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Y'all know how much I love the Google's. All of them. My husband and I are huge fans of Google because they really align with our parenting philosophies which is so important to me as a parent. Google does so much good and nothing makes me happier than to see this amazing campaign called Be Internet Awesome. We hope that you love this 5 Reasons Why It's Cool to be Kind for Kids #ItsCoolToBeKind #BeInternetAwesome post.
Read our previous Google posts:
Teaching Kids to Be Good Digital Citizens and Be Internet Awesome | Digital Safety Resources Every Parent Needs | Teaching Children the Responsible Way to Use Technology
Kindness isn't just something that you can practice. Kindness can be a way of life as well. My husband and I are frequently told that our children are incredibly kind. To me, this is one of the biggest compliments that I can receive as a parent. Raising kids to be kind has always been our goal and it's pretty amazing that these three children LOVE to be kind. They love to go out of their way to do things for others and they are always coming up with ways that we can help people out by being kind.
“Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness.” ~ Psychology Today
It’s cool to be kind. We all know it. You can also be a positive digital citizen by treating others how you’d like to be treated online, just as in real life. How you and your friends treat each other online will have a big impact on the digital world. Now it's your turn to do random acts of kindness online with the #ItsCoolToBeKind hashtag to join the challenge and model the kind behavior to your kids. Find somewhere (or someone) that could use kindness or positivity online.
Examples of Acts of Kindness:
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Play Interland with your kids and put your kindness skills to the test at
We hope that you are inspired by this 5 Reasons Why It's Cool to be Kind for Kids #ItsCoolToBeKind #BeInternetAwesome post. What act of kindness will you perform?
No reason is needed to be nice and kind with kids but you’re right it does have huge benefits. Great post.
I love everything about this. We teach our kids to be kind but once they get to school, it’s not guaranteed that the other kids will treat them the same.
It’s always important to teach kids to be kind. I just wish sometimes other kids would do the same.
I love your examples of being kind to others. It helps to remind me of some of these acts as it doesn’t cost much of an effort. I too love googles and visited their site when I visit Silicon Valley few years ago. They colorful bicycles are amazing and visitors can too ride on them to explore their campus.
One kindness can make the whole world kind. It’s like a virus that gives people a good vibes.
If you’re kind, you’ll be loved. So be kind and spread kindness.
We shouldn’t have to tell kids to be kind to one another, but I love that this is a gentle reminder. Thank you!
I like to say, “Spread random acts of kindness”. I feel if my kids see me and my wife doing this, they will follow suit. You never know what a person is going through, and a smile or a helpful gesture can go a long way.
Great initiative! I think a lot of media is telling kids that being mean or rude is cool, but in reality, kids with the most friends are the kindest.
i believe everything you said. kindness is really contagious. how i wish more people will be kind and it spreads like fire.
cha @
I love everything about this post! Kindness is key, and teaching kids young sets a great and positive example. Hopefully it sticks into adulthood too!
I love this so much! There is never a reason not to be kind!
My daughter is in first grade now, and I try to teach her this every day. I hope it sticks, because kindness is so important, especially at this age!
I love this initiative so much! There is so much negativity in the world from so many different sources. We need more positivity and kindness.
Love random acts of kindness. I know many people who need to read this.
As a parent to my kids I try to teach them to be kind to others through my action. Kindness is so important and something we all need in our lives
I love this! We definitely need more kindness in the world. I agree that kindness is contagious and it really lifts your day when someone shows kindness.
Kindness is a very important thing to do in this world. Because there’s a lot of people that need our help and kindness. And this is the reason why negativities not coming around with the heart full of kindness.
Kindness makes all the difference. Even more so for young minds.
My kid is only 1, but it’s really important to me that he is a kind human being. Definitely something I’m going to instill in him as he gets older!
Great post for young ones to read. It’s important to share the importance of kindness. I agree…what you put out comes back around, so make sure to spread good energy all around.
Just like in Cinderella movie, ‘Always be kind’. Kindness will bring us to anywhere.
It’s good to be kind to kids as you set as a role model for them. Also, they look up to you so they emulate your actions.
Kindness comes from being in company of kind people and is truly contagious. It’s so nice to know all your kids have learnt from kind parents like you. And kindness is mostly reciprocated too.
I loved this post. Kindness begins with us. Our little acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world.
This is one thing kids should learn at an early age. As parents, we are supposed to set an example for them to follow. My children and I have joined my friend’s campaign and we do practice it as much as we can. It is called “The Kindness Revolution,” where we do random acts of kindness to start a ripple of change.
Nnniiiccceeeee….now, this is the content and campaign that I live for! Kindness has to be spread all the way.
Kindness is cool. I am raising my boys to practice kindness daily.
I couldn’t agree more, being kind is absolutely the most important thing in the world. Very inspiring post.
My kiddos had better be kind to everyone they meet. It is not only cool but also a common courtesy that everyone deserves.
Kids see more than we realize. With that in mind, I think if we as adults make more of an effort to be kind, they too will do the same.
Kindness is what makes us relatable. Children are always tuned to those who are kind to them. There shouldn’t be any reasons why we shouldn’t be kind to them.
I think this is so wonderful. It’s always nice to be kind to others. I believe kids always see what grown ups do and sometimes they act a like. This is why this is so important to be kind to others.
There are more reasons to be kind for kids. I love it when I see people being just cool with kids. Show lots of maturity
I think that kindness is a beautiful features. And wonderful to find it in a child. You are a great parent!
I love this post! It’s really important that we always show kindness!
It’s so important to be kind and it can be life-changing for other people. Modeling kindness to our kids and including them and encouraging them to do Random Acts of Kindness can help create a culture of kindness in your home.
I try to be the same all the time but I believe, we as busy working moms need time to time motivation and reminder for the same. This post simply worked for me <3
My husband always said I went to school in a weird place. The popular kids were all nice and smart. It wasn’t cool to be mean. It makes me want to raise my kids there.
Kindness doesn’t cost a thing. This is awesome, it is so important to teach kids to be kind. What better way than to be an example too?
This is an important lesson that I am sure to teach my kids. Kindness is important in our family. Treat others as you wish to be treated is how we live our life.
Kindness leaves an imprint for a long time. It’s so important to teach kids this concept of being kind.
Kindness is always the best path for kids! Nowadays is so rare to see the practicing kindness with each other! Loved your post!
These are some great points as to why kindness is good. Thanks so much for spreading the word about such a positive thing.
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