Wordless Wednesday - The Hairbow Queen - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday – The Hairbow Queen

My four year old daughter dresses herself everyday and flat out refuses any help. This is how we went to breakfast over the weekend. I am sure that you can imagine how many people stopped to stare at my daughter's creativity.

Annabella Hairbow Queen

Here she was a few minutes later after either Mommy or Daddy made her mad.

Annabella Queen of the Hairbows

P.S. I really need to buy some more hairbows. Anyone know where I can get some?

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21 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Omg. SO cute. I can’t even imagine what Lauren will do when she gets older!

  2. That is too funny. I didn’t know you could get that many bows on a person’s head at once. I think it’s adorable, she making a fashion statement, lol.

  3. Natalie

    I have a 4 year old…she hasn’t done the bow thing, but man, she’s come up with some creative outfits. Those pictures are great!

  4. Sara Bonds

    How funny. I love how happy she is in the first photo. Kids are so creative.

  5. Hahaha, yeah I think if there is a hairbow shortage we’ll know who has them all.

    Too cute!

  6. That is toooo funny! I think Trisha should hire her for her Bambina Balleria as a “before” you order her product! LOL

  7. That is too cute! My 7 years old still does stuff like this and I just have to smile and let her do it!

  8. Yeah, she really does love them. Cute πŸ™‚

  9. Trish

    Haha! That is so funny!

  10. Susan

    Your daughter is the epitomy of awesomeness. πŸ™‚ Here’s my WW for today!


  11. Awww look at her too cute. you can’t even see her hair til she bent over

  12. Love it! So cute! My DD does the same thing but with those little claw clips. Hair stands up everywhere and she still looks adorable. Now I think I need to buy her some bows, and send her to your house to have your daughter show her how to use them with STYLE!

  13. She is glowing…and then she cries πŸ™‚ Beautiful girl.

  14. This is so adorable.

    visiting from MBC

  15. HSB Suzanne (aka Anita)

    ROFL! How cute is that?!

  16. ellen

    Goodness she loves hairbows! You know that probably took her a long time to clip them all in- I think it is cute!!!

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