5 Ways to Stay Active and Cool When it’s Hot
This 5 Ways to Stay Active and Cool When it's Hot post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.
5 Ways to Stay Active and Cool When it's Hot #SickJustGotReal
We are an active family in the summer and where we live it gets hot. It gets so hot than at the local Y summer camp, the kids may have to spend several days indoor due to a local weather advisory for heat. It really does get that hot here in Georgia.
I get worried that during those sweltering days, my kids just aren’t as active as they should be. I worry about those pesky summer colds or a fever affecting my kids. However, as a mother I pretty much worry about everything. Our 5 Ways to Stay Active and Cool When it's Hot will help you navigate summer with everything that you need.
5 Ways to Stay Active and Cool When it's Hot
1. Stay hydrated.
I talk a lot about water on this site. I am such a believer in that staying hydrated can affect your entire life. Being properly hydrated gives me more energy, keeps my body temperature regulated and keeps my skin looking great. Whether you are drinking it, cooking with it or just plain jumping into to beat the heat, you can never get too much water in your life.
2. Hotter than 90 degrees?* Stay inside.
According to Weather.com, you most likely won't enjoy going outside in 90 degree or higher weather here in Georgia. I can attest to that. The humidity is crazy here so we end up inside sometimes when I know that everyone wants to play outside.
We make certain that we have all of the fun things available like popsicles, movies, books and more to keep everyone entertained inside.
*This varies by state and region of the country. Please reference the article that I linked to in order to find out what temperature applies to your state.
3. Take advantage of cooler weather.
We stay active by taking advantage of cooler weather as often as possible. When the kids really want to take a bike ride, we head out as early as possible in the morning. Everyone gets sunscreen, bug spray (if needed) and a water bottle or two. We might take a walk in the neighborhood later in the evening before it gets dark. We try to stay indoors as much a possible when the temperatures rise into the nineties and above.
4. Get active indoors.
This is something that we really enjoy doing as a family. We sometimes do yoga, stretching and more inside. We place some fun dance video games and everyone's heart rate raises which makes me happy. I like to change it up so I am always on the lookout for new activities.
5. Get wet.
One of our favorite things to do each summer is to get in the water. We swim in the pool at our local gym, we head to the lake and we even hit the beach. We apply sunscreen every 90 minutes and we usually stay out for around three hours but we go out when the sun is not that strong which is anytime before about 1pm or after 6pm.
Know what to do in case of sickness.
Despite staying active and cool, sometimes our kids get sick in the summer. No one wants to be sick in the summer. I know that personally I feel a summer cold is much worse than a winter cold, and while I have no clue why, I do know that a summer cold can make me want to nap for hours. My kids are exactly the same. When they start napping, the chances are they are sick, and I get worried. Then I get serious about how to help them.
If you look into our medicine cabinet, you will see these three items because this is what we give our children when sick gets real. I want the best possible medicine for my children and as a mother, I have every confidence in these products and I know they help my kids. These Pfizer pediatric products are not intended to keep you healthy or prevent sickness during the summer, but rather are a good choice when sickness hits your family.
Children’s Advil® Suspension
Children’s Advil® Suspension reduces a child’s fever fast, while also relieving aches and pains. Comes in several great-tasting flavors, including: Sugar-free Dye-free Berry, Bubble Gum, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit and Dye-Free White Grape flavors. (for children 2-11)
Children's Robitussin® Extended-Release 12 Hour Cough Relief
Children's Robitussin® Extended-Release 12 Hour Cough Relief controls and relieves cough all-day or all-night in grape or orange flavor (for children 4+)
Children’s Dimetapp® Multi-Symptom Cold Relief Dye-Free
Children’s Dimetapp® Multi-Symptom Cold Relief Dye-Free has congestion-fighting power to relieve stuffy and runny noses plus quiets those bothersome coughs. Kids will get relief for itchy and watery eyes, all in a great tasting, dye-free grape flavor. (For children 6+)
**ALWAYS read and keep cartons for complete warnings and dosing information on Pfizer Pediatric products and to use as directed.
Sick Just Got Real.™
No matter what you do, sick happens and our kids will get sick no matter how much we do to prevent it.
Head to the Sick just got real.™ website to learn more.
Visit the Sick just got real.™ Facebook Page to learn about the pediatric brands of Pfizer Consumer Healthcare offering three solutions to help tackle the ickiest symptoms:
- Children’s Advil®
- Children’s Robitussin®
- Children’s Dimetapp®
This 5 Ways to Stay Active and Cool When it's Hot post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.