Road Warrior Alliance - Divine Lifestyle
Health + Wellness

Road Warrior Alliance

Dramamine Logo
We are avid travelers in this family. We take cruises. We get on planes. We  go on lots of road trips. And this summer we even took a few trains.
Now with that train ride this year, I was especially glad that I had my Dramamine with me. It was a three hour train ride where I had to ride backwards and I hated it. It was an odd feeling to see the countryside in the opposite way which I had become accustomed. Once I took Dramamine, I felt much better.
The motion sickness was gone. I should have taken it before I even got on the train but now I know better.
This summer I’m participating in the Dramamine® Road Warrior Alliance program. This program will help to educate about the causes, prevention, and treatment of motion sickness.  With so many people being affected by motion sickness each year, many have no clue that is what they are experiencing and/or they don't know how to deal with it. The Dramamine® RoadWarrior Alliance site can be your your resource as a traveler if you or someone you know if suffering from motion sickness.  You will also find a place to request your own free sample of Dramamine® plus expert travel tips.


Do you know what motion sickness is? Some people may experience it but have no idea what they are going through. This happened to our neighbors on a recent cruise. She thought she had the flu but once I gave her Dramamine, she was instantly better and able to carryon with her vacation. I seriously have Dramamine (several varieties) in my vacation kit every single time I travel. I don't leave home without it.
Here is what the Road Warrior Alliance site from Dramamine says about Motion Sickness:
Motion sickness, a common condition that affects millions of people, can put a damper on travel plans. It can occur during car, plane, train or boat travel (and even when watching a movie or playing video games).

It’s caused when the brain receives conflicting messages from the body's equilibrium senses. Your inner ear, vision and sensory nerves keep you balanced most of the time, but if one senses motion and another doesn’t, your brain gets a mixed message and motion sickness may set in. For example, if you are a passenger in a moving car, your inner ear may sense the motion while your eyes don’t see movement, and as a result, you may start to feel sick. Symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Anyone can get motion sickness, but children 2 to 12 years old, women and the elderly are affected the most.

For me, I tend to break out in a cold sweat and get dizzy. I rarely vomit but I know that it is motion sickness just the same.


We take Dramamine before we even get on a ship or a plane or even a train now. I would rather head off an unpleasant motion sickness than try to deal with it once it happens.

Over-the-counter motion sickness medications such as Dramamine are most effective when taken as a preventative measure. However, taking Dramamine after motion sickness has already started can help lessen the severity of some of the symptoms. Passengers may be able to reduce the feeling of queasiness by sitting or lying down in an area that appears to move the least. Other ways to help ease motion sickness symptoms once they start is to consume fluids and get exposure to fresh air.

Have you ever experienced motion sickness? If so, how did you handle it?

Dramamine Collage 2


One lucky reader of The Divine Miss Mommy will win a Dramamine Prize pack which contains the following:
  • $50 Shell gas gift card
  • Colleen Lanin's book
  • Dramamine products

To enter, please tell me where you are going on your next road trip and/or vacation. Leave your answer below as the first mandatory entry into this contest.



Subscribe by email or RSS Reader

Enter any of my other giveaways– take five entries for each one that you enter.

Blog about the giveaway as a separate post and link to Leave the link to your post in the comment.

Add a relevant comment to any non-giveaway posts on my blog. Comment on any or all.


List this giveaway on any giveaway linky or giveaway site

Add the Divine Miss Mommy button to your blogroll or sidebar

Give me K+ on Klout in Social Media, Blogging or Moms and Tweet about it. You can do each topic once per day (so 6 entries per day total). Leave your Klout name in the comments so I can check it on my list.

Add me to one of your Google+ circles. Leave your Google+ name in the comments.

Follow me on Pinterest.

Post the giveaway on your Facebook wall. Leave me a link to it in the comments. – Once per week


Leave a comment on The Divine Miss Mommy on Facebook wall – once per week

Follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter (that’s me!)

Tweet about the contest (up to 4 X per day – Subscribers can tweet every 2 hours or 12 X per day). Tweet MUST have the giveaway item, the word giveaway in the tweet and a link to this post along with @StacieinAtlanta in it.You must have at least 100 followers and your Twitter account must be a public account (no protected Tweets).


Giveaway ends 8/18/13 at 11:59 PM EST. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.


I am participating in a sponsored campaign for Dramamine® products in exchange for my participation.  The opinions stated here are my own.

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  1. Mami2jcn

    We’re going to Myrtle Beach on our next road trip.

  2. Mami2jcn

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  3. Mami2jcn

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  4. Mami2jcn

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    I follow you on Google + as Mary F.


  8. Mami2jcn

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  10. Mami2jcn

    I follow you on Pinterest.


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  12. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime – $50 AMEX Giveaway.


  13. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime – $50 AMEX Giveaway.


  14. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime – $50 AMEX Giveaway.


  15. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime – $50 AMEX Giveaway.


  16. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime – $50 AMEX Giveaway.


  17. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More $50 AMEX Giveaway #SupermarketSuperstar


  18. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More $50 AMEX Giveaway #SupermarketSuperstar


  19. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More $50 AMEX Giveaway #SupermarketSuperstar


  20. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More $50 AMEX Giveaway #SupermarketSuperstar


  21. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More $50 AMEX Giveaway #SupermarketSuperstar


  22. lisa mcfarland

    will be going to the little red river in heber springs Arkansas on my next road trip

  23. natalie nichols

    We don’t have a vacation planned anytime in the future. We can’t afford it and we are both seriously injured from doing manual labor for too long. Sad but true. We could take a staycation though and take our son to the zoo.

  24. natalie nichols

    i entered the supermarket superstar giveaway 🙂

  25. We are going to Geneva on the Lake in Ohio to play and for a wedding.

  26. I subscribe via Bloglovin’ @Cindy Brickley

  27. I Gave you a K+ on Klout on blogging and Tweet about it: @Cindy Brickley and link to my Tweet:

  28. I follow you on Google+ @Cindy Brickley

  29. I follow you on Pinterest @cjbrick

  30. I posted this giveaway on FB, my link:

  31. I Follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter @cindybrickley2

  32. I entered the Sony VAIO Tap 20 Computer

  33. Jennifer T.

    We’re going to the Smoky Mountains for our next road trip.

  34. Jennifer T.

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #1

  35. Jennifer T.

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #2

  36. Jennifer T.

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #3

  37. Jennifer T.

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #4

  38. Jennifer T.

    I’m an e-mail subscriber. #5

  39. Jennifer T.

    I follow through Google+ (Jennifer Tilson). #1

  40. Jennifer T.

    I follow through Google+ (Jennifer Tilson). #2

  41. Jennifer T.

    I follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter under @MagMom73.

  42. Jennifer T.

    I entered the first Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #1

  43. Jennifer T.

    I entered the first Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #2

  44. Jennifer T.

    I entered the first Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #3

  45. Jennifer T.

    I entered the first Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #4

  46. Jennifer T.

    I entered the first Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #5

  47. Jennifer T.

    I entered the second Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #1

  48. Jennifer T.

    I entered the second Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #2

  49. Jennifer T.

    I entered the second Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #3

  50. Jennifer T.

    I entered the second Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #4

  51. Jennifer T.

    I entered the second Supermarket Superstar giveaway. #5

  52. Jessie C.

    we plan to visit family in Seattle, WA.

  53. Jessie C.

    subscribe by email

  54. Jessie C.

    subscribe by email

  55. Jessie C.

    subscribe by email

  56. Jessie C.

    subscribe by email

  57. Jessie C.

    subscribe by email

  58. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime

  59. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime

  60. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime

  61. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime

  62. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar Premiere on Lifetime

  63. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More

  64. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More

  65. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More

  66. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More

  67. Jessie C.

    entered Supermarket Superstar TONIGHT on Lifetime – One More

  68. Jessie C.

    Google+ circles.
    jc c

  69. Jessie C.

    Google+ circles.
    jc c

  70. Jessie C.

    follow on Pinterest.tcarolinep

  71. Jessie C.

    follow on Pinterest.tcarolinep

  72. Jessie C.

    Follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter

  73. Kelly D

    We are going to the NJ shore for our next vacation.

  74. Kelly D

    I subscribe to your email

  75. Kelly D

    I subscribe to your email

  76. Kelly D

    I subscribe to your email

  77. Kelly D

    I subscribe to your email

  78. Kelly D

    I subscribe to your email

  79. Kelly D

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway

  80. Kelly D

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway

  81. Kelly D

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway

  82. Kelly D

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway

  83. Kelly D

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway

  84. Kelly D

    I Follow you on pinterest(Kelly Saver)

  85. Kelly D

    I Follow you on pinterest(Kelly Saver)

  86. Kelly D

    I follow you on twitter(Kellydpa)

  87. Holly B

    We just moved to Colorado, and are planning a weekend trip to explore Arizona 🙂

  88. ellen beck

    I dont think we are going much of anywhere except back and forth to Minnesots to help an Aunt out.

  89. ellen beck

    email subscriber

  90. ellen beck

    email subscriber

  91. ellen beck

    email subscriber

  92. ellen beck

    email subscriber

  93. ellen beck

    email subscriber

  94. steve weber

    I’m headed to Colorado in late August from Wisconsin.

  95. steve weber

    email subscriber
    groogruxking40 at gmail dot com

  96. steve weber

    Pinterest follower / groogruxking40

  97. Cynthia R

    the next vacation road trip is a short one about 3 hours to the beach, thanks!

  98. Cynthia R

    #1 entered your supermarket superstar giveaway

  99. Cynthia R

    #2 entered your supermarket superstar giveaway

  100. Cynthia R

    #3 entered your supermarket superstar giveaway

  101. Cynthia R

    #4 entered your supermarket superstar giveaway

  102. Cynthia R

    #5 entered your supermarket superstar giveaway

  103. Cynthia R

    #1 email subscriber to your blog

  104. Cynthia R

    #2 email subscriber to your blog

  105. Cynthia R

    #3 email subscriber to your blog

  106. We are driving to Maine (from Kentucky) to surprise my Gram for her 85th birthday 🙂

  107. Cynthia R

    #4 email subscriber to your blog

  108. Liza @ Views From the 'Ville

    I follow you on Pinterst: (entry #1)

  109. Liza @ Views From the 'Ville

    I follow you on Pinterst: (entry #2)

  110. Cynthia R

    #5 email subscriber to your blog

  111. Cynthia R

    button on blog,

  112. Cynthia R

    #2 button on blog,

  113. Liza @ Views From the 'Ville

    I follow you on Twitter –

  114. Cynthia R

    #1 in your google circlus, name is Cyn(thi)a Ravv_l…ing

  115. Cynthia R

    #2 in your google circlus, name is Cyn(thi)a Ravv_l…ing

  116. Cynthia R

    twitter follower, @carawling

  117. Cynthia R

    left comment on fb wall at

  118. tess

    our next road trip is sea world about 2 hours from us- not bad- the kids will love it.
    tcogbill at live dot com

  119. tess

    i get your emails
    tcogbill at live dot com

  120. rachel

    I’m going to Baltimore!

  121. Candice

    I subscribe via email.

  122. Candice

    Email subscriber #2.

  123. Candice

    Email subscriber #3.

  124. Candice

    Email subscriber #4.

  125. Candice

    Email subscriber #5.

  126. Candice

    Entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway #1.

  127. Candice

    Entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway #2.

  128. Candice

    Entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway #3.

  129. Candice

    Entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway #4.

  130. Candice

    Entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway #5.

  131. Candice

    I follow on Pinterest.

  132. Candice

    I follow on Twitter.


  133. Candice

    I follow on Google +.

  134. Samantha C.

    Our next roadtrip is coming up this fall and we are going to Michigan for pumpkin season!

  135. Samantha C.

    email subscriber 1.

  136. Samantha C.

    email subscriber 2.

  137. Samantha C.

    email subscriber 3.

  138. Samantha C.

    email subscriber 4.

  139. Samantha C.

    email subscriber 5.

  140. We are going on a 10 hour road trip to New Orleans next month.

  141. Jamie Brigham

    I am doing a road trip to my cousins house an hour and a half away from my home as I do at least once a week, our boys play together and gas is awfully expensive.

  142. Jamie Brigham

    Email subscriber using listed email.

  143. Jamie Brigham

    Following You on Google+- Jamie Brigham

  144. Jamie Brigham

    Shared on Facebook: Jamie Brigham *FB Name*

  145. Jamie Brigham

    Email subscriber using listed email.

  146. Jamie Brigham

    Email subscriber using listed email.

  147. Jamie Brigham

    Email subscriber using listed email.

  148. Jamie Brigham

    Google+ follower- Jamie Brigham

  149. Jamie Brigham

    Pinterest follower- Cinderella10383

  150. Jamie Brigham

    Shared on Facebook: Jamie Brigham *FB Name*


  151. Jamie Brigham

    Following You on Twitter- @cinderella10383

  152. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Jonas Brothers/Olive Garden giveaway.


  153. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Jonas Brothers/Olive Garden giveaway.


  154. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Jonas Brothers/Olive Garden giveaway.


  155. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Jonas Brothers/Olive Garden giveaway.


  156. Mami2jcn

    I entered your Jonas Brothers/Olive Garden giveaway.


  157. Cynthia R

    #1 entered contigo giveaway

  158. Cynthia R

    #2 entered contigo giveaway

  159. Cynthia R

    #3 entered contigo giveaway

  160. Cynthia R

    #4 entered contigo giveaway

  161. Cynthia R

    #5 entered contigo giveaway

  162. ellen beck

    entered Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  163. ellen beck

    entered Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  164. ellen beck

    entered Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  165. ellen beck

    entered Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  166. ellen beck

    entered Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  167. Jessie C.

    entered entered Win Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  168. Jessie C.

    entered entered Win Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  169. Jessie C.

    entered entered Win Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  170. Jessie C.

    entered entered Win Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  171. Jessie C.

    entered entered Win Two Jonas Brothers Tickets

  172. Candice

    Entered the Country Crock giveaway #1.

  173. Candice

    Entered the Country Crock giveaway #2.

  174. Candice

    Entered the Country Crock giveaway #3.

  175. Candice

    Entered the Country Crock giveaway #4.

  176. Candice

    Entered the Country Crock giveaway #5.

  177. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Social Media- Jamie Brigham

  178. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Social Media- Jamie Brigham

  179. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Blogging- Jamie Brigham

  180. Jennifer T.

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway. #1

  181. Jennifer T.

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway. #2

  182. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Blogging- Jamie Brigham

  183. Jennifer T.

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway. #3

  184. Jennifer T.

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway. #4

  185. Jennifer T.

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway. #5

  186. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Travel Jamie Brigham

  187. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Travel Jamie Brigham

  188. Seyma Shabbir

    A road trip to DC!

  189. Seyma Shabbir

    pinterest seymas #1

  190. Seyma Shabbir

    pinterest seymas #2

  191. Seyma Shabbir

    Google + Seyma Shabbir #1

  192. Seyma Shabbir

    Google + Seyma Shabbir #2

  193. Marcia Goss

    We are planning a trip to visit our son in New Jersey this fall.

  194. Marcia Goss

    Marcia Goss

  195. Marcia Goss

    Marcia Goss

  196. Marcia Goss

    Follow on Pinterest.

  197. Marcia Goss

    Follow on Pinterest.

  198. Marcia Goss

    Follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter @mgoss123.

  199. Marcia Goss

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway.

  200. Marcia Goss

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway.

  201. Marcia Goss

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway.

  202. Marcia Goss

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway.

  203. Marcia Goss

    I entered the Supermarket Superstar giveaway.

  204. Marcia Goss

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway.

  205. Marcia Goss

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway.

  206. Marcia Goss

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway.

  207. Marcia Goss

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway.

  208. Marcia Goss

    I entered the GoContigo giveaway.

  209. amber

    my next road trip is to visit a friend in north carolina

  210. amber

    i subscribe to your emails #1

  211. amber

    i subscribe to your emails #2

  212. amber

    i subscribe to your emails #3

  213. amber

    i subscribe to your emails #4

  214. amber

    i subscribe to your emails #5

  215. amber

    follow u on pinterest as mmmmdonut #1

  216. amber

    follow u on pinterest as mmmmdonut #2

  217. amber

    follow u on twitter as Callie1981

  218. Audra Weathers

    Probably not going anywhere else this year; maybe the beach next summer.

  219. Audra Weathers

    email subscriber: Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  220. Audra Weathers

    email subscriber: Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  221. Audra Weathers

    email subscriber: Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  222. Audra Weathers

    email subscriber: Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  223. Audra Weathers

    email subscriber: Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com

  224. Audra Weathers

    google+ follower as SnowflakeDay Audra W.

  225. Audra Weathers

    google+ follower as SnowflakeDay Audra W.

  226. Audra Weathers

    following on Pinterest as Audra Weathers

  227. Audra Weathers

    following on Pinterest as Audra Weathers

  228. Audra Weathers

    following you on twitter as @SnowflakeDay

  229. Audra Weathers

    I entered Supermarket Superstar.

  230. Audra Weathers

    I entered Supermarket Superstar.

  231. Audra Weathers

    I entered Supermarket Superstar.

  232. Audra Weathers

    I entered Supermarket Superstar.

  233. Audra Weathers

    I entered Supermarket Superstar.

  234. Ashley C

    We’re headed to Myrtle Beach, SC in a few weeks!


  235. I am going to Tampa Florida to visit my best friend when she closes on her house. Can’t wait to go!

  236. kolpin

    i’m going to yosemite on my next road trip!

  237. kolpin

    entered supermarket superstar giveaway

  238. kolpin

    entered supermarket superstar giveaway

  239. kolpin

    entered supermarket superstar giveaway

  240. kolpin

    entered supermarket superstar giveaway

  241. kolpin

    entered supermarket superstar giveaway

  242. kolpin

    email subscriber
    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

  243. kolpin

    email subscriber
    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

  244. kolpin

    email subscriber
    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

  245. kolpin

    email subscriber
    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

  246. kolpin

    email subscriber
    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

  247. kolpin

    Twitter follower @kolpin4680

  248. kolpin

    entered your 2nd supermarket superstar giveaway (7/29)

  249. kolpin

    entered your 2nd supermarket superstar giveaway (7/29)

  250. kolpin

    entered your 2nd supermarket superstar giveaway (7/29)

  251. kolpin

    entered your 2nd supermarket superstar giveaway (7/29)

  252. kolpin

    entered your 2nd supermarket superstar giveaway (7/29)

  253. beth

    I will be going to Alabama

  254. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Social Media – Jamie Brigham *Klout Name*

  255. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Social Media – Jamie Brigham *Klout Name*

  256. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Social Media- Jamie Brigham

  257. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Blogging- Jamie Brigham

  258. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Social Media- Jamie Brigham

  259. Jamie Brigham

    +K+K in Social Media- Jamie Brigham
    8-12 in Travel Jamie Brigham

  260. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Blogging- Jamie Brigham
    Sorry about the double comments on the above post, I must have hit paste at some point. That entry is blogging #1

  261. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Moms- Jamie Brigham

  262. Jamie Brigham

    +K in Moms- Jamie Brigham

  263. Jennifer Speed

    for my next trip I am going to South Carolina to go to my aunts surprise birthday party

  264. Mami2jcn

    I entered your HTC One giveaway


  265. Mami2jcn

    I entered your HTC One giveaway


  266. Mami2jcn

    I entered your HTC One giveaway


  267. Mami2jcn

    I entered your HTC One giveaway


  268. Mami2jcn

    I entered your HTC One giveaway


  269. Mami2jcn

    I entered your State Farm giveaway


  270. Mami2jcn

    I entered your State Farm giveaway


  271. Mami2jcn

    I entered your State Farm giveaway


  272. Mami2jcn

    I entered your State Farm giveaway


  273. Mami2jcn

    I entered your State Farm giveaway


  274. Cynthia R

    #1 entered state farm family road trip

  275. Cynthia R

    #2 entered state farm family road trip

  276. Cynthia R

    #3 entered state farm family road trip

  277. Cynthia R

    #4 entered state farm family road trip

  278. Cynthia R

    #5 entered state farm road trip giveaway

  279. kristin h

    My family and I will be heading to the mountains for a few days – with the windt roads Dramamine works wonders

  280. Candice

    Entered the HTC One giveaway #1.

  281. Candice

    Entered the HTC One giveaway #2.

  282. Candice

    Entered the HTC One giveaway #3.

  283. Candice

    Entered the HTC One giveaway #4.

  284. Candice

    Entered the HTC One giveaway #5.

  285. Thomas Murphy

    For my next vacation I am going to Disney world.

  286. Thomas Murphy

    1- I Subscribe by email as rounder9834

  287. Thomas Murphy

    2 – I Subscribe by email as rounder9834

  288. Thomas Murphy

    3 – I Subscribe by email as rounder9834

  289. Thomas Murphy

    4 – I Subscribe by email as rounder9834

  290. Thomas Murphy

    5 – I Subscribe by email as rounder9834

  291. Thomas Murphy

    1 -I entered the HTC EVO 4G LTE Giveaway

  292. Thomas Murphy

    2 -I entered the HTC EVO 4G LTE Giveaway

  293. Thomas Murphy

    3 -I entered the HTC EVO 4G LTE Giveaway

  294. Thomas Murphy

    4 -I entered the HTC EVO 4G LTE Giveaway

  295. Thomas Murphy

    5 -I entered the HTC EVO 4G LTE Giveaway

  296. Thomas Murphy

    1- I follow you on google+ as Thomas Murphy

  297. Thomas Murphy

    2- I follow you on google+ as Thomas Murphy

  298. Thomas Murphy

    1- I follow you on Pinterest as rounder9834

  299. Thomas Murphy

    2 – I follow you on Pinterest as rounder9834

  300. Thomas Murphy

    I Follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter as @thomasmurphy40

  301. Amanda Sakovitz

    I’m going to California to visit my cousin who just had a baby boy

  302. Amanda Sakovitz

    email subscriber #1

  303. Amanda Sakovitz

    email subscriber #2

  304. Amanda Sakovitz

    email subscriber #3

  305. Amanda Sakovitz

    email subscriber #4

  306. Amanda Sakovitz

    email subscriber #5

  307. Amanda Sakovitz

    I entered the HTC giveaway 1

  308. Amanda Sakovitz

    I entered the HTC giveaway 2

  309. Amanda Sakovitz

    I entered the HTC giveaway 3

  310. Amanda Sakovitz

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  311. Amanda Sakovitz

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  312. Amanda Sakovitz

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  313. Amanda Sakovitz

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  318. We’re headed to Chicago for a long day weekend in October. We’re also headed to the Bahamas over the week of Christmas to Stocking Island, one of the tiny Out Islands of the Bahamas. No motorized vehicles, lots of snorkeling, hiking and swimming!

  319. Nataly Carbonell

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