Toy Deals on Amazon
Get this K'NEX Amazin' 8 Coaster Building Set for just $14.99! Originally $32.99. Ships free with Amazon Prime or on orders over $35. Get a Little Mommy Let's Make Music Doll for only $20.92!...
Get this K'NEX Amazin' 8 Coaster Building Set for just $14.99! Originally $32.99. Ships free with Amazon Prime or on orders over $35. Get a Little Mommy Let's Make Music Doll for only $20.92!...
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I am ignoring my husband as he tries for about the hundredth time to explain the flaw in the logic of the movie The Terminator. I don't give a crap besides I have heard...
Last Friday, we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. My husband did a fabulous job this year. He sent me flowers for three days up until our anniversary. His plan was to give me a...
Too cute!
adorable tub shots
Happy WW! Gosh I don’t have too many pics of monkey’s in the tub will have to get some. Luv bubbles – my three love bubbles in the bath tub! SO much fun!
Hey is the “Father of the Blog” your husband who is a blogger? My husband is and is just getting into blogging. Fun to be doing something together!
Anyways – I love your blog and drop by often with EC thought I would leave a comment, plus I am email subscriber too!
Rub a dub dub, 3 cute babies in a tub!
***note: When I opened the page a ton of Warnings popped up with code errors before all the pictures.
They look like they’re having a blast!!! I think i started my kid with showers too young, because she freaks out when it comes to baths lol… so weird.
Lovely adorable kids! I only have 1 kid. This is just so lovely!
How did I miss this on WW? These are adorable pics! They look like they are having a great time.
Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!