...
Ever have one of those days when just nothing is going right? With the kids. With the family. I have them.
I had a recent day like that. While getting the kids ready for school, my youngest spilled her breakfast all over the place. Cereal and milk which somehow landed on construction paper which then bled through to the floor underneath. This all caused quite a mess and when my older daughter jumped in to help, they both got so dirty that they had to change clothes.
QUICK MATH: That's two outfits each before 7AM. That alone scared me.
To top it off, they made such a mess that their “cleaning” actually made it worse spreading cereal and milk all over the entire kitchen. They meant well but darn…it sure didn't work out that way.
By the time I dropped them off at school and came home to clean the cereal, I had to change clothes.
After school, they change for lacrosse and gymnastics. Outfit two for my son and outfit three for each daughter.
Then comes dinner and nightly reading, they take baths and then change into pajamas for bed. Outfit three for my son and four for each daughter plus the towels for everyone.
What am I getting at?
Kids are messy is kind of what I am saying (yeah, yeah who knew, right? 😉 but what I am also saying is that some days…their quest to break the world record of the messiest kids ever is just exhausting. It truly is a sport in my household some days.
I mean this with the utmost of love, of course. But 11 outfits plus the two from me and one fromthe husband, five towels, a kitchen and dining nook to re-clean, and a bathroom cleaning after the cereal incident all mean that we have one busy household. Seriously busy.
How did I get through that day?
Clorox Bleach. For real.
I mopped with it and definitely needed it for counters. All of laundry got a nice bleaching. I used over half of a gallon that day but my house sparkled and the laundry was a fabulous glowing white.
Some days instead of a messy moment, I just chalk the entire day up to being messy. Don't you just have to on those kinds of days?
Clorox created the Bleach It Away program to help make sure you are prepared to tackle the next messy moment you face. If you share your messiest moment at then you have a chance to win $15,000 and more! Daily prizes of a $50 gift card will also be awarded. In addition, every entrant will receive a coupon for $.50 off any bottle of Clorox® Regular-Bleach via email for the first moment they submit.
While you are at it, get to know Clorox a little more like I do. They have some great products that will make your life easier. And while yes, I am working on a paid campaign with them…the fact is that I have been a brand enthusiast for a long time. We just recently made it official.
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I am being compensated by The Clorox Company to talk about life’s messy moments as part of the Bleach It Away Program.