Six Things that I Love & Hate About the Ocean
I like the ocean. I never really got to know the ocean until I moved to Hawaii after my sophomore year in high school. I hadn't really been to the ocean much until then....
I have no clue what this is. My six year old daughter left this note for my husband last week.
We still cannot figure out what it means but it is kind of funny. We have no idea what she lost.
Also note that she did not call him Dad or Daddy but Jason which makes me laugh even harder.
My kid is silly!
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Make sure to keep it. I have drawers full of notes from my kids. Many of them no longer carry much meaning, except that they are treasures.
I know. I save them all. They are so fun to look at years later!
too cute! My 2 year old calls my husband by his first name now and then and it drives him crazy!
All three of my children will call us by our first names when they want to get our attention. It’s mostly the girls though.
hah! My 2 year old calls daddy ‘Joeeeeeeeeee’ sometimes too 🙂 mostly when he’s looking for daddy like I do.
So cute though, what did she say she lost?
That is funny!
She said that she forgot what was lost. I think that she may have wanted to play hide & seek with him. She could have meant that she was lost.
LOL! I love that she wrote it to his name. Kids are so funny! You should save this for her baby book 🙂
My kids can’t write yet, but my 2 year old found this funny note the other day, I was cracking up!
I am definitely saving it!
And you are right, your note was the worst shopping trip. EVER. That totally made me laugh!
So it wasn’t something important losted like keys, too cute. May never know the answer.
I know. I wish that I knew what it was. She did not remember the next day.
I still have all of my kids notes like that and lists they make of crazy stuff. Artwork is great but notes like these are priceless!
I love things like this!!
That is soooo cute! I still have notes that my children wrote m-a-n-y years ago. I’ve put them in certain drawers around the house, so I’ll see them once in a while. They always make me smile. 🙂
Me too! I love things like this.
Kids are just too funny, aren’t they?
I know! I love it!!
Your kids are a riot, I love these funny kid posts you do!
Awwww thanks. My kids are a constant source of humor to me.
I wonder if she was trying to write ‘I love you’ but messed up on the ‘love’ part in the first try so rewrote it without erasing her other words?
regardless, super cute!
I know. I wish that I knew!!
I love it that we can take pictures of our kids silly notes! That’s a good one.
It is the first thing I do now when I see something funny that my kids do. I go for the camera.
She is adorable! Happy WW!
And thanks for stopping by! 🙂
That is adorable! My daughter knows it FRIES her dad when she calls him by his first name instead of “Daddy” so she does it just to aggravate him. LOL
Oh that is funny. I think that if it really bothered us, she would do it much more often!!
I love those kind of notes 🙂
Me too! Thanks for stopping by.
aawww..this is so sweet! did you ask her what “I lost” meant? Was she trying to spell “I LOVE” but messed up and just started over again? Sooo sweet!
I did ask her what she had lost and she does not remember. I think that she wanted to play hide & seek with her Daddy but I am not certain.
awww such a cutie!!! for keeps!
It is definitely going in her baby book.
Could it be lots – love you lots …
happy WW and this is so sweet
And you haven’t asked her? I would be dying to know so I could write on the back what she meant and keep it forever!
I did ask and she doesn’t remember. I wish that I knew.
This is so great! “I lost” cracks me. Wonder what she’s missing?! 🙂
Thanks for the linky!
I know. I really wish that I knew what it was.
I was just going to ask if you had asked her too! I guess it’s a good thing my husband and I started calling each other daddy and mama when we got dogs (ages 6 and 4). If we said our real names, she’d have no clue what we meant!
I know. For the most part, we call each other Mommy and Daddy but she has recently become obsessed with our first names. Oh and our middle names.
That’s really sweet!
Adorable and hilarious all in one! 🙂
I know. She is too funny!
so sweet! well little girls have been know to have their first love be their daddy… so maybe she lost her heart to daddy? and forgot to write out the word? a keeper!
She does adore her Daddy!
Kids are so silly. I cannot wait to start finding notes like that!
It really is fun when my kids leave me notes.
That’s cute! I love her name. Is it short for Isabella?
It is short for Annabella. Some weeks she likes to be called Bella and other weeks, Annabella. This was a Bella week. 🙂
I love the things kids write/say! How cute. Happy WW!
Thanks for stopping by!
That’s cute! I wonder what is lost? My kids think its funny to call me and their dad by our first names… LOL
I know. I wish that I knew what was lost!
My kids crack themselves up when they call us by our first names. Not too often though!
That is so stinkin’ cute! Kids are great. 🙂
I know. They crack me up!
Ah I love the little notes my beginning writers/spellers leave me too… so creative and amusing!
How sweet. I do love that about my kids!!
Maybe she’s trying to butter Jason up to tell him that she lost something very important 🙂
She may be. That would not surprise me at all about her! 🙂
Maybe she lost a game? haha Kids are funny. My oldest writes the weirdest stuff b/c she is just learning how to write sentences.
That may be it too. She really loves writing!
I know I am totally thinking ahead, this would make great fodder for his future blog, lol. I wish I had some of the crazy things I wrote back in the day. Hmmm.. *goes digging*
Yeah I wish that my mother had kept stuff like this from my childhood.
These funny ones are definitely keepers.
You are so right!
So cute!
Thanks! I love it.
so sweet
I know! I love stuff like this.
That is just too cute! Good luck trying to figure it out.
Thanks. Hopefully we will get to the bottom of it.
haha It’s these little things that you have to save. We crack up still about some of the things the kids wrote.
I save them all. Someday it will be fun to look back through them.
That. Is. Adorable.
Thanks! I am definitely hanging on to it for the future.
I hate forgetting what I lost!
Yeah, me too! I need to leave notes for myself all of the time.
That IS a mystery! It needs solving. Get to it!
I have asked a few times but I think that she may have forgotten. 🙁
How cute!
Thanks for visiting!
This is adorable. Many years ago I was in the hospital with tubes in my mouth so I couldn’t speak. I don’t have any memory of the event, but I found some notes that I had written to my nephew while I couldn’t speak. And I also found a drawing he made me, with I love you written on it. It is now framed and on my wall. Those are special pieces to me.
Now, if you only knew what she lost. LOL
Oh that is great. I may need to frame some of these notes.
I love finding things my little ones write. How adorable!
I get so excited when I see another note from one of my kids!!
Very sweet! She hears her mommy call her daddy Jason and she is so glad she is not lost because her Daddy will make sure she is always “found” and she loves him for that!
That is definitely true!
Kid’s mind are amazing. I often wonder what’s going through them. That’s funny.
I know. I really wish I knew what she meant and what she was thinking when she wrote it!
My heart be still- as a former teacher, I have mad love for kid writing! Fab choice!
Oh me too!! I love their notes. They are so literal.
So cute and so funny!
Thanks! And thanks for visiting!
So cute!
Thanks! And thanks for visiting for WW
Thank you so much for joining our I love blogging blog hop! I am following you, I hope you have time to stop by
Thanks! I stopped by last night.
BTW, you have the cutest blog name!!
Maybe she lost at a game . LOL, kids are so funny at times.
She might have. I just love how cryptic she is in her note.
sorry, I just had to play along twice. Is that alright?
But of course!
too cute
her…train of thought? Happens to the best of us!
Definitely could be. Yeah if I wrote notes, people wouldn’t always know what I was talking about.
That is too cute! I wonder what she lost?
I know! I really wish that I knew.
Perhaps mimicking a mommy note? Do you often write him notes? I know we write notes a lot. As for “I lost” that is freakin’ adorable. I love kid-speak. Sigh. <3
I do! I leave notes all of the time.
LOL I would love to know what it means if you find out. How funny kids can be.
If I ever get to the bottom of it, I will definitely post about it.
Love it! How sweet!
Thanks for visiting on WW!
Notes like that are the sweetest things ever!! Love it!
They really are!
Maybe she was mimicking mama or maybe she wanted Daddy to think you wrote the note & therefore he wouldn’t leave he’d go find you. Maybe she was missing her daddy! How cute!
That could be. She has been known to forge a note or two pretending to be someone else.
Hi… I’m doing a little blog hopping today, so I’m just dropping by to say ‘hi’ 🙂
If you are interested, I have a couple of giveaways going on until Saturday: We Don’t Have It All Together, the giveaways are listed at the top of my page just under my header.
Have a great week 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. I will check it out!
Oh that’s too funny! And way too cute an sweet! 🙂
Thanks. My kid makes me laugh!
LOL! That’s funny. I love trying to interpret my kids notes.
Me too. My kids are so literal in their notes. It is kind of fun to figure out what they are actually saying.
LOL, too funny!
I know. Thanks!
I love it! Kids are so cute when they figure out their parents have “real” names. My son is 25 and still sometimes calls us by our first names to be funny. I love it. I also saved some of their silly notes like this one but thankfully I wrote what they were trying to tell us at the time. It’s been so long now I’d have never remembered!
You know what? I do the exact same thing to my mother sometimes too. Never thought of it that way.
Cute note….wonder why she said she was lost?
Not sure why. I think that she meant she lost but I am not sure what she lost.
LOL — that’s hilarious.
Ha ha. I know. My kids crack me up!!
What does Bella say it means?
That is indeed interesting….. hmmmm
Well isn’t this neat. I read your posts and my mom told me recently that if I called her by her first name it would be her mission to straighten me out. She hates it but it is entertaining even at 40. I have some good ideas you may be interested in???
yeah ^^ what does bella say it means? did you ask her?
it’s so super cute. i’ll bet she was just mimicing you. but the “i lost” part is just so adorable. maybe she lost a game or something at school? (is she in school?) and she just wasn’t sure how to write the rest of it? like “i lost at dominos” would be hard to spell..
Adorable! I’m a new follower from the I <3 blogging blog hop. Hope you'll follow me also. 🙂
that is quite cryptic.
My daughter would write things like this while she was almost incoherent trying to drift off to sleep…sit up and write nonsense. (always has a book she’s reading and a notebook on her headboard shelf) It’s so funny! |We save funny things like this…each kid has a large bin on wheels that fits under their beds and choose to save some of their favorite artwork, etc. I have tossed several of this comical things in the mix too.
I dont think any of the 6 kids ever called us by our given names though. funny
Were they playing a game? It is the cutest thing. It sounds like maybe she was trying to be “grown-up”. So very cute. Kids say the cutest things.
Did you ever ask her? 😉
LOL_I think she was trying her hand at forging a not too- although you have to admit, she is getting better- it isnr spelled backwards!