Our Game Day Traditions with P&G and Walmart
We are football lovers in this family. On any given football day, you will find a game on in our house. My son and husband even love to go to games here in Atlanta...
This little guy rode on my windshield today for over 30 minutes right at eye level. Creeped me out and fascinated me at the same time. I finally had to pull over and take pictures.
The first picture is a little blurry because he started moving. The second picture I boosted with Picnik.
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Wow! Nice shot!
That’s a persistent bug there!
It must have the stickiest legs ever to have stayed on so long.
That is gross! I’m glad I don’t live down South!
I know!! I was really grossed out. It wouldn’t move much.
love the perspective of the first one! looks like a MONSTER big
It was pretty big. He was as long as my middle finger (at least his body was). The legs were longer.
Ewwww…that would freak me out.
I was totally freaked out. He didn’t move from my line of vision and I kept staring at him instead of the road.
I guess he needed to cool off with a little convertible ride.
He was definitely enjoying himself.
I got a giant cricket on the windshield of a semi truck once. It was cool because it was OUTSIDE. It wouldn’t get off though! LOL
I was so glad that this one was outside. UGH! He was huge!!
That is SO crazy!! It would’ve creeped me out & I secretly would’ve wished him to fly off!
I really wanted him to fly away. My youngest child kept telling me to turn on the windshield wipers but I couldn’t do it!
I bet that was the longest 30 minutes of his life lol! Love the shot!
Yeah and mine too!!! 🙂
What IS that? I had one on my sliding glass door the other day & had never, ever seen one before but it looked JUST like that! I live in the desert so we don’t get a lot of things like that, mostly just spiders & scorpions. That jolly green giant was a welcome change.
I think that it might be a cicada. Not sure though. I was a little freaked out!!!
Yikes! I’m not a fan of bugs, but those are some GREAT shots!!
Yeah me either. So glad that it was on the outside!
ACK That thing is HUGE!!! Ewwwww
I know!!! He is kind of scary!
Love the 2nd photo of the bug. Too cool. Stop by and link up at the Zoo we’d love to have you !
Thanks for stopping by.
Little guy? I probably would have crashed the car if I saw that huge monstrosity headed my way! Seriously, that first photo really made me jump – I guess it was the angle but wow, he looked HUGE!
Good thing I don’t have a bug phobia or anything, lol.
Happy WW to you! Come link up!
I totally freaked out at first. I had to figure out if he was outside or inside. It was all good when I figured out that he was outside.
Woah! I literally jumped back from my computer! Thanks for the linky!
Haha! I know. I about jumped out of my seat.
Nice of you to have saved the bug! I am sure he appreciated it!
He did!
That is a great picture! I had to look twice!
Thanks. I know. I did a double take too.
Wow, those shots are amazing!!!
Thanks Kim!
That’s some hitchhiker you picked up! Love both shots, The first one reminds me of the asian monster movies, the second one is like a 3D image. Super cool.
Yeah he is my kind of hitchhiker. Stays on the outside!!! 😉
Ha. Poor little fella. :o) Great shot though!
I know. I was scared and felt bad for him at the same time!!
okay officially freaked out!!
Haha. I was too but I am better now! 🙂
Very cool.
Thank you!
What a great picture! We had a bee these days on the windshield, too.
Greetings from Germany
Thanks for stopping by Katja!
That first shot looks like “attack of the giant bug”!
It does look like a bug attacking, doesn’t it?
It looks like summit out of a horror film and looks as if it’s in the middle of the road lol
Have a great WW! and thanks for stopping by 🙂
I didn’t realize until the picture was on my computer that it did kind of resemble a horror film. 🙂
Lol when I opened this on my phone I thought it was a giant bug. It startled me!
Ha ha. Sorry!
Amazing capture!
Thanks so much!
That has to be about the best picture I’ve seen all day!! I have no idea how you drove with him staring at you lol
Debbie- your newest follower from the hop
Thanks! It wasn’t easy. I kept he hoping he would fly off but still stay on long enough for me to take a picture.
I’m getting the shivers just looking at the PHOTO! I’m not sure I would have driven that long with it on there. Yeesh! And I might have been tempted to tap the windshield wipers, but that could have gotten messy. {bleck!!}
I KNOW!! It still kind of creeps me out a little!!!! 🙂
I had one of these guys hitch a ride with me on my stroller. That must be their m.o. Thanks for sharing.
WOW! Now on the stroller would have really freaked me out.
those are scarily awesome – like a sci-fi movie in the making! 🙂
Yes. It could have been right from a movie!!
Stopping by from the Wonder Wednesday blog hop 🙂
That is very creepy! I would have had to take a picture too 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Lynn!
That is SUPER cool but also SUPER gross lol
Ha ha. I know Lindsay, right?
I bet that sucker didn’t hang on too long 🙂
He stayed on for almost 30 minutes which is kind of surprising.
I found you through the hop, and am now following you. And this is hysterical – you need to check my post today at http://acts17verse28.blogspot.com/2011/07/wordless-again.html. I promise I’d posted it before I saw yours, but I have a windshield rider in my post, too!
If you like hops, please click the link under my header for a page that lists over 300 hops, some for each day of the week. And if you know of some I’m missing, please let me know!
Have a great day!
In Him We Live & Move & Have Our Being
Ha ha. I love it. Commented on yours as well!
Wow, amazing shot!
Thanks Theresa!
I’ve never seen anything like that before. New follower from Wonder Wednesday hop. I hope you will take a moment to stop by my blog and check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry). I’m not just trying to gain followers with hopping, I’m trying to spread the word about a product I love. Here’s my url http://talesfrommyjournal.blogspot.com I have listed a facebook page on the hop too which is http://www.facebook.com/DeniseMartin.LillaRose I hope you can stop by there as well. It’s the fastest way to hear about specials.
Thanks for stopping by Denise.
Bugs are so gross but I’m impressed that he stayed on so long! His own version of surfing I guess! lol
I know!! He was on there for quite a while!
Awesome shot!!
Thanks Rachel!
Cool, attack of the gigantic killer grasshoppers. lol
Thanks for sharing and linking up at Tots and Me.
Ha! It does look like attack of the grasshopper!
I can’t believe it hung on for so long. It deserved a photo shoot after that!
Yeah he was persistent. I bet he wanted me to take his picture!!
How cool! I LOVE the second picture. The green is just amazing!
Thanks Allison!
I 2 would be creeped out .. but what an amazing photoshop on the second photo, are they the same photos? or was it a completely second shot that you edited it?? either way Great Job.. God Bless
It is two different shots within a few seconds of each other. I edited the second shot with a photo treatment from Picnik called Boost.
WOW! That is pretty cool! You had to be fast on that one!
Yes, I sure did! I love how the picture turned out!!
Love the picnik version! So distracting, though!
Thanks Angie. I just love Picnik!
Wow, I am glad you decided to take these cool pictures instead of using the windshield wipers!
Yeah me too!! 🙂
Neat photo
Thanks Tanya!
Great photo! He was just sight seeing with you.
Thanks Deborah! I bet he was. 🙂
Yuck. That would have freaked me out also.
I’m kind of surprised he managed to hang on that long.
Me too! He was on there quite a while!!
The bug looks like a MONSTER! This was great! I just put your button on my giveaway linky info. page at http://www.blogwithmom.com/enter-list-giveaways-here/
Thanks so much! I appreciate it. 🙂
Are you kidding me? Those pictures are AWESOME! I can’t believe how bright colored your new “friend” is…gorgeous! (In a buggy way!) Thanks for the link. 🙂
Thanks Evelyn! I love the way the picture turned out. All from a camera phone.
I can’t believe he hung on for that long or that you could drive with that in your eyeline for that long.
Those are great photos, I LOVE taking photos of insects, especially grasshoppers. We have some really cool looking ones here in central FL with fuchia bellies. Now THAT would have gotten your attention. =)
Have a great week.
OH I am sure that you guys have some great looking bugs down there!!
Ewww!! I would have felt the same, creeped out, yet fascinated! The first picture almost looks like there is a ginormous but in the road!!! Ahhhhhhhh!! LOL!
Aloha! Mrs. Marine
& the Tiny Troops
I really wanted him to get off the car but not before I got a picture!!!
Dang, he was HUGE!
Ha ha. He was Crystal!
I had exactly the same thing happen this week. I just didn’t have a camera handy.
Well done. Happy WW.
Thanks Driller!
Those are great pictures! Looks like some weird sci-fi horror movie
Thanks Carolyn! It does look like a horror movie!
he obviously had someplace to be!
He sure did!
Sometimes you got to get somewhere fast and you need to hitch a ride. Great capture.
Have a terrific WW. 🙂
So true! Thanks.
Thanks for coming by and linking up =)
Thanks Amber!
Great picture! Looks like a creature feature.
Thanks Joyce! It sure does!!
I love the 2nd photo! It would creep me out too if he was right in front of me at eye level even if he was on the windshield.
Thanks. It was a little creepy!!!
THAT is a big grasshopper!
It sure is!! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Wow! Great shots! On your first shot, it looks like a giant grasshopper passing on the road. And on the second shots, you got it perfectly right! Mr. grasshopper just wanna hitch a ride! 🙂
Thanks Kris!
ewww. I so would have tried to get it off for sure!
Ha ha. I know!! I sure wanted him to get off but only AFTER I took a picture. 🙂
Omg, that first pic looks like something from a horror movie…a 15 foot creature!
I know! He was really huge!!!
They need rides too:) Geico looking lizard caught ride with me to Walmarts.
They sure do!!
Yikers! he does look huge in both pics. looks like a katydid bug? I hope you did not cause a traffic jam trying to snap its pic! LOL.
I think that he was a cicada. Not positive thought. No I pulled over before taking a picture. 🙂
That would freak me out a bit too. Neat though
Thanks! It was a great opportunity for a cool picture!!!
love how you boosted it with Picnik. I never tried this app
You should definitely check out Picnik. Very easy to use and fun!!
That is SUCH a cool shot!
That would’ve bothered me no end until I could get it off –but not before I could get a shot of it! Cool capture! =)
That guys is creepy! He looks like a leaf! Aack. How in the world were you able to drive with him on your windshield? I would have had started itching just thinking about him crawling around. lol