Wordless Wednesday - Missing New York City - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday – Missing New York City

It has been a year since the trip. I took my daughter to New York City for her 5th birthday. My sister and her daughter plus two other friends with their daughters went as well. They all brought their American Girl dolls and we had an amazing time in the city.

At least once a week she asks me “When are we going back to New York, Mommy?”

I hope soon!

We took this picture after visiting the Statue of Liberty. I love NYC in the background and the girls look adorable!

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59 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Wonderful pictures, I especially like how the girls were caught in mid air!! So fun!

    Your Mr. Linky doesn’t like me…

  2. they seem to have a lot of fun šŸ™‚

  3. great action scenes! you can feel their excitement.
    mr linky doesn’t like me again too! LOL!

  4. It hasn’t been that long since I was in NYC but I miss it too. I loved it there!

    These are great shots!

  5. Awesome photography! Looks like they were having a great time šŸ™‚

    Thanks for linking up on my WW linky!!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday . . . Gina


  6. Your Linky worked for me when I used Internet Explorer. I normaly use Firfox….
    You may have a glitch in the code.

  7. Russ

    What great pictures. You might want to hold off for awhile on a visit. A lot of snow.

  8. What fun!! Nice photos of your girls!

  9. You can come take my place here. I want out of NYC area. We have way to much snow. I actually live in LI and it worst than manhattan.

  10. Carol

    Great shots! Looks like your girls are having a grand time!

  11. Doll Clothes Gal Pal

    There is nothing like New York ain’t it? Happy WW! šŸ™‚

  12. Great Picture. I don’t blame them we moved from NY to FL 4 years ago I ask my hubby everyday when are we going back šŸ˜‰

  13. AWESOME pictures! And it sounds like you all had a great time on the trip, too. I’ve only visited once many years ago but really enjoyed it.

  14. love the first one with only 1 in the air. I’m guessing it shows her personality.

  15. Hi Thanks for hosting I’m a new follower. I linked up my post about NYC if you do get a chance to go back check out some of the places I have on my list!

  16. I love seeing the diverse pictures on WWā€¦fantastic photo shots to crazy kid shots. How fun! Would love for you to come and have a giggle at my sonā€™s cardboard crown. I’d link it up but the widget won’t let me enter it šŸ™

  17. Carrie

    What a fabulous idea for a trip. I wish I lived closer to New York šŸ™‚ My girls would love seeing the huge buildings

  18. Pam

    I would of thought that was a backdrop. Fantastic!

  19. Picture looks like you had a lot of fun.

  20. And Graham keeps asking when we will go back to Disney World because of our trip last year. Oh well…. maybe next year šŸ™

    I’ll never forget you helping him when he fell!! You are such a sweet friend!

  21. Never been to New York, great photos and background.

  22. I absolutely LOVE NYC!!!! Those are great photos. I cannot wait to take our boys to NYC for their first time. I’m not sure at what age they would enjoy it most. They are 2 and 4 now. I want to go tomorrow šŸ™‚ Happy WW!

  23. feefifoto

    The brilliant colors against the faint background are glorious.

  24. Those are awesome shots! And what a cool mom you are to do that for her birthday! I’d be asking when I could go back too. šŸ™‚

  25. what fun pics! Such an awesome bday present!

  26. Your CommuntLuv plugin needs to be updated šŸ™‚ It won’t allow us to add our WW links to your list anymore šŸ™‚

  27. Jen-Eighty MPH Mom

    These are amazing shots! I love the one where she is jumping – so cute!

  28. Sam

    They look like they had a fabulous time!

  29. Deborah

    Looks like all the girls had a ton of fun while you were there!

  30. Fun pictures! Is there an American Girl store in the city?
    Oh and your Mr Linky doesn’t like me again this week either.

  31. Lisa from Life with Lisa

    I would love to bring my boys!

  32. I love these pictures! The colors in the clothes are awesome and I love that they are jumping!

  33. Jacqueline @Blessings Abound Mommy

    Look at that fun loving group! I bet it was something special to visit NY! I’d love to go there myself someday. šŸ™‚

  34. BEAUTIFUL shots! What an amazing way to spend a birthday!

  35. Lynette @ My Wee View

    WOw, what great shots,, Looks like lots of fun šŸ™‚

  36. Newest follower from Momdot. Nice Blog. If you get a minute maybe you could stop by and follow back.

    Have a good night,

  37. What fun pictures. I’ll bet those are memories they’ll remember for a long time.

    One day I’d love to visit New York. I want to see the New York City Ballet, watch a show on Broadway, and ride in a yellow taxi. šŸ™‚

    {Iā€™m on my own personal blog hop, trying to send smiles to strangers and turn strangers into friends: http://www.honeyandcheese.com/2011/01/12/the-ultimate-blog-hop/}

  38. G Bailey

    The weather was quite different a year ago, I bet! How far do you live from NYC? I bet they’d love WDC, too.

  39. Great photos I love the one jumping in the air!

  40. Yes, you need to get back soon! Looks like it was such a fun trip!

  41. Angie Appoo

    that is a wonderful picture, I am from NYC, and still have family that lives there. We last went in July 2009, but hopefully we will make it there again this year. I like visiting fam and friends, but I also want to take my daughter to see the sights, now that she is older. We left NY when she was 2…but I had already taken her to the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Children’s Zoo, NY Aquarium, Coney Island, Jones Beach, Rockefeller Center, and many other places…of course she does not remember. Last time we went in 2009 we went for a short time, and for a Formal Sweet 16, so we didn’t get to do a lot of sight seeing.

  42. Lindsay

    go to this link because there is a giveaway for the kanani doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://thedivinemissmommy.com/win-the-american-girl-doll-of-the-year-kanani-giveaway/

  43. such cute cute pictures! i miss NYC all the time too, but it’s much further away for me! wht a fun trip

  44. elva

    great shots. i just adore shots of people jumping. such a wonderful moment to capture on film. i love the nyc background as well. i spent some time in the city during college and i miss it all the time. beautiful buildings and art.. amazing food. mmm. thanks for sharing your shots and allowing me to take a trip down memory lane. šŸ˜‰

  45. Art of RetroCollage

    You’ll just have to come back and visit us again soon!

  46. ellen

    I bet the girls had a wonderful time especially taking their dolls & visiting all the shops! I have never been to NYC (the place kinda scares me with how big it is) but to the the Statue of Liberty would be very cool.

    Love those pics!

  47. Debra P

    What amazing pics! They look like they had a blast! And I can understand why your daughter wants to go back.

    I live near Boston and my sister lives in NYC, so luckily we get to visit one another. There are so many wonderful things to see and do in NYC.

    I hope you get to return soon!

  48. Eileen

    My daughter was lucky to join a group of girls on a trip to the shop in Chicago…I am not sure it’s even there anymore. What a great time true AMERICAN girls have hanging out with their moms and friends and cousins I guess I need to be talking to my sisters! One sis and one SIL has gone with their girls and they loved it! I am not a shopper OR a big walker right now so probably not a great idea. Love the pics!

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